I think the mass resignations are exactly for, the same reasons that politicians resign their positions. They get tipped off or paranoid that there is
going to be a major investigation into their activities, and the actions of who they work for...so they resign their post to avoid prosecution of
corruption, and claim to not know of any wrong doings while they worked there and/or plea the 5th. A certain someone running for president right now;
did this a few years ago. Can you guess whom it was? I'll give you a hint; in the animal kingdom it's related to the salamander family and starts
with the letter N.
Why do I think this? The resignation loophole works and there are many examples; please see the link: (Known scandals). Place yourself in their
position, what would you lose if found guilty of such crimes? Wealth, power, influence, integrity, and trust. But not by your peers, because they feel
the same way; that the masses are animals to be controlled and used. But when threatened with losing all of that power; their animal nature kicks in
it's flight or fight; and they'd rather take flight and run to protect themselves.
But what then? They do not wish to lose any power they held; so they run things behind the scenes through a puppet, that has been paid off or set up a
patsy pawn to take the fall if it comes, leaving themselves safe. The equivalent of "Castling" in chess. It's the same thing that occurred during
the Iran/Contra affair. The puppet patsy pawn was O. North, he took all the blame freeing Reagan and Bush of investigation. Bush advanced to office
then pardoned North. Please see the link: (Presidential pardon list)
Known scandals:
Presidential pardons:
NOTE: Holding down ctrl then pressing F on your keyboard; brings up a search bar function on web pages to find all occurrences of a name or word
entered into it.
It's interesting how the: Known scandal list has grown and grown during successive presidencies to present day; many offenders got off by;
resigning/pleading the 5th/denial/ in many cases getting no charges, or a slap on the wrist etc. when most of the crimes easily qualify for treason.
Whatever laws that allow, such people to avoid trial and or severe prosecution must be over turned for elected officials, including removal of
presidential pardon power.
It is also interesting to sift through all the list of: Presidential pardons and notice how many pardons are for major drug trafficking of
coc aine, and heroin. Why would presidents that claim to have family values and morals pardon such people? I believe that the black markets fund
government black projects way more than legalization and taxation ever could or would. Just look at the money and power cartels have gained during
this "war on drugs" then look at the numbers of dollars suspected to flow into the black market verses how much money intelligence reports estimate
the cartels have...they do not add up close to one another at all. The government routinely use rebels, insurgents and black market means to over
throw governments. It over throws an undesirable government faster than peace talks, and negotiations ever could. Look how fast Gaddafi fell by
arming and funding rebels to Gaddafi's regime. The same couldn't be done with Saddam in Iraq, he had the majority of his peoples approval.
It may seem far fetched, but once you can see all the players on the chess board and calculate the strategies...it becomes clearer; name all the
countries that got the label: Axis of Evil ... "States like (Iraq, Iran, & North Korea), and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil,
arming to threaten the peace of the world." -- George W. Bush, SOTU Speech, 1/29/02 is it a coincidence that the very countries that always get named
have no diplomatic ties to The Holy See? (please see link: Holy See) and look at the map of countries that have no diplomatic process or ties; and the
ones labeled Axis of Evil by Bush.
Is Israel behind the attacks of 9-11 like many conspiracy theorists believe? Or are they a puppet patsy pawn like O. North was? When presidents talk
to AIPAC many see the POTUS as kissing their ass as if they are a secret puppet of AIPAC, or is Israel just an excuse for democratic governments to
get in the middle of mid-East affairs? Put two nations on a chess board; and consider all the nations (players watching), who is hedging their bets,
who is profiting, who is being put in check, which ones stale mate? I don't agree with the decision made for the formation of the Israel state smack
dab in the middle of an existing Palestine, but that is history. Could both possibly come to agreeable terms; if those watching didn't take sides and
offer their own strategies? Am I the only one wondering why, it is not considered politically or socially incorrect, to slur Jewish people like other
races? South Park has been doing this on a weekly basis for over 15 years now. I ask you how long a show in which a white European decent character,
on a show targeted for children and young adults would last, if that character were to call another character on the show; a Nigger and spout
stereotypes weekly for over 15 years? Especially, if all media were controlled by people of Jewish descent...it doesn't stand up to reason.
I don't hate any race nor group of people, I don't care what forefathers did and what they didn't do. We are all here by a hormonal desire to have
sex, very very few people are on this planet because they copulated to conceive; more like they were fulfilling a need for self sexual
gratification...and plop you came to be soon after. Is that really something to be proud of? Did you choose to fertilize a white, black, yellow, brown
or red egg and become your race? We are all born from and of desire; the same animal desires and drives carry and drag us all through life. I hate
people individually based on their character, over the course of time, we all have our off days where we don't feel like smiling or socializing
because we are brooding over some internal conflict.
I am asking that when you place those countries on the board, have no bias see each one from their actions and relations, look for motives and bad
days, and understand those nations are individuals and not their country, just as you are a child and not the parent, just as some children dislike
their parents because of how they were brought up in the parent nation house, and how some love their parent country because they were brought up and
treated with kindness. Some people and their nation parent disagree with how other nation parents treat their children.
Many times the nation parent doesn't understand they wouldn't be a nation parent if not for their children, and none of the children chose the
nation as parent. When growing up with our nation parent; we do have choices...to rebel, protest, ignore, cope or change our relationship with our
parent nation by fixing it; you know you want to climb the global fence and play with the neighbor kids, and if you don't then you're the one that
will uphold the hate of those monkeys before you, and beat any new monkeys that come around, just because that's the way it was always done around