posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 08:48 AM
I agree that changes in the Sun's fusion process are not apparent in years/decades/centuries... the apparent intensity of sunlight is a result of the
Earth atmosphere...
the geo-engineering program AKA: Chem-Trails which is dumping aerosols of aluminum into the upper atmosphere has caused the 1950s yellow Sunlight of
the average daylight period to turn into the harsh, white, intense daylight we have grown accustomed to since the late 1980s until today...
I would venture to say that the ongoing climate-change, heat build-up was an unintended consequence of the Chem-Trail experiment that is intentionally
being thrust upon civilizations by the power mad globalists who insist on being the puppet masters of their 'better world of
tomorrow'....crackpot idealism