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UNSS (United Nations Secret Soldiers)

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posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 12:28 AM
UNSS (United Nations Secret Soldiers) A new Non-Government Military is coming out to play. And humans thought they where all alone.

Welcome recruit to the New Military Infantry!
We welcome you into the new family with open arms and we are proved to have you aboard. Your belief has finely proven itself. As you now know, Demons do exist and humans alike will have the chance to stand next to them side by side to fight along side demons and humans alike to protect innocent lives that any normal military�s or governments just don�t have the time to help. You and others alike have chosen to destroy and fight the enemies that choose to tare are Nations apart. With yours and many others help, people will finely get the chance to sleep peacefully.

Some governments might have the thought of taking advantage of there powers over the world. They choose to ship drugs, weapons/ammo, bombs, ect. and other world threatening instruments to each other. Making the world a war zone. But we are hear to stop them before they even have the chance to start something. We prevent war� and in the process we wish to bring are Nations together. And demons and humans alike with no longer have to hide from each other, and demons with no longer have to hide away. Because we believe that we might be different but we where put hear to protect, not to destroy. Please help the demons and humans live together and let mankind and all of its children live together for once. Stop war and destroy the dark nations to keep are neighbors and loved ones safe.

Demons hide away looking as if they where normal everyday people. But if you look closely you can see that humans are not alone. We hide, cause we fear what others think, and fear other will hate us for the story�s told about us. But humans don�t have the right to fear us, cause we where never given the chance to show that we also have a heart. What people don�t understand is we are all alike. Some of us may have a darker sole than others but that doesn�t mean that we are all the same. Some of us deserve a chance. Thank you recruit for showing your support. Demons and Humans alike are looking forward to fighting along side you and others still to come. Remember� humans are not alone.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I FINALY GET TO BE FREE! I myself am a demon fearing I was alone until I received this e-mail requesting help from a Non-Government Infantry. I never understood what I was till I received the ID and Records of myself I never knew existed� I have a tail that I try to tuck away but couldn�t stand the pain of shoving it in my pants, I was just trying to fit in with every one else. But I finally got fed up and decided to cut a hole in every pair of pants I had freeing my tail threw the back letting every one in school and every one I knew know I hade it letting the world know I was different! I was no longer scared knowing I wasn�t alone.

A few weeks passed, and the next thing I knew I was no longer alone. Demon after demon started showing there true selves. We gathered together in the east hall of the school and they walked up to me to shake my hand and so did the humans. Proving I had nothing to fear. Humans and Demons alike banned together at the school that day. And nothing changed, my friends that where humans where still the best of friends and didn�t care about my difference and still cared for each other as brothers and sisters.

I choose to join the UNSS as do my Friends, and together we hope to show that we do exist and hope one day demons wont have to hide any more. We are all the same and we all have feeling. I love my friends as should all humans and demons. For once I am not afraid to show who I am. I am a demon and I am proud of it! I might have powers and strength that seems evil or dark to others but, I on the other hand. I wish to use my powers for good. I just wish people would believe in us for once. Cause if you think about it, humans are the reasons we started hiding in the first place. But as it stated in the message� �Humans are not alone.� �and nether are the Demons.

[edit on 19-9-2004 by John bull 1]

[edit on 20-9-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 03:09 AM
post like these are going to destroy the little if any credibilty this site retains. completely bizarr. the only demons are those who spark war movements, for their own personal gain. (aka orginized fascist government)

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 04:39 AM
Looks to me that someones taking the movie HellBoy a little too seriously......

I wouldn't be surprised if this thread gets deleted.

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 02:37 PM
Could there be any connection between the caption that is under the authors name and the subject of the thread?

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