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Unfortunate people, or the human condition?

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posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

I believe the key to living life is moderation, without this you have an excess or just plain not enough to live healthy and thrive.

The first child is UNDER-fed and will experience many health problems and sicknesses

But the second child is OVER-fed and will experience his own fair share of health problems and sicknesses

Each picture upsets me highly though, and I would feel wrong for belittling either one of their situations.

Poor babies!

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by GreenEyedVixen

I'm pleased to hear you benefitted from the people who work at these types of charities. Sometimes it's difficult to know how to help some people, but i guess just being there to make a cup of tea and have a chat and a kind word can go a long way.

and I guess both our stories lend support to your argument.

It's an interesting topic and has got me thinking.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by GreenEyedVixen
reply to post by artistpoet

I believe the key to living life is moderation, without this you have an excess or just plain not enough to live healthy and thrive.

The first child is UNDER-fed and will experience many health problems and sicknesses

But the second child is OVER-fed and will experience his own fair share of health problems and sicknesses

Each picture upsets me highly though, and I would feel wrong for belittling either one of their situations.

Poor babies!

I so agree - Years ago I was also made homeless illegally and at the point of a shot gun - I lost everything apart from my paintings my paints and brushes and a bag of clothes - That is a long story involving corrupt police officials, council members and others.
Yet fortune shined on me in the form of friends family and strangers.
We need to keep hold of our Humanity and have empathy rather than judge - Everyone has their own story for each is unique - What appears to be bad fortune can be the making of us often.
Our own suffering helps us to empathize with others who suffer - we all need a helping hand at some point in our life - We are fortunate if we have each other is what I was shown.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Yes, something so simple as being there even once and truly listening and taking what they say to heart is one of the biggest things you can do with young people like that.

For this, in my eyes, you are a super star in his own.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

And yes, when you go through hardships alone you may falter or not succeed.

However, when you go through hardships with others by your side along the way, it becomes a journey you will not forget. A lesson. A healing experience.

It is difficult for us to accomplish things on our own, but with our power combined our possibilities become limitless.

It does not matter to me if the little girl sitting alone crying is upset about her goldfish passing away, or her home getting burned down and losing all of her belongings, I will still reach out the very same helping hand and kind words regardless.

This, is humanity in it's purest form.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by GreenEyedVixen
I believe that in this human condition, we are indeed unfortunate. All of us are. Whether we are considered "normal", or we are blind, deaf, etc.

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
You have just described the karmic circumstances that people get into when they incarnate on planet earth. Souls experience and learn and when they make mistakes with the Cosmic Law, they have to learn. However, we can also be the recipients of someone else's karma making and we can learn from those experiences as well.

I agree with both of you. My thoughts kinda morph these two comments together ...

'The human condition' is unfortunate. We are all suffering to one degree or another. Everything we do impacts everyone else, even if we can't see it. As for the Karma thing ... it's hard to learn from karma when the fact is that if you kill a bug when you are 10 years old, the karma from that killing may not come back to you until you are 80, and being human we won't connect the two together. It's hard to learn from karma. Especially since I could be suffering due to the bad karma someone else did. Example - Newt lies; makes bad karma; someone has to burn up that karma (or sin-debt); it could be him or it could be someone else entirely and that person won't know they are burning up Newts bad karma.

Both Buddhists and Catholics believe in paying for 'bad karma' or 'sin debt'. And they both believe that others can be 'victim souls' who are suffering to pay for those sins or bad karmas. It's considered a 'high calling' to be helping others pay off their karma (or sin debt) so they can move on to higher places after death. Buddhists believe that you volunteer before this life to be a suffering soul. Catholics believe you are chosen. At least that's what Swami Amar Jyoti says for the Buddhist belief and the saints say for the Catholic belief.

also - Seems we are left on our own ... kind of like a cosmic 'Lord of the Flies'.
We all will sink or swim together. No lifeguards are on duty. It's VERY sucky.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet
reply to post by operation mindcrime

Both kids are unfortunate
First child is malnourished
Second child is a victim of his parents feeding him too much junk food laced with crap that harms his young body

Correction, both kids are malnourished.


posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime

Originally posted by artistpoet
reply to post by operation mindcrime

Both kids are unfortunate
First child is malnourished
Second child is a victim of his parents feeding him too much junk food laced with crap that harms his young body

Correction, both kids are malnourished.


Yes agreed both are malnourished

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:39 AM
Maybe looking at which person is more or less fortunate than another is the wrong approach entirely as it is based upon imperfect information. How many people would actually say that they how they are unfortunate? I think therefore the loud get the most help: probably sometimes from people who need it more. What we need do is set up a society that gives help as result of trying to tailor things more to individual needs: for everyone. After all if production lines can produce a wider range and in the future even more diverse products, then surely all things should be able to be tailored more individually as a result of better technology, and more flexible ways of thinking. I suppose massive databases of information already exist, they could be put to far more use than advertising and marketing.

Like further education. Say a person is good at cooking and mathematics and is not sure what they want to do: would it not be better to be able to combine them both and still get a qualification. Courses with multiple routes to fulfilling them: one coursework and another exam. Some people may be better at one than the other for perfectly reasonable reasons. Degrees by submitted work: a person with a lot of skill in art could submit art and if upto the required standard they could get a degree.

A persons told individual advice on getting fit. A person employed given more flexibility on how they do their job with more room for individual styles. A person with a medical problem due to diet treated automatically and individually, both obese and starving.

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