I've been a paranormal investigator for about 11 years now, though in the last 3 I have been forced to all but abandon it due to the lack of job,
moving to a small town that's far from my old organization, etc.
A bummer, indeed.
But on to the oddest thing I have ever asked on this entire forum.
So I started to write a tale about a modern day woman who gets an invitation to go to a medieval aged castle in England. It's all but deserted, some
areas are not safe to go to, etc etc. She gets there and meets the caretaker ad a few other folk, right? As she's shown to her room, she sees a
portrait above the fireplace of one hot guy from around the 1300's or so. (Bear with me, I do have a point). She meets a few other people in the
castle and notes they are dressed in clothing from that time. Figuring it's a nice 'living history' deal, she goes to get something to eat, and finds
out basically her long gone ancestors had owned the castle and it belongs to her, and she has the same name as and very similar looks to the daughter
of the man of the castle back in the 1300s.
Turns out that daughter was the lover of said man in the portrait in the room the current day woman is staying in. He was killed once the love affair
was found out and the daughter died a few months after of a broken heart.
A few days go by in the present day and portrait guy ends up coming to her in spirit form, letting her know she's the reincarnation of his lost love.
I have yet to write more of the story and I left out tons of detail as not to bore. But my writing got me to ponder on many things in reality:
Would that even be possible? Could an intelligent spirit actually recognize someone who is reincarnated today and develop feelings for them? I know
our souls remain the same and we just get a new body when we incarnate, but would one who was left behind in spirit form actually... could this
Part of me says 'nah, pshaw, foolish, derp.' But the romantic in me says, "Of course, true love never dies; a soul can recognize a soul no matter
what." And my paranormal investigator side of me is wanting to break out the equipment, go on an over seas road trip and prove or disprove this - yet
logic reminds me I'm broke so I should just save money and ask here xD
edit on 22-2-2012 by sarra1833 because: (no reason given)