posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 01:53 PM
This is what really frightens me, I am of the opinion, and justfully so I believe, that those that committed the 9/11 attacks did so with no remorse
whatsoever. We know for a fact now it was not Osama Bin Laden, indeed, Bin Laden even came out and stated "I would not be able to carry out such an
attack as 9/11" he then went on to say "there is a secret government within the America government, maybe you should ask them who carried out 9/11.
That said, I now turn to the mentality of such extremist individuals, these people have such a hunger for control it boggles the mind. We as decent
people fail miserably when trying to understand this mentality, this selfishness. The people that carried out the recent atrocities all over the world
see us Europeans and Americans no differently than any other country or race. Which in itself may not seem bad, until one realises that with that
comes the fact that these people would be happy to see America turn into a yhird world country with building of rubble if it means they can keep
control. This is what COG is truely about.
The 9/11 perps are losing the information war, as such they will soon have no option left on the table but to commit some horrible crimes if they are
to remain in power. Yhey are going to have to create such confusion and such a diversion that it will be overwhelming for most.
I honestly believe now that these people not only wish to remain in control of humanity by force but alo they wish to leave thier mark on history like
no other before them. These people want others to talk about them for the next 1000 years.
Like Nero to achieve this recognition they have to be monsterous, and I mean truely monsterous. We are certainly in the final phases of some kind of
historic event, everyone can feel this, even those denialists can see, things are comming to a head.
These people are not going to give up control without a fight, let us hope and pray that none of these nutcases get to fulfil thier goal of being the
one that bought humanity to its knees.
Sorry for writing this, I just had to get it off my chest and i havent posted for a while.
I am not a religious man, but God bless you all.