The rest of the sordid Climate Change story, as it relates to national labs and the Mil / Ind Network, is highly interesting and one can find the
fingerprints of the Government's 1980's cover up today with a little careful looking, once one is clued into their scam. In the mid 1980's the US
Dept of Energy commissioned the ORNL Environmental Sciences Division to write a report on the State of the Oceans due to Energy System effects. This
report was done, in the beginning, by Dr. Joyce Dickerman of the ORNL Envionrmental Sciences Division, who began the report in the 1980s and
subsequntly left ORNL for greener pastures. Dr. Dickerman gained a Phd is Environmental Sciences from one of the best evionrmental colleges in the
US in Michigan. This epic energy systems effects on the Oceans report started things rolling in the 1980s. One of the problems with ORNL is they
don't always care about research as much a politics, so they are dishonest in various fields of science.
This DOE report began the concepts of looking at the biota in the thin upper surface layers of the oceans and the effects of acid precipitation and
CO2 on the acidification for the oceans from coal and fossile fuel burning. In this time period the effects of UVb rising were found in the
antarctic regions and the issues of Freon transport into the upper atmosphere and its chemical break down by UV radiation were being discovered.
This anthropologic (human induced) effect was predicted to cause species extinctions in land based plants in areas of Australia and New Zealand and
problems with cataracts in animals in the wild. This started the whole craze on UVb protective sun glasses and concerns on increases in the rates of
skin cancers in the Southern regions.
What was far more important was the oceans have very abundant life on the surfaces of the Southern Oceans and the consistency there was like a pea
soup appearance on the surface due to this abundant growth there. The Oceans have as much or greater abilty to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere as the
plant growth on the land masses of the world. In the secret and classified world of nuclear weapons production this turned into a huge horror story
as the DOE's gas diffusion plants used Freon for the cooling systems of the Uranium Gaseous Diffusion Plants. The very first gas diffusion plant
converters were built by the General Motors Corporation for the K-25 gaseous diffusion plant and there were thousands of these converter tanks. This
concept in Oak Ridge grew into other plants at Paducah, Ky. and Portsmouth, Oh. build to a much larger scale. Just as General Motors was very
careless with the manufacture of automobile air conditioner systems with leaking O-rings that lost the Freon charge every few years, the Freon cooling
systems in the Uranium Enrichment Systems also lost lots of Freon to the atmosphere due to poor practices.
The US DOE Gas Diffusion Plants ordered Freon by the train tanker car loads and the US DOE was the largest industrial users of Freon in the US and the
world due to their design carelessness with Freon containment. This also mean't that nuclear weapons and nuclear power would not be considered to be
so good, if the news came out that they and General Motors careless methods with Freon caused the Ozone Hole and that collective effect upset the
critical balance in the Ocean's surface biota. Then that produced the effect of Climate Change due to Ocean's heating effects and energy absorption
imbalances that drove up atmospheric CO2 levels to affect ocean acidity and land mass acidity that then affected toxic metals uptake into the food
chain for animals. Nuclear weapons and nuclear energy had become a hughly unwelcome pariah to the world, if the truth was told on what they had done
in Oak Ridge to screw up the health and environment of the planet. Thus was born the biggest cover up in American History to hide what many would
consider to be the Prophecy of Revelations pertaining to the Oceans problems and Climate change so great as to loose the issues of the well defined
It is a Global Disaster in every since of the words, but they tried to spin the disaster as Global Warming when the better term is Climate Change due
to the disasterous affects on the Ocean's surface biota and that upsetting the Sulfur Cycle that produced the cooling for the oceans. In early 1987
another report appeared on the issues of Abedo effects from clouds that showed the effect and that DOE and the gaseous diffusion plant's huge mistakes
were most associated with damages to the Oceans and this causing changes in weather patterns, more energy being retained in the atmosphere, and this
net effect making more frequent and more damaging hurricanes, tornados, and massive storms over the US. These days, thanks to the ease of the
Internet, one can read this report that set the ORNL folks into a huge panic to cover up what had started in Oak Ridge between DuPont's Freon for
Uranium Enrichment, the associations with General Motors for making Freon Intercoolers for Oak Ridge and DOE, and that DOE was the largest industrial
user of Freon in the world.
Oceanic phytoplankton, atmospheric sulphur, cloud albedo and climate
By Robert J. Charlson[1], James E. Lovelock[2], Meinrat O. Andreae[3] & Stephen G. Warren[1]. Published in Nature Vol. 326 No. 6114. pp. 655-661, 16
April 1987.
Nonetheless, the role of the CCN population in controlling albedo, the production of CCN in marine air by the oxidation of DMS from the biota and the
sensitivity of the Earth's temperture to the CCN population seem to be established. Although we do not understand the details of the climatic
feedback, it seems that CCN from biogenic DMS currently act to cool the Earth. It is possible that the Earth's climate has been mediated in the past
(for instance, that this feedback has helped to counteract the increasing luminosity of the Sun and / or that it has already counteracted the
influence of the recent increase in CO2, and other 'greenhouse' gases). However, the data required to demonstrate the latter effect have not been and
are not now being acquired.
These environmental effects were on the table in 1987, and this association of nuclear energy to causing this massive damage to the planet set off
huge cover ups and secrecy to hide what they had done to the world. At the same time, they were desperate for ways to counter the damage effects,
and this is how the issues of Chemtrials and HAARP enter into the secretive ways to cover up and attempt to mediate the damages done.
Just after this time one finds this knowledge gained in Oak Ridge set off the efforts in Montreal, via the 1987 Montreal Protocol, to ban the
manufacture of CFC Freons, to capture freon from disposal of refrigerators, and the shift into somewhat safer refrigerants that didn't cause such huge
levels of Ozone Depletion.
All this started in Oak Ridge at ORNL in the latter 1980s and it is the biggest cover ups in US History and it uses the same corrupted corporate
methods they used to cover up the JFK assassination as well as the sordid games that religion used to cover up the real issues of the Christ Story and
shape his memory into one that could be used for Empire, Economic Domination of the world, and the issues of shaping the anti-Christ. Today, these
Oak Ridge National Laboratory methods for deceit and treachery cover up an important issue of prophecy linked to the Revelations issues. One finds
the associations of Montreal to both these Freon cover ups and with the JFK assassination via Montreal's Louis Bloomfield.
Today, the US is ruled by lies and Al Gore is nothing but the willing lap dog for these ORNL cover ups on these Climate Change effects linked to the
damages assiocated with Oak Ridge and massive Freon carelessness.
Remember, Nick Rockefeller bragged to Aaron Russo that one day the world would wake up and find out that they were lied to about EVERYTHING. This is
so true that few people know the true reality due to the massivity of the US to tell lies to control the people of the US.
edit on 4-3-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Satan lives in Oak Ridge and flourishes when good men do nothing