posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 09:16 AM
hi... i'm new here and i don't really know if this topic has been up earlier... but i wondered: what are the earliest UFO observations that we know
of ?
i'm from norway and the earliest ufo observations i have found are made of a priest in Bergen, named Absalom Meyer. (Interresting how he did not
connect his observations with his religion)
In december 1536 him and two other men and their wifes saw a big, circle-shaped, black 'cloud' moving in the sky and covering the moon. This
'cloud' moves rapidly back and forth and they can see flames and smoke coming out of it. They also heard a buzzing sound..
In easter 1564, the same Beyer and his wife saw a beam that looked like a glowing sword hitting down towards earth and moving fast up again, and then
it split into three parts, into circular shaped objects with knobs on them..
the same beyer has also written down a few other less interresting observations that i found, concerning unusual lights in the sky....
maybe you all knew this, but i thought i should post it anyways, and i also ask if anyone has found anything from this time period and earlier...
to moderators: if this topic has been up earlier or this information is well known, just delete this topic...