posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 12:16 PM
IF, IF, IF Obama lied about or concealed facts about his being 'eligible to the Office of President' it WAS the civic duty of the authorities in each
state/territory to confirm/verify that he was indeed eligible to be placed on the ballot. If they did not do so it WAS your civic duty, having
determined as you did that he was not eligible, to advise such authorities that his name must be removed from the ballot. And if such authorities
refused to remove his name from the ballot you of course took them to court to force such removal action and you prevailed in court. Great job!
Once having been placed on the ballot is WAS the civic duty of the voters, having determined as they did that he was not 'eligible to the Office of
President', regardless of his name have been placed on the ballot, to not vote for him. Great job.
If you care to cut hairs and educate me that the Constitution says nothing about eligibility to be placed on the ballot, but rather 'eligible to the
Office of President' then, having determined as you did that he was not 'eligible to the Office of President' you advised Chief Justice Roberts to
not administer the oath of office. Great job!
So when and where are your lawsuits against the state ballot authorities and Chief Justice Roberts being heard?
From Bouvier's Law Dictionary under MAXIM. An established principle or proposition. A principle of law universally admitted, as being just and
consonant With reason.
Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores. Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights