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Hello from a Yogi from the East...

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posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 11:50 AM
Great list! I live in Texas and due to the drought and the expected heat wave for this summer I'm planting mainly heat tolerant vegetables. I see okra on your list, one of my favorites too. The velvet ones are hard to find but luckily I kept some seeds from last year. Also I'm planting eggplant, potatoes, hey, how come no potatoes on your list, that's a solid staple? You still have time to put some in, they're easy to grow, give them a try, white ones are easier imo. Anyhow, how 'bout a weather forecast for this growing season? Thanks,


posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 12:07 PM
Come on, Awakened, post a response. I'm chatting with you to get you through the requisite 20 posts so you can start a thread. These are easy to write posts, nothing derogatory.

edit on 2/26/2012 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 12:20 PM
i dont want to die to save them but maybe i have to
the lies they created to protect themselves are now protecting me
every time i get on board everyone jumps ship

Go to 41:14 on this video, "eye in the sky looking at you" over her right shoulder, the cloud

Anyways I put in a few words on my mind and of course tried my forum name, ouch! I especially liked the "42 letter name" because I love The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. But of course I put in the title of the movie and saw "June 8th the Christians gone"
Back to my name I chose for the forum, I gathered this. What if individually we don't realize we are "black and white" and the test will be to take your mind, remove your ego and let you wander for a time. Its hard to describe but I think this has happened to me before, causing me to reflect on my actions, experiences and thoughts during those times when I was "back to my old self". Synchronicity and just plain dumbfounded, but I have been like this for a time.
Got to watch my words, but not my thoughts is all I can gather from gematria.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 12:30 PM
O awakened soul!!!!!

May i know where you live??? i am from India!!!!

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by awakenedsoul
reply to post by seentoomuch

At this point in time - Spring is in the air and seeds of summer veggies are planted.

I have the following seeds sown - The soil is sandy in my region.

Summer Squashes


Fav veggie - Okra, Tomatoes

edit on 26-2-2012 by awakenedsoul because: Edit to Add

You should grow Quinoa, Inca Gold! Of course some Acapulco Gold, ROFL! Seriously Quinoa is very good high protein with nine essential amino acids and very rugged and can be grown in many climates and altitudes, soils etc.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 12:58 PM
Hi OP,
I have met many yogis in fact I am one myself. Never did I heard one talking about knowing everything and letting everybody know he knows. Ego my friend.
I think your not telling the truth, which is fine by me.


posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 05:39 PM
Hi, I'm one of the many ATS Mods here at the forum. We appreciate you joining up with the ATS Family.

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