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Occupy These Videos

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posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:23 PM

This is a case study from the sovereignty movement, of a man who liberated himself from the Canadian legal system.

This is why I've never been directly involved with Occupy. Rob's approach is something that Occupy apparently don't know about; and they really ought to learn of it. It's also infinitely more effective. Rob himself says in an interview I've read, that he considers Occupy, and protest in general, to be an expression of helplessness and victimhood, and that was my perspective also, before I read him saying that.

Protest is an act of telling other people that there is something wrong with what they are doing, but that you also still expect them to fix the problem. This is also the reason why I have zero tolerance for Ron Paul supporters. They are relying on him to act as a regent of their own sovereignty, rather than attempting to do anything about their problems themselves.

This is the central crux of what I've been trying to communicate to people here, in a lot of the threads I've started recently. Literally every form of political or economic paradigm that exists inside our heads, no matter what it is...Capitalism, Communism, Free Trade, neoliberalism, a lie that has been invented by a small, global cabal of psychopaths for the purposes of keeping us all enslaved, and ultimately killing us all. The only way out is to go outside of their box entirely; to recognise that not only their mainstream system, but all of their institutional alternatives (I'm afraid I'm talking to you here, Noam Chomsky) are a demonic lie.

I used to even believe in the Hindu caste system, but Eboyd successfully made me realise that that also is just another part of the proverbial shell game. The bottom line is, that while universal law exists, manmade law, for the most part, fairly simply doesn't. ALL national law is illegitimate; it does not exist on the basis of anything other than psychopathic fiat, and collateral of raw military force. - This link contains more information on this topic.

The above video is about Mike Reynolds, the man who designed the Earth Ship architecture that Rob Paige used in designing his home, and which could be used by others.

I am not going to claim for one moment that I am anywhere near close to the point that Rob is at, (I may well never be; I have no land, and I'm still currently on a disability support pension, although I plan to get off it eventually) but as someone with autism and a couple of moderate physical handicaps, I have at least left home, and am gradually becoming independent to the extent that I can. I've also never been part of the mainstream workforce, as I intuitively recognised it for what it was, very early on, and while I bought a mobile phone perhaps four months ago in a moment of weakness, I do not use it.

Protesting is not going to help us avoid extinction. The psychopaths who we try to communicate with, when protesting, have no interest in change whatsoever. If we want to improve things, we need to simply begin walking away from the psychopathic paradigm entirely, and start to implement our own system.
edit on 21-2-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by petrus4

This is why I've never been directly involved with Occupy. Rob's approach is something that Occupy apparently don't know about; and they really ought to learn of it. It's also infinitely more effective. Rob himself says in an interview I've read, that he considers Occupy, and protest in general, to be an expression of helplessness and victimhood, and that was my perspective also, before I read him saying that.

Protest is an act of telling other people that there is something wrong with what they are doing, but that you also still expect them to fix the problem. This is also the reason why I have zero tolerance for Ron Paul supporters. They are relying on him to act as a regent of their own sovereignty, rather than attempting to do anything about their problems themselves.

This is the central crux of what I've been trying to communicate to people here, in a lot of the threads I've started recently. Literally every form of political or economic paradigm that exists inside our heads, no matter what it is...Capitalism, Communism, Free Trade, neoliberalism, a lie that has been invented by a small, global cabal of psychopaths for the purposes of keeping us all enslaved, and ultimately killing us all. The only way out is to go outside of their box entirely; to recognise that not only their mainstream system, but all of their institutional alternatives (I'm afraid I'm talking to you here, Noam Chomsky) are a demonic lie.

I used to even believe in the Hindu caste system, but Eboyd successfully made me realise that that also is just another part of the proverbial shell game. The bottom line is, that while universal law exists, manmade law, for the most part, fairly simply doesn't. ALL national law is illegitimate; it does not exist on the basis of anything other than psychopathic fiat, and collateral of raw military force.

so if you dont believe in protest or support ron paul what do u suggest?
do you believe people claiming their individual sovereignty will alter society as a whole?
protests are meant to get the message to the masses and ron paul has advocated a campaign to end the FED and foreign wars (and in turn the military industrial complex) do you believe a bunch of hippies (not meant offensively) reclaiming their individual sovereignty will stop foreign conquests?

i agree with you that all political ideologies, the mainstream, status quo and institutions are all lies and national aws are illegitimate and fiat but the fact is they serve functions and have been structured into society.
people need to protest and have symbols like ron paul to look towards and identify with and have a message to spread.
if people just drop off the grid individually there is no movement or revolution
the momentum would never grow and the current system would continue to perpetuate without resistance

that is why the interenet is our greatest weapon now, to spead information and the message to defeat the establishment

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by trust_no_one
do you believe people claiming their individual sovereignty will alter society as a whole?

If enough people do it, and translate doing it into practical action as rob has, absolutely. People always talk disparagingly about hippies; when I'm inclined to believe that what they really need to do, is look at whether elements of said hippie philosophy can be constructive and beneficial.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:07 PM
Occupy Wall street behavior is not new. Even Capuchin Monkeys reject unequal pay.

Many highly cooperative nonhuman species seem guided by a set of expectations about the outcome of cooperation and the division of resources,

We have an

early evolutionary origin of inequity aversion

Here is the TED talk which backs that up. It displays clearly and unmistakably how and why man is a social being with an innate sense of reciprocity and fair-play, empathy and consolation. This is also the segment where the Capuchin study is included.

Very interesting and when given a choice and all things are equal EVEN THE MONKEYS are pro-social and do not display a tendency toward selfishness suggesting moral outrage as exhibited by the OCCUPY protestors is expected of any thinking primate! (unless they are suffering from autism which impairs their ability to express empathy) Concern for the MAJORITY is biological and a natural evolutionary progressive trait.

edit on 21-2-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 03:50 AM
I want to put this thread back in circulation. I'm very interested in continuing to try and expose people to the sovereignty movement and related concepts, here on ATS. I think it is extremely important.

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