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Anniversary of WTC Bombing, Feb 26, 1993

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posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 08:23 AM
Today is the anniversary of the terrorist bombing of the WTC. A van packed with 1500 lbs of explosives
was detonated in the basement (B2 level) of the building with the intention of collapsing one tower into the
other killing tens of thousands ....

Here is link to timeline of events leading up to bombing..

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by thedman
Today is the anniversary of the terrorist bombing of the WTC. A van packed with 1500 lbs of explosives
was detonated in the basement (B2 level) of the building with the intention of collapsing one tower into the
other killing tens of thousands ....

Here is link to timeline of events leading up to bombing..

I'm trying really, REALLY hard not to condemn the followers of Islam as having blind devotion to their Grimms fairy tales as well as being desensitized to the value of human life. After all, there are many non fundamentalist Muslims who emigrate here specifically because they want to worship in peace and don't want to strap a suicide bomb to their children's bodies just because some mullah ordered them to...BUT when I see people in Afghanistan rioting and getting killed over literally nothing more than a pile of burned paper...not to mention, the entire Muslim world rioting and burnign down buildings over cartoons of Mohammed in Danish puts Islamic fundamentalism into its proper context.

Let's face it, neither the first WTC bombing or the 9/11 attack really had any practical short term benefit for Bin Laden's bunch. They did it simply to follow the millennia old formula to kill people and get people terrified in the hopes it would influence gov't policy. They didn't understand that after 200 years of Yorktown, Gettysburg, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Inchon, and others that dictating terms to us at the point of a sword does nothing but kick over the hornet's nest. On the other hand, we don't understand Islamic fundamentalism isn't going to embrace democracy, women's right to vote, and religious tolerance simply because of what a lot of touchy-feeley speech writers say. The clash of values are simply too alien to each other, so I can't believe the friction between Islamic fundamentalism and western values are going to go away even when we do leave Afghanistan.
edit on 26-2-2012 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:15 PM
Let me throw this out there:

What if the evil conspirators used the 1993 bombing to empty out the buildings and wire with it super-thermite explosives so it would be ready for the 9/11 attacks.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by AnonymousKid


The super nano thermite does not detoriate during the following 8 1/2 years .....


Nobody finds the all the strange wiring in the building....

Also the WTC towers was one of the most heavily inspected buildings, with a full time engineering staff to
check on the building. Things like fire proofing which had to be reapplied to the steelwork

Or every time tenant space was vacated and re-leased

Men like Frank De Martini and Pablo Ortiz who were responsible for seeing that the building was maintained up to code. Men who knew every square inch of the building

De Martini and Ortiz rescued dozens of trapped people from upper floors and lead them to safety - sadly
both were killed in collapse of North Tower after refusing to leave the building

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 08:05 PM
A strange day indeed. Odd how events synch people.. I recall this day clearly, although being at an age of not caring.. I noticed, and felt sadness for the people.. thats as bout as much as I could really say

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 01:05 AM
I personally don't think they used the first attack to wire the building for a second attack. It's much more likely whoever it was that planned the first attack, doesn't matter if you think Bin Laden or shadow government, whoever it was got really pissed off that they failed the first time, so they went above and beyond to make up for it.

Even the people who can murder thousands are still people. I've seen people smash computers, and phones, and all sorts of things that upset them. It's no different, just a different scale. The buildings were a personal failure to someone.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by Xieon

Even the people who can murder thousands are still people.

Are they?
I am starting to wonder.
Doesn't it make you wonder what these book burning protesters IQ is? It's just a book not an idea.
Do they really want to be isolated from the western world? I mean really isolated?
How do cell phones and internet jive with fundamentalism?
I bet if the phone/data lines and the auto parts supply chain were severed they would be the first to consider it an attack against Islam.
To me they seem like a bunch of 2 year olds having a tantrum at the check out line.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 07:26 AM
Um, wasn't the WTC 93 bombing an FBI inside job?

At the time they were looking to pass anti-terrorism legislation but the WTC attack didn't kill enough people to see it pushed through. But, Oklahoma City 95 finally had the impact needed to get the bill passed.

On 24 April 1996, Clinton signed the “Anti-terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996” that was aimed at international terrorism.

See the below links:

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Gibonz
Um, wasn't the WTC 93 bombing an FBI inside job?

See the below links:


You're quoting Alex Jones as if he was a legitimate source of information. You lose the debate by default.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Lol, that ol chesnut eh Dave?

How about engaging in the debate and not taking the easy way out? Numerous other sources there for u to chew on...

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Gibonz
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Lol, that ol chesnut eh Dave?

How about engaging in the debate and not taking the easy way out? Numerous other sources there for u to chew on...

What debate can there possibly be? Emad Salem says he was in an agreement with the FBI to supply a fake bomb to the 1993 bombers so they can arrest them in the act until some nitwit supervisor stepped in and cancelled the operation because he didn't believe Salem. In case those damned fool conspiracy web sites you get all your information from haven't been telling you this...and I know full well they aren't...supplying a fake bomb is exactly how the FBI has been catching all the OTHER terrorists since then, including the Christmas bomber in Utah and including that Moroccan that tried to blow up the Capitol building a few days ago. They do this because there's no way these terrorists can claim entrapment when they're caught red handed flipping the switch on a fake bomb while screaming Allahu in the end, this "FBI bombed the WTC in 1993" bit is nothing but selective quote mining where conspiracy con artists take the phrase "The FBI supplied terrorists with a fake bomb to arrest them in the act" and deliberately snip off "fake" and "arrest them in the act", to get you all paranoid over complete and utter horse [censored].

I'm not pointing this out to humilliate you or make you feel bad about yourself. I'm pointing this out because Alex Jones is a complete and utter raving lunatic and I'm trying to warn you that you're only making yourself look bad by listening to his delusions. Really, guy, what part of "he puts on Joker makeup and laughs as he throws papers around his office" isn't enough of a clue that he might not be someone you should be taking seriously?

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Gibonz
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Lol, that ol chesnut eh Dave?

How about engaging in the debate and not taking the easy way out? Numerous other sources there for u to chew on...

What debate can there possibly be? Emad Salem says he was in an agreement with the FBI to supply a fake bomb to the 1993 bombers so they can arrest them in the act until some nitwit supervisor stepped in and cancelled the operation because he didn't believe Salem. In case those damned fool conspiracy web sites you get all your information from haven't been telling you this...and I know full well they aren't...supplying a fake bomb is exactly how the FBI has been catching all the OTHER terrorists since then, including the Christmas bomber in Utah and including that Moroccan that tried to blow up the Capitol building a few days ago. They do this because there's no way these terrorists can claim entrapment when they're caught red handed flipping the switch on a fake bomb while screaming Allahu in the end, this "FBI bombed the WTC in 1993" bit is nothing but selective quote mining where conspiracy con artists take the phrase "The FBI supplied terrorists with a fake bomb to arrest them in the act" and deliberately snip off "fake" and "arrest them in the act", to get you all paranoid over complete and utter horse [censored].

I'm not pointing this out to humilliate you or make you feel bad about yourself. I'm pointing this out because Alex Jones is a complete and utter raving lunatic and I'm trying to warn you that you're only making yourself look bad by listening to his delusions. Really, guy, what part of "he puts on Joker makeup and laughs as he throws papers around his office" isn't enough of a clue that he might not be someone you should be taking seriously?

Humilliate? Feel bad? Didn't come close...

Just a FYI: You really do come across as a self important ar$ehole

edit on 28-2-2012 by Gibonz because: edit

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Gibonz

Humilliate? Feel bad? Didn't come close...

Just a FYI: You really do come across as a self important ar$ehole

Grow up, dude. You demanded that I explain how Alex Jones is lying to you with this whole disgusting "the FBI bombed the WTC in 1993" hoax so I told you. The reason you're being irate isn't because I'm a "self important ar$ehole" because I know full well I'm an anonymous nobody among a thousand other anonymous nobodies here on ATS. The reason you're being irate is because it's now dawned on you that you've been lied to by those conspiracy con artists and you're too proud to admit it.

I said it before and I'll say it again- I'm not here to humiliate you. You were simply a victim of their conspiracy con game and you just didn't know they were lying to you. How you proceed now that you've realized this is entirely up to you, not me.
edit on 29-2-2012 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

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