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ATS Members that were in NY City on 9/11

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posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 01:03 AM
I've been thinking how to word this thread. I know there have been many over the years, however after reading the "Bingham" thread I have revisited that dreadful day and have to ask this question.

Are there ATS members that were by the towers that day that saw people jumping from the towers? I'm not asking this for details so much as the after effects. I've always been curious, and sad beyond belief for those not only who jumped to their deaths that day, but for the witnesses who saw the "jumpers".

Maybe it's you personally. Maybe its a story from a family member or friend. I'd just like to know how people who witnessed such a thing go on with their lives.

This is NOT a truther thread. So please don't post whether or not you think it was an inside job. Thats not the point to this thread.

Thank you all

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 03:05 AM
Bump. Anyone?

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 04:16 AM


posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 04:22 AM
luckily i was @ a meeting a few blocks away from the chaos that morn

we saw everything go "down" from our building on Lexington Ave, though.

RIP and shame on USA/CIA

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 11:39 AM
I was living in Brooklyn, in a high rise that had a great view of the Manhatten skyline. I was asleep when the first plane hit, my mom calling woke me up, saying put on the news. Being up most of the night from just recently giving birth, I was really out of it and couldnt keep up mentally with what I was seeing on tv until I looked out my window....

Very surreal, just a long plume of smoke escaping the tower. My first thought was it had to be an accident, maybe the people on the top floors had some kind of time to get out before impact. As I was looking around, I saw the second plane coming before it was even over manhatten, it was flying over Staten Island, or from that direction. Very, very surreal. I was on the Brooklyn Bridge just two nights before (sunday) looking up at the towers admiring them and now they were on fire. Thats when I started thinking maybe this wasnt the right time to bring a new life into this world. This wasnt an accident, war is coming....

I knew someone who worked in a restaurant about a block away from the towers and he said once the first plane hit, all activity there just stopped. People stood in there crying, waiting. They ended up on the roof of the restaurant watching the tower burn. He told me a few months after but he was still very emotional in explaining how they saw people holding hands to jump, the continuous thud sounds of people hitting the was more than they could count.

My mom was right over the bridge in brooklyn, minutes away with a close up view from her job in a high school. When her and the school found out, the staff and students went outside to watch. They knew a woman named Marlyn. She was in the North tower when the plane struck. She never had a chance. She was also a recent graduate and longtime favorite at that high school. Very sad.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 12:04 PM
I was 2 weeks in as a porter for nyc housing when 9/11 happened. As a rookie I was assigned to help someone clean a building before getting my own. That day I met a nice lady named M. Ducket who had a high rise building.
We had just met and were chatting getting supplies and such, we get to building and take elevator to the last floor to begin sweep down. As soon as the door opens M gets the chills. She turns to me and points to the door and tells me that an older man lives there and she hopes he is ok. we start sweeping and she starts crying. She is sobbing and trembling. The whole time I'm thinking in my head " this lady is fing nuts". She looks at me and tells me she is sorry but something is wrong, She can feel it. I just said ok. As we continue tenants start heading to the roof. We ask them what are they doing and they tell us what had just happened.we run up and see it for ourselves.people did jump. I know for a fact that is no conspiracy. Papers flew to the development I was working at the time. Also I swear I saw a black line of smoke, like we kinda figured that was the trail the plane took.a perfect strait line of hot looking burning, Not from the fire that was burning on the building's. The papers seemed to follow that trail like the plane was having a connfetti party on the way there. I saw men with guns on the brinks building on my way home. I knew things were diffrent right then.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 12:28 PM
I was not, but there was a 'no-planer' thread in the 9/11 conspiracies section called "9/11 jumpers fake" or something like that. there were loads of people in that thread who chimed in to state they were in the city I think that thread made it to the front page, so It got a lot of views and replies. If you want an answer to the OP question that would be a good place to look.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 09:11 PM


posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Prisoner60863
I was 2 weeks in as a porter for nyc housing when 9/11 happened. As a rookie I was assigned to help someone clean a building before getting my own. That day I met a nice lady named M. Ducket who had a high rise building.
We had just met and were chatting getting supplies and such, we get to building and take elevator to the last floor to begin sweep down. As soon as the door opens M gets the chills. She turns to me and points to the door and tells me that an older man lives there and she hopes he is ok. we start sweeping and she starts crying. She is sobbing and trembling. The whole time I'm thinking in my head " this lady is fing nuts". She looks at me and tells me she is sorry but something is wrong, She can feel it. I just said ok. As we continue tenants start heading to the roof. We ask them what are they doing and they tell us what had just happened.we run up and see it for ourselves.people did jump. I know for a fact that is no conspiracy. Papers flew to the development I was working at the time. Also I swear I saw a black line of smoke, like we kinda figured that was the trail the plane took.a perfect strait line of hot looking burning, Not from the fire that was burning on the building's. The papers seemed to follow that trail like the plane was having a connfetti party on the way there. I saw men with guns on the brinks building on my way home. I knew things were diffrent right then.

That gave me chills reading it. Thank you for your story

Thank you everyone as well. Not as many stories as I'd hoped, but appreciate the comments.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by dillweed

The thread is here Are the stories of 9/11 "jumpers" true?

It went for 17 pages before being closed. I haven't re-read it, but If I recall correctly, there are several participants who were in NY that day and testified to the reality of jumpers. The thread is pretty horrible.

I think I'm on topic here, trying to get OP some information on his thread topic, "how many ATS members were in NY that day". If not, mods can delete.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by DrEugeneFixer
reply to post by dillweed

The thread is here Are the stories of 9/11 "jumpers" true?

It went for 17 pages before being closed. I haven't re-read it, but If I recall correctly, there are several participants who were in NY that day and testified to the reality of jumpers. The thread is pretty horrible.

I think I'm on topic here, trying to get OP some information on his thread topic, "how many ATS members were in NY that day". If not, mods can delete.

Thank you

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Prisoner60863
I was 2 weeks in as a porter for nyc housing when 9/11 happened. As a rookie I was assigned to help someone clean a building before getting my own. That day I met a nice lady named M. Ducket who had a high rise building.
We had just met and were chatting getting supplies and such, we get to building and take elevator to the last floor to begin sweep down. As soon as the door opens M gets the chills. She turns to me and points to the door and tells me that an older man lives there and she hopes he is ok. we start sweeping and she starts crying. She is sobbing and trembling. The whole time I'm thinking in my head " this lady is fing nuts". She looks at me and tells me she is sorry but something is wrong, She can feel it. I just said ok. As we continue tenants start heading to the roof. We ask them what are they doing and they tell us what had just happened.we run up and see it for ourselves.people did jump. I know for a fact that is no conspiracy. Papers flew to the development I was working at the time. Also I swear I saw a black line of smoke, like we kinda figured that was the trail the plane took.a perfect strait line of hot looking burning, Not from the fire that was burning on the building's. The papers seemed to follow that trail like the plane was having a connfetti party on the way there. I saw men with guns on the brinks building on my way home. I knew things were diffrent right then.

How do you know for a fact there was no conspiracy?!

You're a new member and you come up with this 'story' that imo, is full of deliberate inuendo. I dont smell the whole truth here.. Sorry.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by 4hero

Originally posted by Prisoner60863
I was 2 weeks in as a porter for nyc housing when 9/11 happened. As a rookie I was assigned to help someone clean a building before getting my own. That day I met a nice lady named M. Ducket who had a high rise building.
We had just met and were chatting getting supplies and such, we get to building and take elevator to the last floor to begin sweep down. As soon as the door opens M gets the chills. She turns to me and points to the door and tells me that an older man lives there and she hopes he is ok. we start sweeping and she starts crying. She is sobbing and trembling. The whole time I'm thinking in my head " this lady is fing nuts". She looks at me and tells me she is sorry but something is wrong, She can feel it. I just said ok. As we continue tenants start heading to the roof. We ask them what are they doing and they tell us what had just happened.we run up and see it for ourselves.people did jump. I know for a fact that is no conspiracy. Papers flew to the development I was working at the time. Also I swear I saw a black line of smoke, like we kinda figured that was the trail the plane took.a perfect strait line of hot looking burning, Not from the fire that was burning on the building's. The papers seemed to follow that trail like the plane was having a connfetti party on the way there. I saw men with guns on the brinks building on my way home. I knew things were diffrent right then.

How do you know for a fact there was no conspiracy?!

You're a new member and you come up with this 'story' that imo, is full of deliberate inuendo. I dont smell the whole truth here.. Sorry.

This thread IS NOT about being a truther. I understand the passion, but that's not the point here.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:16 AM

How do you know for a fact there was no conspiracy?! You're a new member and you come up with this 'story' that imo, is full of deliberate inuendo. I dont smell the whole truth here.. Sorry.
reply to post by 4hero

That new member is my husband who with his own opinions decided to make his own ats account so we can both freely express our experiences/opinions. Not every new member has to be suspect

I dont know why something as tragic as that has to be a conspiracy. Its not like it was happening in a back room somewhere to be questioned. A lot of people saw it. A LOT.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:19 AM
So you talk about jumpers and then you say:

Originally posted by amongus
Bump. Anyone?

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:52 AM
I wasn't there, but my elderly parents were at the JFK airport when it all happened. They got stuck there for 2 days. They said that the air was smokey and gritty and 'greasy' ... (dead people burning). My nephew was supposed to be in the towers that day. His high school had a field trip planned to NYC and the WTC. Everything happened before they got there .... thankfully he missed it.

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