posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 02:00 AM
Does anybody watch this show? I watch it sometimes and wonder if I could do some of the things that they do. I dont think I'd have a problem with
eating the nasty, crazy things they eat but I dont think I'd like to be laying in thousands of bugs or rats. The outdoor events are usually pretty
cool. I saw this article on Reuters about the show, they think its unsafe for some to watch.
"People experience a greater increase in heart rate and more distress watching the reality show "Fear Factor" than they do watching an actor in a
similar situation in a fictional movie, according to a study released Thursday."
These findings suggest that, for some viewers -- such as those with a history of phobias or anxiety -- reality television may be simply too real, and
unsafe as a result, the researchers conclude.
During the NBC show, contestants compete by performing stunts such as eating live slugs, allowing dozens of tarantulas to crawl on their head and
dunking their head into a tank full of snakes.