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Im pretty sure I saw a UFO, 1st sighting ever!

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posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 02:12 AM
Hey guys. This is my 3rd or so post on ATS, but Ive been a long time fan.

Im going to use this 8 question summary about my sighting, then explain it how I saw it happen.

1) Start with the exact date and time.

Date : thursday sept. 16th. Approx time 10-10:30 pm.

2) List all witnesses' names, addresses, and phone numbers. Also provide ages and occupations when possible.

Only witness was me, I was in my car alone. Not getting into phone # details.

3) Give your exact location at the time of the sighting. Street address, city, state, country.

Local: Bay City, Michigan. Not getting too personal with this one either.

4) Describe the weather. Was it sunny? Overcast? Raining? A clear night? Full moon?

clear night. I don't believe it was a full moon.

5) In what part of the sky was the UFO located? North, South, East, West? On the horizon or straight overhead or somewhere in between?

I believe it would be located in the east. Not very high in the sky.

6) Did the UFO move? How far and how fast? Describe its movements in detail.

Yes it moved. Quite far, and fast. Cant say because I was driving when I saw it and couldnt keep 100% attention on it.

7) Describe the appearance of the UFO: shape, size, distance, color, texture, sound. Draw a picture of it.

Apperance was triangle shaped with squared corners. Lights near each corner of the triangle. It seemed to be a darker color, as in possibly dark brown, black or dark green.

8) Describe the area in which you made the sighting. Is it near an airport? An Air Force Base? A military or research installation of any kind?

Area would be looking down a road, it is near an airport. But this was clearly no plane, I see them all the time.

Ok guys, this being my first real sighting, I thought I would try to take all the measures to get it document right.

I was driving back from my girlfriends house, and its real close to mine, so I take the same route every time. I take a clear shot east down a 5 lane road for about 50 yards, and then turn left into my subdivision. Im always looking in the sky at stars and for shooting stars, so seeing this was sure different. I turned right down the 5 lane road, and looked for cars, obviously on a thursday night, there wasnt any. So I lesiurely took my car down the road slowly, it was a nice night, so I thought I wouldnt hurry. I got into the turn lane, and as I was turning left (south) I looked to the east, not for any particular reason. As I looked out the passenger window, I saw an object sitting low in the sky, something Ive never seen before. I've lived here for 8 years, so Im sure if it was there before, I would have noticed it. I took an extended glance at the object, but I couldnt keep my eyes on it took long because I was making a turn. It seemed to be triangular, much like some of the triangle shaped ufo pictures posted here and other places. It had 3 lights at each corner of the triangle, and the corners were squared off. The object seemed to have a texture, but I wasnt able to get a very good glance at it. I was intrigued by it, and decided to quickly head out to the field by my house so the view wouldnt be blocked by trees. As I was driving through the subdivision to the field (approx 2/5ths of a mile) I could see minor glances of the object, and it appeared to be moving to the south very fast because of its quick change in position. The time it took for me to drive from the 5 lane road, through my subdivision, and into the field took easily less than 1 minute. As this time passed, I was driving quite fast through the winding roads, and tried to see the object through the trees. I parked my car, and ran out into the field, but there was no object to be found. I ran out to the middle of the field so I could get a better look north east, where the object was originally was. But I saw nothing. The entire sky was empty, no planes, no jets, nothing. This not only rules out the probability of it being a plane, but makes the object seem to have incredible speed capabilities. Commercial Jets usually go east, then take a swoop to the south, in the same direction this object was flying. But there was nothing visible in the sky. I got home, and told my mom and little sister first. They kinda joked with me, because they know I read up alot about UFOs and conspiracy stuff. I planned on posting it on ATS sooner, but found myself being skeptical. I guess my sence finally kicked in, and Im posting it now.

Whether this has anything to do with the ufo or not, the next morning I saw tons of grey contrails in the sky. More than Ive ever seen in my entire life. They literally littered the sky. There was long ones, short ones, parallel runs running 3 wide, whatever you can imagine. What made me question them was the number of them because there was probably about 20-30 different trails in the sky, and the fact that they were grey. Any other time in my life Ive seen a contrail, they were 100% white, never grey. My girlfriend and little sister, who I was driving to school, can attest to this too. I only wish I took a picture of them, it was crazy. I still can't get over the fact of how many there were.

Looks like this is the end of the story. Not much more I can say, except question if anyone else saw it, but I highly doubt it.

Thanks in advance to whoever replies, because I greatly appreciate input.


posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 02:39 AM
Well done thats a well thought out plan to telling us what you observed with the time dates and all the details in a easy format to understand. Well done again mate thats what any report needs a well thought out description of what they observed .

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