This may seem completely stupid coming from a person with the name of 'dotgov101,' but I have a few questions about the following article:
War-games find Iran strike unfavorable
When I was much younger, my father was a military officer during the Cold War, and would sometimes use the words "war games" to describe his job. I
was a young girl with undying questions about his career, as his duties were very strange compared to my friends' fathers and our family life was
just all-out unusual.
So, it's a phrase I grew up with until he was transferred to an unnamed agency (I won't say which one, as he is now happily retired into anonymity).
The article mentioned above uses this phrase, and I can't help but wonder the following:
1) Why is it considered a "game?"
2) Who is playing it?
3) How can our culture determine another culture's actions during distress?
I can't call my father and ask him, because he will never discuss his past over the telephone, and I think he would give me a civilian-friendly
answer. I know that there is computer sociological software involved, and that dozens of think-tanks are behind the modeling of the war psyche.
When I studied military philosophy, however, what was taught to me were tactics used in past civilizations through tactics used during the Cold War.
Numerous government officials in today's Administration have said that the current war on terror is unlike any other, with little or no elaboration
as to why, but that's a statement I can analyze later in a different post.
My viewpoint is the
War on Terror is now turning into the
War Against Countries Currently Developing Nuclear Weaponry, and the United
States is desparately trying to find a way to stop it by strategizing a war with different nations. If I were a leader of a developing country, and I
read in a publicized article that the United States was playing "games" to try to stop my development, I would actively speed up the progress of
developing my weaponry. Why doesn't our Administration realize this??
Any military scholars out there who can hypothesize on these questions and statements?
[edit on 20-9-2004 by dotgov101]