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Indeed... time for OTHER countries to solve their own issues and help the US solve theirs at the sam

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posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 01:24 AM
There's a strong feeling of anti-anti american attitude in the other thread. And while I can understand the frustration from the constant rethoric from mainly EU and the middle east, we need to be clear on one thing: Everyone is butting too much into everyone's business.

Back in 1953 a Iranian doctor had the brilliant idea of nationalizing the states oil reserves. This is in my oppinion one of the most natural things in the world to do. The reserves are on their soil so it should be run and benefit the state itself and the people in it. This is true for ALL cases of energy reserves of any kind in the entire world.

We all saw the result though from the Iranian move in 1953. They labelled him communist and he was couped... a democratically elected official was couped. Because of oil.

Now why is that? The answer is blantantly shouting in your face. The countries involved have no rich energy resources themselves, so they have to depend on others to make sure they can supply their citizens with obscenely low gas prices (compared to the rest of the western world).
The solution has since been meddling in other countries business, destroying their governments and installing officials friendly to western cause.

This is not acceptable.

We need to move to a new kind of world. Not necessarily away from capitalism, but most definately away from the shape of it as it is now.

Here are some starting points:

- ALL military pulled home from outposts. No exception. Short to say, no nation should be allowed to "invade" sovereign soil under the pretext of protecting homeland or safeguarding the public in that nation.

- ALL energy resources in the entire world MUST BE nationalize.d. There will be issued a standard value for a fixed amount of each energy type and countries should following try to organize themselves so that the energy is distributed evenly thorughout the world.
With energy controlled directly by each nation, there will be less to fight about

- ALL nuclear weapons without exception must be dismantled in a speedy fashion. Subsequently all nations who currently have nuclear weapons would followingly have to agreed to be "checked out" to make sure that nuclear capability is 100% gone.

- Instead of having several different kinds of councils like we have NATO, UN and what not at the moment, these will be shut down and a new council will be set up. This council should have no legislative options, no military force and only live to serve the ideals of the joint efforts to promote and safeguard the above through a constant presence in each country's governments.

- The remaining unpopulated areas of earth should be forced to be international parks. Instead of latching onto expendable energy we should be focusing on renewable free energy. Since energy in all cases have been nationalized and is evenly distributed it would be in everyone's interest to see a new form of energy appear sooner rather than later.

- Minerals or the world, like energy, should be nationalized. This should indeed create quite a few new strong economies in 3rd world countries. Wether or not the minerals should be evenly distributed should be up for debate. I sense that some countries have higher production of technology where the minerals are needed than others.
Discontinue production of silly needless things like diamond bracelets and gold watches.

- Nationalized media OR increase control and set up strict guidelines for privately owned media so that biased reporting is virtually impossible. There should be a "one strike and out" policy in regards to enforcing these rules.
Media is one of the main causes for social illitteracy in the world. They have succesfully promoted themselves as deliverers of truth, yet they are more like deliverers of "what we need to know today to buy that brand" or "feel ok about attacking that country."

- Global tax. A LOT of cooperations and companies are relying on the lack of a uniform tax system. They hide thier wealth throughout the world and starve the nations in which they reside of tax.
We need a common tax system in the entire world, so that we have a minimum tax procentage regardless of where a cooperation sets up.
Along with agreeing to a global tax, each country will also agree to punish cooperations that fail to pay their tax through sanctions that make sure that goods can't even leave the plant they are produced at or at the least leave the country they are in.

Suggestions for each nation in the world:

- Extreme democracy. A lot of countries currently hold an illusion of democracy where elections are not transparent, easily to manipulate and through and through corrupt from influence and money from cooperations. Therefore we need to enforce a strict policy regarding campaign contributions during elections.
Coorperations and organizations can still donate, but the donations will go into one big pool from which the money is EVENLY distributed amongst the political parties in parliament.
This ofcourse will require quite a bit of control, but it's necessary.

- Politicians can no longer spend their entire lives sitting in office. A maximum of 8 years (or two terms) should be installed, creating a saltwater injection that will help keeping corruption and idle policies out of each country.

- All politicians should be directly elected for office. No man or woman should be able to appoint a politician to be minister for a certain area. Nepotism has ruined democracy in many countries and also increase corruption.

- Institute free health care and free education for every man woman and child in the world.

- From the ideal of bringing free education to everyone, instead of giving money as help to 3rd world countries, intensify efforts to build schools, hospitals and so on in those countries.

These are just starting points. They need to be thought through. Countries should still remain sovereign... there will be no superstates, that is not in the interest of the people of the world, but we really do need more unified rules to make this world work.

Feel free to add points to this list or question them if you like.
edit on 22/2/12 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 01:28 AM
So it's time for other countries to help the united states?

Good luck with that.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by flice

- Global tax. A LOT of cooperations and companies are relying on the lack of a uniform tax system. They hide thier wealth throughout the world and starve the nations in which they reside of tax.
We need a common tax system in the entire world, so that we have a minimum tax procentage regardless of where a cooperation sets up.
Along with agreeing to a global tax, each country will also agree to punish cooperations that fail to pay their tax through sanctions that make sure that goods can't even leave the plant they are produced at or at the least leave the country they are in.

I would rather endure a global nuclear holocaust then a global tax.

As per the rest of your drivel I edited out, and it is indeed drivel as a great deal of information is available about the coup on the Iranian government(information you chose to ignore). The USA didn't need oil from Iran. And the USA doesn't stand to gain from energy reserves in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Yemen or any of the out countries we interfere with.

Heck back in the 1950's, the US was still among the top oil exporters. The UK on the other hand, needed Iranian oil. It is just that the USA was trying to keep the British inline so we could fight the cold war without worry that the British where up to something sneaky(same reason we got involved in Vietnam, to cover for the French).

The USA, we get our energy reserves from several different place: Our own coal, natural gas and petroleum reserves, and imports from Canada, Mexico, Nigeria and Venezuela. We do import some oil from Saudi Arabia, but that is mostly just imported so it could be refined and shipped out again.

I am all for nations naturalizing their own energy reserves. I would love to see the red coats driven from America, and for American companies to exploit America's natural resources. Heck between the Bakken and Alaskan oil fields(that they are lieing about), our huge reservoirs of coal and natural gas; and then add in our large thorium deposit's. America could close it doors and not have anything to do with the rest of the world.


Your ignoring the fact that a large portion of American's want little to do with the rest of the world. And if progressive keep trying to force the issue via forced immigrations(allow immigrants into a country that doesn't want them) to bring about a world order, all they will get is Global Warfare. Because the more this is forced, the more people will resent and view the less advanced nations as less than human.

It is one thing to be against the exploitation of others, but it is a whole different matter to try and force everyone to be nice and play patty cake with each other, when the vast majority would rather pretend the others didn't exist.

edit on 26-2-2012 by korathin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 06:16 PM
Yawn! Just another pitch for socialism.

Second line...

You wouldn't happen to work for the UN would you?
edit on 26-2-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

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