posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 11:48 PM
Hi, OP.
Great story. Here's what's going on: you're a young kid with a pretty active imagination who's into "alternative" sorts of things, hence why you're
on ATS. Like all teenage/20 somethings, you still operate under the world view that you're uniquely different in some consequential way that may not
have manifested yet. You're Different.
You're too nice of a guy (read: you haven't matured enough to be assertive and tell people to go away) and so you haven't turned away the religious
peddlers who keep coming to your door. So even though they're literally invited into your house, they're still unwelcome, thus you have an
uncomfortable situation that your imagination has turned into a lovely story that also just so happens to reaffirm the fact that You're Different and
You Matter.
The moral of this story is, grow a pair and quit inviting religious nutters into your home if you don't want to listen to their religious spiels. In
the meantime, you can relax because, despite what your ego keeps screaming at you, you aren't really all that different than any of your peers and
rest assured, some cloister of disguised alien outlaws aren't really trying to hunt you down because you're the mutha &*$%^& Wyatt Earp of the
internets and have this whole alien thing figured out right proper.
edit on 10-4-2012 by camus154 because: (no reason given)