posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 10:53 PM
I was looking through job openings and I found this link
Human Intelligence
The official Job Title is: Warrant Officer Human Intelligence Collection Technician.
Part of the job description is as follows:
Specifically, your duties may involve interrogating and debriefing as defined by regulation; conducting and supervising tactical and strategic
interrogation-related duties; supervising subordinate personnel; developing and approving interrogation plans and missions; advising the support
element; and coordinating with other agencies.
The most amazing thing about this job is who you work for!
It's none other than...
The US National Guard!
The job is open to Guardsmen who have HUMINT experience already.
Please click the link and tell me how it makes you feel to know that this is a job opening for the National Guard, and as you read the description,
imagine who, what, when and where this Position would perform his/her work.
I always thought the National Guard was mostly used for National Emergency situations, what type of interrogations are they expecting to occur? Who
are they expecting to interrogate?