RiffRafter thanks for the message, however i cant send a reply. so here it is. if anyone else has ideas let me know. this is only part of what i
Thanks for the message, as i'm stuck using my tablet it may take a while. but i'll walk you thourgh my thought pattern.
after looking at the thread i started looking into the whole false prophet/frank subject else, i found that there are three possible outcomes,
first: it is a well planned out hoax in which the donnie darko website was apart off from the start.
second: it is an agent from a occult group or indeed the illuminati.
the final and last out come is that it is an alien life form trying make contact.
now once i had read the whole thread i looked at each link, it wasnt until i looked into the job vanacy for cartoonist and writer, when i remembered i
applied for that job. however got no reponse. but after some digging i found a thread on deviantart some people on there had responses from frank, a
lot were the same as those that had been posted here, but then i saw this. (sorry if you have already see this before.)
this is a riddle from an email someone had received:
44 43 22 51 44 44 43
13 51 15 51 13 44 32 24 51 51
45 43 54 23 54 34 44
12 42 33 41 44 32 51
21 43 43 52 43 12
44 32 51 52 51 45
11 33 41 44 32 51
13 43 31 52
Follow the yellow brick road.
Follow the yellow brick road.
We're off to see the wizard.
The wonderful wizard of OZ
And it mentioned the wizard of OZ.
the first is about amy winehouse. if you put the phrase WINE TWELVE YOURSELF TRACK HELP HOUSE. It comes up with amy winehouse wiki page for her track
twelve of her album, track name is frank.
the aurthor of wizard of oz was named frank. the numbers not to sure what that is. still looking into it. i have other stuff but still trying to put
into a organized sort of thing. if this is a bit messy let me know and i'll try to fix it. heres the link to the deviantart thread. let mecknow what
you think and i'll let you know when i've unscrambled my head. lol.