I couldn't get back to sleep due to these thoughts, so I ranted.
Leaders present themselves in a unique and grandiose manner. We assume that's how leaders naturally conduct themselves. The only people who behave
that way are con men. They do what they want, and we are manipulated to agree with their actions. They play on our fears, superstitions, and
prejudice. It is a fraternal game fueled by the desire for power. They are all winners and we are all losers.
We are kept divided so that we fight each other and not them. We are told there are 2 types of people, and we should chose and defend those sides. We
are told to compete against and rule each other. We are indoctrinated at birth and fed these deceptions by our parents and the media. Our parents are
just doing what they were taught to do. The media is doing what it is paid to do.
We see that other countries, which do not pretend so hard to be a democracy, freely persecute, jail, and murder citizens who are outspoken against the
régime. It is not paranoid to conclude that the fate of a dissident in the US would be initiated by power but detached from power through deception
in the same way we are ruled.
Would-be dissidents play the game of rulers out of fear and accept the offer of possible power as an alternative to destitution. Power becomes their
drug. They are the unpaid army that supports and defends the régime. They are criminal accomplices. We are pitted against each other though the fear
and greed.
I should get back to bed so that I may perform properly for my masters later.
So...does that mean you've given up?
It can change you know--it WILL change. Look around you. It is changing right now at a faster and faster rate. The jury is still out on whether the
change will be for the benefit of the few or the many. Every day though more and more people are waking up to themselves and the scales are tipping.
TPTB are desperately clinging for any last straw, any last game-changer, but its not going to work because too many of us have glimpsed a bit of what
is behind the curtain.
Originally posted by awakendhybrid
So...does that mean you've given up?
No. I had no idea that my rant would give that impression. I'm about to be laid off. I awoke imagining I was telling this to a potential
Don't worry about me being laid off. The company I've been working for has become so outwardly corrupt, they're losing business. I'm free!
I'm going to trust our local govt run job finding service to hook me up with a real job like plumber's helper.
We are kept divided so that we fight each other and not them. We are told there are 2 types of people, and we should chose and defend those
sides. We are told to compete against and rule each other. We are indoctrinated at birth and fed these deceptions by our parents and the media. Our
parents are just doing what they were taught to do. The media is doing what it is paid to do.
Star and flag, friend. Reminds me of a thread I wrote a while back: Mankind and the Great Divide
The Leaders feel they must keep the word divided, or else the population would very quickly overtake the food supply. So, they are
attempting to kill us all, at least those of us who reside within the Great Unwashed Masses. I believe the whose original purpose of Religion was for
control of a people, and a factor of division. And it works, as long as people are too lazy, or too busy with life to fully educate themselves, and
follow the leader easily, with little prodding, all is well. Political Movements come into play here too, they too are follow-the-leader games, first
and foremost. A charismatic person arises before a crowd, and a new leader is born.
Whatever new electronic device appears on the Walmart shelf, we are mesmerised into buying it it and carrying it around everywhere we go. Reminds me
of this:
I will never forget how I felt when I first saw those people, sitting in motorized chairs, looking at nothing but a computer monitor, buttons at the
hand positions, obvious to their surroundings.
Some of were not born to follow. That doesn't automatically make us leaders either. It makes us Sentient Individuals, aware of our Spiritual Selves
and our surrounding, and in no need of any Leader, Lord, or Master, all terms suggesting that one has a leader and is subject to that
leader/lord/master. It is one thing to have an Allegiance, but quite another to fall into a cult-like mentality, blindly following a man, woman, book,
or tenet.
The Byrds....
I knew way back then things were going to change.....but I never once thought things would be like they are today. I long for a better day.