With the introduction of "corporate police" working alongside Government run police in the UK, we have started on the slippery slope to total
corporate power over the citizen.
To quote Barry S, "we need a private military as big and as strong as the government military". What the "fake IMO" President means by this is
simple. When he states "we" that does not mean yhe American people as you may believe, it means the corporation whom he answers to. The TSA is the
dtart of this slippery slope in yhe USA.
The cat is out of the bag now, thats for certain. As such the corporations (banks, energy, military), or yiu vould say, the mega-rich, will be
speeding up thier march for absolute power. "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely".
We have seen time and again how corporations have influence over our so called "democratic leaders". True democracy should ensure that people have
the power. What this meams is that even a deaf, blind and dumb and homelessmperson has as much right to determine thier destiny and that of humanity
as the richest man on earth.
Just because one is born into momey does not give them the right to determine the destiny of humanity.
Within 10 years from now, governments in Europe and the USA will be history, mark my words carefully. I do not say this on a whim, plenty of research
has gone into this statement.
Within 25 years those whom are of no use to the corporation will ultimately be killed off. If you cannot provide for the rich you will be of no use,
I say "cannot provide for the rich" because I am drawing on history. This is what we do now, we provide for the rich at slave wages. It will no
longer be "working for a better humanity", so we can kiss the star trek future goodbye.
To pull this off they need to divide humanity between those who believe in a corporate based government (mind-control in latin), and thise who believe
people should have the power. So the final big lie to expect from the corporate globalist traders is this, "a corporate government will work
humanity for a better future". Well if you believe this lie when it is told you may as well shoot yourself in the head, because your an idiot.
Corporate power is all about money and competition within. People Compete for positions in corporations as corporations compete for global
Corporate governance will ensure humanity will never get away from wars, if corporations get the power they want then you will see wars for resources
even worse than we see today.
However, many will be sold on the notion of a corporate run government. They will believe the lies and propaganda they are thrown, but only those who
have no real compassion for others will be those who say yes to absolute corporate power.
We know all to well that corporations, momey and power are breeding grounds for serious corruption. So if you think that a corporate government is
going to save you, then you need your head examined.