posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 06:01 PM
Today Saturday. I'm glad I arose early, as it's been a nervousmaking day so far. Started with a stranger in this security-locked apt building,
pounding on peopl'es doors up and down the hallways, including mine, about three times. WTF?! I called police. Two officers arrived and my
neighbors comfirmed. Thank gawd, I just hate being 'Mrs. Kravitz' (of 'Bewitched') "Abner! Now come and look at this!" (I called police
before on a knocker, and he turned out to be a new maintenence man who was yet un introduced.) So I've had my police scanner audio on all day today.
(Via internet) and there's been two house fires, now, something else is afoot, per the chatter. And it's only 6pm.
By the way, don't forget, I believe the time changes, as we spring forward, tonight/tomorrow.