posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 03:35 AM
I started thinking about how many kings the beast of Revelation represents, and came to 18. Seven heads = seven kings + the eighth + ten horns = ten
kings. Now let's do a little counting... According to Isaiah 23:15 the lifespan of a king is 70 years. Now take 18 and multiply it with 70 and see if
the result is somewhat familiar. Seen it before? Thought so: 1260 years.
There is another interresting thing about the 18 multiplication table: 3*37=111, 6*37=222... At 18(6+6+6)*37 you get 666. In most of the Western world
you are concidered a man (it is the number of a man) at 18 and is allowed to vote, marry and buy beer. And the temperature of our blood is 37� in
Celcius. The Celcius system is based on the three main states of water: ice becomes water at 0�C, and water becomes steam at 100�C. Water/baptism,
blood/covenant. Looks like Jesus wants us to start voting at 21 (777) or 24 (888, the geometry most common with Jesus) instead of 18 (666). Perhaps
not a foolish idea at all concidering the average mental age of the average 18 y.o.