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For all you "ProudAmericans"

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posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 12:43 PM
Great stuff *magestica*, I really enjoyed the video. The music was good also.

AV and Nans, if you cant stomach it, dont watch.

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by darkmatter
I love the videos! I definitely think we should send this to any country that is thinking about doing something to tick us off. I can't think of a better way to say, "Do it! I dare you!"

--> World control

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 01:09 PM
Care about "childs" starving (you mean "children?)? What a hipopcritical statement to let crawl out of your brain.
Hussein has neglected the people for how many years? How many children starved because he refused to abide by the agreements that stopped us from going all the way to Baghdad 12 years ago?

Why stop at starvation? How many were killed by torture because they wouldn't join the Jr. Ba'ath? How many were raped and tortured because of political crimes commited by their parents?

Don't give me that false compassion for the children. If you had any compassion for them, you'd have cheered the arse-stomping of Saddam instead of doing the typical thing of criticizing. Do you have any idea how fatiguing it is to hear people always criticize but never give viable option?

Stupid crap like "Well, I just think everyone one should love one another *gush!!*! Now come on, everyone, a big group hug now so as to show the world how to do it, and we'll all go down to the courthouse area, tie up city traffic break public and private property and show those warhawks we're mad because they won't group-hug with the rest of the world! If they'd just go give Saddam a big ol' hug, he'd be nice! So it's the U.S. military's fault that people die, because they are against group hugs!! *gush gush!*" has never accomplished a thing. It's never protected a nation and its people or saved one single life. It is nothing, it is without substance, but for some reason, some how, it gives cowards a feeling of cloakness, they think they have camoflage.

Had the anti-war people been obeyed, people would still be tortured and killed, starved and raped, they'd still be unable to make simple decision for themselves, and they'd still be unable to utter contempt for the government, things the anti-war not only take for granted but excercise with ignorance.

Had France and Germany been the rulers of the day, they'd still be making a profit off these people's misery. Strange, those two countries wanted continued death, torture and rape for the security of their continued financial profit, yet none of the limp-wristed pinko-cowards raise an eybrow at them, only the nation that freed them.

I can see why some found that video of some of the finest men and women with the finest training and equipment. They are faced with their own cowardice and hipocricy when they see that there are indeed people of action and backbones of titanium out there.

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 01:49 PM
We dot now yet what regime will emerge from the current anarchy and grief the US has created in Iraq. It's likely be an iranian-style theocracy, perhaps much bloodier than Saddam's regime, so there is no point arguing something like a "liberation" happened to the Iraqi people before we know what will be the product in the long run. Seen in this light, that video is hideous and cynical crap.

[Edited on 20-4-2003 by Mokuhadzushi]

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 02:27 PM
"AV and Nans, if you cant stomach it, dont watch."

Abraham Virtue says>>>>>>>>>>

I didn't. I already could sense how mindless and sick it was from the descriptions given. How is this any different than the Nazi's putting music behind a video of them bombing London????????? Or Iraq gassing tribes?

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 07:27 PM

The big thing is that most countries have no problems with most of the attoricites in the world, so long as whoever doing it is doing it to their own people. As long as it's not affecting them, why should they care? Which is more or less saying 'screw them, let them fend for themselves'. Imagine if we took that approach in the situation of a child whos parents abuse him/her?

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Mokuhadzushi
We dot now yet what regime will emerge from the current anarchy and grief the US has created in Iraq. It's likely be an iranian-style theocracy, perhaps much bloodier than Saddam's regime, so there is no point arguing something like a "liberation" happened to the Iraqi people before we know what will be the product in the long run. Seen in this light, that video is hideous and cynical crap.

[Edited on 20-4-2003 by Mokuhadzushi]

I see no reason to take stock in your predictions now as you've not been batting a decent average before. As a matter of fact, criticizing the U.S. seems to be your only job. Seen in that light, what difference does your point make. Honestly.

Current anarchy and grief? Yeah, grief. The people are able to say what they want now, they've cheered in the streets, and now if they want, they can get pissed off and do like the Germans and French, call us names and tell us to get out. You look at temporary grief for these people and ignore the grief they have endured and would be continuing to endure had your government and the French government had their selfish way.

Here's a link to an opinion of an Iraqi. A Shi'ite, at that. Place as much weight on it as you'd like. Personally, I place more weight on actions. I want to see how it pans out.

SAVAGE: It's all about freeing the Iraqi people and we have with us Aziz Al-Taee, Chairman of the Iraqi American Council. Mr. Aziz Al-Taee are you with us on The Savage Nation?

Al-Taee: Yes Sir and thank you for having me. I want to thank America for not only freeing my family, but 24 million Iraqis who were taken hostage by this regime.

"SAVAGE: What I want to talk about is why did the world ignore the cries of your people for so long? Why do you think that went on?

Al-Taee: Well everyone has different reasons. The French, Germans, Chinese, and a lot of these Arab Dictators were making a lot of illegal money by doing contracts with Saddam and stealing the resources of the Iraqi people. Some other people wanted to bring their daily problems and ideology into this. I have said all along this was not a war about liberals and conservatives. This was not a war between Republicans and Democrats; it was not a war between black and white or Palestinians and Israelis. This war of liberation was about protecting the freedom of 300 million American people and liberating 24 million Iraqis."

[Edited on 21-4-2003 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Nans DESMICHELS
That's this statement that lead USA to be a "thug" country...

This is just hate that your overnement used to make you support american terrorism worldwide.

Governements always used peoples "animals" instincs to control people.

Panem Circem, said JulesCesar...

TO ALL OF YOU(YOU KNOW WHO U ARE) id ont know wher eu live but i doubt its in america. But what if you were a target for about 60 percent of the countries out in the worlD? What if you knew if one of those counties ever aquired a WMD thedyed use it on you?? Thats what we ahve to deal with and i sure as hell pic up the pieces i bagdad after a few percision bomb the NYC after a nuke!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!

[Edited on 21-4-2003 by Quicksilver]

posted on Apr, 21 2003 @ 02:03 AM
I thought you said you would put some sense into it if you were going to add everyone else. Yet you didn't even do that. Are you afraid of something??? Speak you mind son, but please do it with care. For your words are becoming quite careless.

posted on Apr, 21 2003 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by Quicksilver

Originally posted by Nans DESMICHELS
That's this statement that lead USA to be a "thug" country...

This is just hate that your overnement used to make you support american terrorism worldwide.

Governements always used peoples "animals" instincs to control people.

Panem Circem, said JulesCesar...

TO ALL OF YOU(YOU KNOW WHO U ARE) id ont know wher eu live but i doubt its in america. But what if you were a target for about 60 percent of the countries out in the worlD? What if you knew if one of those counties ever aquired a WMD thedyed use it on you?? Thats what we ahve to deal with and i sure as hell pic up the pieces i bagdad after a few percision bomb the NYC after a nuke!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!

So, once it has become this far, that 60% of the world is against you, you should not think about getting rid of them, you should think of why that 60% is against you, and cooperate with eachother to get along (when you are looking for peace that is....)

[Edited on 21-4-2003 by Quicksilver]

posted on Apr, 21 2003 @ 07:12 AM
What, you hippies want to help popl, but not at the expense of hurting people's feelings, or maby even killing a few people.

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 01:02 PM
and while we're trying to sell out our values so other countries with different values than us will like us, can you send us that magical anti-dictator and strife wand that you apparently have? that should reduce the amount of atrocious "mass-murders" that we have to commit to ensure safety for the majority of the world. thanks.

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