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Is it time for the Tea Party to organize into an actual political party?

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posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Ih823putt

Originally posted by LilDudeissocool

Originally posted by Ih823putt
So, I assume you choice would be Santorum or Gingrich???? They seem to be leading exit polls with Tea Party voters...If so, please tell me how they represent the fundamental ideas of the tea party, i.e., limited government, civil liberty and less spending??

If they are leading Tea Party polls and their candidates are not gaining more delegates than establishment liberal Romney then they should form their own party that will give them a better chance to vote into office a conservative. That's all I am illuminating here.

As far as answering your questions I believe doing so would only serve to distract from the main focus of this thread, sorry.

Actually, it IS relevant. From all the exit poll results that report on who voted for who..all indications are that the tea party favors Santorum and Gingrich....but neither one of those candidates reflect the original concept of the modern day tea party movement. This discussion enhances the thread by revealing that the Tea Party has been played by the same media engine that is pushing one know what conservatives want to conserve any more..except more of the same. more government, more control, more manipulation..just on a different side of the aisle.

What makes me laugh is that Santorum has invoked the memory of Margaret Thatcher several times in campaign speeches.

However, if he actually looked at Maggie's record, she would be called a moderate if she ran in the current climate of what is laughingly called "Conservatism".

Maggie was pro gay rights, pro woman's right to choose, and believed firmly in man made Global Warming. She would be called a moderate Liberal by the current group of GOP candidates if they really looked at her record.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by David9176
i think they should form their own party...makes it easier to know who not to vote for.

EXCELLENT! That is the best argument I've heard thus far in why to advocate for an actual Tea Party as a legitimate formal political party. It's simple and to the point too.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies

Originally posted by Ih823putt

Originally posted by LilDudeissocool

Originally posted by Ih823putt
So, I assume you choice would be Santorum or Gingrich???? They seem to be leading exit polls with Tea Party voters...If so, please tell me how they represent the fundamental ideas of the tea party, i.e., limited government, civil liberty and less spending??

If they are leading Tea Party polls and their candidates are not gaining more delegates than establishment liberal Romney then they should form their own party that will give them a better chance to vote into office a conservative. That's all I am illuminating here.

As far as answering your questions I believe doing so would only serve to distract from the main focus of this thread, sorry.

Actually, it IS relevant. From all the exit poll results that report on who voted for who..all indications are that the tea party favors Santorum and Gingrich....but neither one of those candidates reflect the original concept of the modern day tea party movement. This discussion enhances the thread by revealing that the Tea Party has been played by the same media engine that is pushing one know what conservatives want to conserve any more..except more of the same. more government, more control, more manipulation..just on a different side of the aisle.

What makes me laugh is that Santorum has invoked the memory of Margaret Thatcher several times in campaign speeches.

However, if he actually looked at Maggie's record, she would be called a moderate if she ran in the current climate of what is laughingly called "Conservatism".

Maggie was pro gay rights, pro woman's right to choose, and believed firmly in man made Global Warming. She would be called a moderate Liberal by the current group of GOP candidates if they really looked at her record.

So why doesn't liberal Mitt Romney use her in his political campaign speeches?

Oh, sorry I forgot. It would illuminate to the electorate his true political values and how he would govern as President.

Never mind.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:04 PM
it will never happen...

I apologize for the brutal honesty, its not trolling...

The tea party is a tool...

a manipulated for its own ends by the republican party, tool..

it was a gambit by the power brokers of the republican party and it succeeded... they used the good honest hardworking american people as tools... the made fools of every single true believer of the tea party ideals

I'll be asked for proof....

it is easily historically available... a blind man with bad typing skills can see it...

John Boehner

this gutless wonder was announced as the new speaker before the vote was taken with the new TEA PARTY reps being seated...

either the whole tea party is sham from the top with a bunch of manipulated people or

you tea part members got sold out by the candidates you voted for.... the first chance to fix the country and the Tea Party Failed...after all what part of tea party values and what support did he give the fledgling movement... did you see him at rally's

a or b which is it...

The Tea Party is in my humble observation already organized into a party , The name is GOP

(Please note I believe in the same things the tea party does and the same things OWS does...)

For a minute lets us put aside the cheap used feeling the discussion gives me...

What is the tea party's platform? Since OWS was accused of being a rabble and nothing more, faceless aand without plans

How can the Tea Party deliver when it has already failed and promoted a government big spender, crook, and all around tool?

Remember even if you do not like my attitude I am a voter... I usually influence my friends a lot more then I intend to... so I bring a few votes with me...

So far the Tea Party has not delivered...

NASA is now worthless
Social Security is in the General fund still
Cartel control sections of America...

So lets hear it....

I am curious on how this would take place.... I think the power brokers of the republican party would destroy the fledgling party out the gate... for betraying them

edit on 7-3-2012 by ripcontrol because: they... aghhh!!!!!

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by LilDudeissocool

For these two reasons alone it's time for Main Street to lead, and for Wall Street to take a back seat.


The Tea Party is Wall Street

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by ripcontrol
it will never happen...

I apologize for the brutal honesty, its not trolling...

The tea party is a tool...

a manipulated for its own ends by the republican party, tool..

it was a gambit by the power brokers of the republican party and it succeeded... they used the good honest hardworking american people as tools... the made fools of every single true believer of the tea party ideals

I'll be asked for proof....

it is easily historically available... a blind man with bad typing skills can see it...

John Boehner

this gutless wonder was announced as the new speaker before the vote was taken with the new TEA PARTY reps being seated...

either the whole tea party is sham from the top with a bunch of manipulated people or

you tea part members got sold out by the candidates you voted for.... the first chance to fix the country and the Tea Party Failed...after all what part of tea party values and what support did he give the fledgling movement... did you see him at rally's

a or b which is it...

The Tea Party is in my humble observation already organized into a party , The name is GOP

(Please note I believe in the same things the tea party does and the same things OWS does...)

For a minute lets us put aside the cheap used feeling the discussion gives me...

What is the tea party's platform? Since OWS was accused of being a rabble and nothing more, faceless aand without plans

How can the Tea Party deliver when it has already failed and promoted a government big spender, crook, and all around tool?

Remember even if you do not like my attitude I am a voter... I usually influence my friends a lot more then I intend to... so I bring a few votes with me...

So far the Tea Party has not delivered...

NASA is now worthless
Social Security is in the General fund still
Cartel control sections of America...

So lets hear it....

I am curious on how this would take place.... I think the power brokers of the republican party would destroy the fledgling party out the gate... for betraying them

edit on 7-3-2012 by ripcontrol because: they... aghhh!!!!!

Then it would be the power brokers worst nightmare if it did organize into a political party.

There is a civil war going on among the elites. The billionaires vs those who make over 100k a year to 7 to 10 figs. They make money off of making money with money be it in a 401k or what Mitt did in the investment banking world. The billionaires like the Koch-s want that money too like they took a living wage away from the working class by breaking unions.

I really feel the true power brokers like the Koch-s, who want to end the FED as they want to loan shark to the world and feel the FED is in their way to do just that, want to raze the GOP and rebuild a new party more to their linking serving their interests alone. However the 100k to multimillionaire crowd like Mitt love the FED because it's their gateway to cheap capital. The current GOP serves their interests for the most part, and the billionaire crowd doesn't like that at all as they want it all like the Queen song says.

And this "sit down, shut up and like Mitt if you like him or not" directive coming out of the mouths of the Wall Street crowd will split the party eventually. I just heard McCain talk that smack on FOX just now.

Now tell me the Koch crowd isn't salivating for that smack to continue to push the Tea Party activists to split from the GOP and reconstitute a new political party in their own image?

That's how the big boys play.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by mastahunta

Originally posted by LilDudeissocool

For these two reasons alone it's time for Main Street to lead, and for Wall Street to take a back seat.


The Tea Party is Wall Street

Ummmm they are more the pawns of big oil and proprietorships.

Wall Street is a capital drain in the opinion of the chess players. The chess players would be such folks as the Koch brothers.

Let me put it to you this way. I can guarantee if Occupy was camped out across the street from Koch Industry's HQ they would have been moved out before sundown the first day they set up camp. However Occupy serves in the abstract the long term strategies of the billionaire crowd, that's why they got to camp out across from Wall Street for so long. The same would had been true if Tea Party activists were camped out in front of Fannie Freddy HQ or the FED. Neither are Wall Street funded, both serve the same core group, the 1% of the 1% and that's not Wall Street. They want total proprietorships of all major industry with barriers to entry to match like there are with the oil industry. Go try to start an oil company? It's illegal to do so. Getting my drift here?

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by ripcontrol

So far the Tea Party has not delivered...

NASA is now worthless
Social Security is in the General fund still
Cartel control sections of America...

So lets hear it....

edit on 7-3-2012 by ripcontrol because: they... aghhh!!!!!

I just had to came back to this.

Lets see here.

"NASA is now worthless"

> That's because the straggly is to let it fall into so much disrepair there will be an eventual public outcry to piece it off to private industry under a type of consortium and become part on a Western confederation of private space agencies. NASA collects a lot of data that can serve privateers.

What is happening to NASA is the same that has been happen to infrastructure, roads and bridges, and the Post Office.

NASA did it to themselves I would like to point out. They made it easy. They got involved in the climate change carbon credit scam. Like the petroleum and coal mining industries were going to lay down for that.

Newt can yack about Moon bases all he wants. The petro industry which is the banking industry too wants NASA broken. I personally caught a NASA scientist a few years back reply in their comment section on their blog they wanted harm brought to oil executives, and indicated that they were going to be working on satellites in the future to help the Global Warming cause. They are not allowed to have a comment section anymore.
I have no idea why they are still employed by NASA though.

> "Social Security is in the General fund still"

The DoD has Congress rob it for them, and that is at the direction of defense contractors, or their lobbyist rather. It is a major source of funds for the industrial war complex. That's why you hear "cut entitlements to the needy, but not defense." They spend a lot of money on blinding the redneck crowd on that particular pick pocketing issue. The Fox News viewership crowd. Investments in propaganda pays off. It really pays off in that regard. I mean they have convinced an entire major demographic of the electorate that the money they pay in to SS is not theirs. That it doesn't belong to them. That's FAR OUT!

> "Cartel control sections of America"

OPEC controls a lot I know. What "cartel" are you talking about?

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 05:39 AM
The Tea Party has no need to split into it's own party. They have already hijacked the Republican party and pulled it so far right once credible conservatives like Jeb Bush get on TV and say "well I was a conservative". As they continue to do so once reasonable solid conservatives will find themselves forced out to an independent status or making the divisions in the Democratic party deeper by joining it.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 10:52 AM

reply to post by LilDudeissocool

like I said NO excuses or attempts at explanations....

No delivery of promises to fix the government...


We, the American people are sick of it... from both sides

They where not hired to give excuses .... they where hired to fix this country....keep it on track...

Ex... I hire a man to mow my lawn...

I dont want to hear, "Well remember little Johnny borrowed the lawn mower. Seems he didnt put gas back in the lawn mower. We are tracking him down to make sure he returns the gas... "

"Well what about the hedges.."

"Yeah about that... little suzie, your son friend... seems she and your son took string and made little bows out of the weed eater string... We are talking with little suzies mother and father about how WE are going to handle this issue.."

"Well what have you done?"

"Well our billable hours are under control. We are planning to look into the potential of outsourcing the weed eating. How ever during our inspection we found out that the lawn has crab grass. Now this was not part of our original agreement. We will need to sit back down and renegotiate our contract. You will want to check with your housing insurance provider. Seems your house got crabgrass from a neighbor and you need to see if they cover preventive measures..."

Well there is a simple way to deal with...

"Your fired!!!! You where hired to mow the grass! "

Please do not take it personally but the example your answered where just a small portion.... I realise you may not mean it but, it sounds like excuses for the tea party...

if you do not mean it as an excuse, my apologies...

is of the up most importance to the USA and the human race

It is the military high ground and we should seize it... the ultimate in boarder security...

It is THE national security matter...

it is not NASA's fault it is the three branches (us gov) fault.... epic leadership fail

Social Security-
It was put into the general fund with the understanding that the government could use it as they wanted....

the us military was not the reason... greedy politicians who wanted to take the cash for various purposes... again, my lawn needs mowing...

The money is collected for x reason it is to go to x reason, not a,b,c,q,j,f,a,c,y, and z
Its called bait and switch

epic leadership fail

The cartels...

An article in wired or some other magazine was an interview with a member of the zetas... It covered the area they controlled in LA where they collected money, 20% from all the residents in a 3-4 block area... he had others he was competing against for their areas.....

I cant find it now... seems to have disappeared.. so I will reference the tv show border wars...

continual encroachment.... and operations being ran without interference from the feds.. hell they are helping them....

However I have to give you OPEC it was not on the list of people i was thinking of, but its action qualify it as such, good call...

these are not the only failures....

- banks that repo'ed homes are demolishing them so that only empty lots are on the books...
-picking fights for purely political value (contraceptives????)
-smokers rights
- what does being gay have to do with the ability to serve in the military
- since when how does the feeling of the troops matter in relation to their orders...(reference to gay issue)
- How come neither bush or obama secured the borders of Afghanistan and Iraq... the weapons came from somewhere

-how come no profits from the housing bubble was seized till their trials where over
- why was mcgraw /hill allowed to downgrade Americas credit rating when they backed a lot of the failed loans

I do not have time to go through the whole list....

the Tea Party, by the very nature of the beast, can not break free of the GOP...

The Tea Party can not achieve its goals...

The Best hope for the Tea Party rank and file, would be a new and separate party... even then within an election they would be corrupted worse then the Dems... it is because the structure itself will lead to their downfall

the second best would be an actual candidate, separate from the above gop, so they could withdraw support from the GOP masters... and back the candidate.....

sadly, due to the failure (like OWS) both are regulated to the dustbin with the bull moose party....

I see failure on an epic scale

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

I think we are on the same page in understanding the "straggly strategy" I coin simply as the straggly. It's this, if the USG can underfund something to the point it falls apart into disarray then it can be resurrected under the direction of a Wall Street privatization strategy. It is the chief reason why there is so much propaganda dissimulated through the establishment right Fox News Channel etc barking up a storm about the evils of publicly funded anything from PBS to the Post Office, and when the underfunding results in incompetent services being provided to the public it's then reported that the USG can't do anything right.

Everything you touched on is under the influence of this endeavor and it is a conspiracy which the MSM is aware of, but is hesitant to report on because it would antagonize their advertizes.

I would like to respond more in detail when I have more time, and so I will later.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by KeliOnyx
The Tea Party has no need to split into it's own party. They have already hijacked the Republican party and pulled it so far right once credible conservatives like Jeb Bush get on TV and say "well I was a conservative". As they continue to do so once reasonable solid conservatives will find themselves forced out to an independent status or making the divisions in the Democratic party deeper by joining it.

You just described two very different factions of the GOP. So why does one even bother to be apart of the other? Two factions that are unequally yoked. Two oxen pulling a cart in two completely different directions. That means the cart can't move down the road. The GOP cart.
edit on 8-3-2012 by LilDudeissocool because: (no reason given)

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