I am a firm believer in people who look like classic extraterrestrials because I've seen one and there are a whole lot of weird coinincidences in my
life that make me think it involves something big... real big. I have seen other things as well and I have also had experiences that have made me
certain that they are coming back.
but i just don't know. I would love for the contact that i had to return, but I just don't know.
I'm having one of those days where I'm thinking that they are gone, they have died, something has happened, they've got nothing to show as far as
contacts to show despite all that has happened....BULL#! How?
How could that be? Why can't they just #ing answer.
they're gone, they've left, been killed, died, whatever and what they have left is a conundrum that mankind has brought upon himself. I don't always
think this but this really starts sinking in sometimes like a cancer it has to be the most obvious answer.
What they've left is a lesson and a choice I'm afraid and that mankind is so damn evil and selfish inside that the answer became, or was made to be
increasingly harder to find, the more bad choices we make... and I think it might be past the point of no return.... because truth cannot be found.
Not only are we not finding out what has already happened but all the information we could have had may be gone from this existence. A potential has
been subtracted from chain of events. I think if we tried really hard we could figure out what's what and who we really are, what we've done and bring
the source of higher knowledge back... but it looks like a mountain to climb to, the death of hope that cannot be revived and it is final, as in no
God to remember the identity of your soul to remember you in death... it is all gone, history erased, memories erased, no god to show you the answers
and your eternal life and so there is never an understanding or salvation, just the wheel and death. No hope, everything will be forgotten. Everyone
you've ever known will be forgotten.
To be worthy of a place in a god's kingdom might require you being filled with the spirit of a God and that means that what a God has promised to a
people must be manifested in those people.
that means it is our responsibility to do the work of God because the God of us is a part of us that rises to save ourselves.
When i say the work of god i mean what it takes to perform a miracle as a work of science & any other great scientific feat you could dream of even to
the extent of perfecting genetics, managing the cosmos etc... and what works we have done so far are a compilation of truths & knowledge. the gift of
that foundation given to us by ourselves & our better qualities of teaching & service... but we have hit a serious wall.
Time seems to go by rather tediously in some views but actually it goes more like a fast paced disaster that is a line of tension pulled so tight that
it could snap & result in the end of us all at any moment.. & so caution must be taken when you hold power in your hands. when you hold the fate of so
many & so much in your hands, you really ought to think twice before screwing people over.
These people, even with knowledge they suppress, hold our very fate and potential in their greedy filthy hands & yes i say that with gritted teeth.
I would love for it to be so easy as the ETs coming here & telling us the truth, but I would not be surprised if that day comes & goes without
No, I don't think it's going to be that easy. i think man has set himself back quite a pace this time and that the answers we seek may very well be
buried in death & people in power may even know of this & it will just eventually be erased with lost histories.
man kind can't even treat his own kind with respect. so man is a complete failure.
He's just another species destined for extinction like all the others because he can't rise above his nature, he can't control it & he can't even tell
the truth about it nor does he seem to think anyone should even know because knowledge is dangerous.
There is a limit to how bad a contamination can be before you toss the whole lot and start over.
Gravity is something that rules us in a lot of ways and i think some of us have mistakenly gravitated to this earth in spirit. take for example if the
earth was destroyed the spirits would have nothing to cling back to where the earth was so they would gravitate to something close & active with some
life form. Who knows if you have a choice because you don't have a brain. this is why the idea of the shepherd was so important because we can't
remember our own timeless souls in any form. If this is not bad enough, we don't even like to share the answers we do have, we like to market them.
We've got a long damn way to go before we are even able to identify ourselves fully so until then, are we truly individuals? no. we can be rewritten
and erased & given a new identity. that's not really an individual.
edit on 15-10-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)