I dont understand. It just doesn't make sense to me that we could be limited because of users. I feel like the time has come and something should
happen but nothing has. I have lost my faith and I am just looking for an answer even if it is a bad one.
Has anyone been having problems with the game? Sending Message keeps flashing and nothing happens. This is the third time I have refreshed the page. I
am going to try a couple more times...
The game loads, I can tap and all, but whatever I am tapping is not forwarded. Sending message keeps flashing and nothing happens and then I have to
refresh if I want to try again...
edit on 9-3-2012 by Alexander1111 because: (no reason given)
It appears to be working fine for me at the moment - checked the backend and it appears some of the files were still being changed, the last one was 8
minutes ago.
I agree this game would be a pain if we have to wait for 1000 users, but I wonder if we just have to wait until the "power down" or whenever the
illumination day beacons are activated.
Having checked their twitter it looks like we have to wait for 1000 wave units
But on the upside it looks like they are Tweeting not : twitter.com...#!/tapjoint
edit on 9-3-2012 by ragail89 because: more info from