posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 02:33 PM
Based on the many stories I have read I suspect it would be attributed to an underground base in Archuleta Mesa, aka Dulce Base aka "Rio Arriba
Scientific & Technological Underground Auxiliary" aka RIO ARRIBA CO, DSD-3 aka RIO-AUX, near Dulce New Mexico. . While near cattle mutilations and UFO
sightings I am very skeptical as there is no mountain of debris from the many levels of mining and no locals recall any use of heavy equipment. Usage
is said to include aliens, cloning, gene/dna therapy to make the reptile aliens appear more human; etc. Simply too weird for me to accept but that
would sure require it be secret.
Then again some Indian tribes claim to have been sheltered underground by the 'ant people' while the earth healed at the end of the first world and to
have emerged near the Great Sand Dunes only about 70 miles from Dulce Base. There is the bizarre possibility there is a massive ancient alien
underground complex in the area.
edit on 29-2-2012 by oghamxx because: (no reason given)