posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by cornucopia
Two points to make here:
First, the Outer Space Treat of 1967 an the later Moon Treaty of 1979 are absolutely worthless. The militarization of space is a given. Basically,
you can agree to not mount weapons on the high hill, but you are a fool if you don't...and you will lose that battle.
You need to look not further than a military-inspired book to find the evidence for the treaties being mere words not to mention a laughing-stock for
those that dare to do otherwise. That book is
Military Space Forces: The Next 50 Years, commissioned by the US Congeress for their in-house
dumbies to equate them with what the situation is about the militarizatiion of space. The entire book is about that one aspect. The treaties get
slightly mentioned in passing.
Second, I just don't believe the woman is who she claims. Her Wikipedia posting gives that that she has a undergrad degree from the University of
Delaware. No mention is made of any higher education or degree. In the quote from a thread on her here on ATS a couple of weeks ago she gave info
where von Braun called her a "teacher." I may be wrong on this, but several years ago when she was starting to talk to UFO groups, I believe she
was listed as von Braun's secretary.
I would be quite pleased if I'm wrong on this, but von Braun was an extremely high-placed official and I'm quite sure that he would know that UFOs
were genuine as were ETs and therefore any "false flag" event would not be entirely false. It would be interesting when she first came up with this
"false flag" story of von Braun's. I'm also quite sure that I've seen info where von Braun made indicative statements about knowing that UFOs
were ETs.
There are many wannabes and charlatans in the UFO field. They all need to be vetted before their stories are accepted as gospel. I only ask that she
clear the bar.