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Food Project Proposes Matrix-Style Vertical Chicken Farms

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posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:07 AM
Food Project Proposes Matrix-Style Vertical Chicken Farms

André Ford has proposed a new system for the mass production of chickens that removes the birds’ cerebral cortex so that they don’t experience the horrors of being packed together tightly in vertical farms.

If that's not enough to put you right off your drumsticks read on.

Philosopher Paul Thompson from Purdue University has suggested “The Blind Chicken Solution.”

In a nut shell? Blind the chickens at birth so the don’t suffer from overcrowding and lack of sunlight when being raised in sheds where they can barely move.

Still feeling sick? (I am!) Maybe you shouldn’t read on. Believe it or not it gets worse.

But Ford goes a step further and proposes a “Headless Chicken Solution.” This would involve removing the cerebral cortex of the chicken to inhibit its sensory perceptions so that it could be produced in more densely packed conditions without the associated distress. The brain stem for the chicken would be kept intact so that the homeostatic functions continue to operate, allowing it to grow.

Yeah, keep reading...

After this “desensitization,” the chickens could then be stacked into huge urban farms with around 1,000 chickens hooked up to large vertical frames — (like the network of human pods in The Matrix). The feet of the chickens would also be removed in order to pack more in.

There ya go. Unconscious Farming. Who’d a thought. Just a little pain at birth then it’s all the food, water and air you can have pumped into you and the poo you can have pumped out of you for seven weeks - then you’re dead.

A challenge for Ford’s system would be the lack of muscular stimulation. However, Ford proposes using electric shocks similar to that used in other lab meat experiments.

So let's get this straight. These chicks will be either blinded or lobotomized at birth, have their feet chopped off - errr, I mean removed - then it’s on their way to being confined in a sling where they'll be force-fed watered and de-pooped daily. And if that‘s not enough - THEN - because they can‘t move they'll receive electric shock treatment to stimulate muscle growth.

I would be terrified to be left alone in a room with the guy (Ford) who came up with this revolutionary solution. Though I have to agree (in part) with his opinion on this next point.

Ford argues that his solution is no more shocking than existing food-production techniques. “The realities of the existing systems of production are just as shocking,” he told, “but they are hidden behind the sentimental guise of traditional farming scenes that we as consumers hold in our minds and see on our food packaging.”

Ok, so, we know the reality of a ‘broiler’s life’ just isn’t pretty - no fluffy little chicks scratching around the farm yard pecking at worms while mommy hen watches over lovingly. But shed raised chicks is a FAR CRY from lobotomizing them, cutting off their feet, confined them in a sling where they receive a daily dose of current to get those muscles growing!

On the other hand?

Ford believes that the Headless Chicken Solution has the same intentions as the lab-grown meats we have seen developed recently. “The intentions are the same — the synthesis of animal protein without the suffering,”

After the initial trauma - the rest of their life would be sans suffering.

What’s your reaction to that ATS‘ers? Better these chicks suffer a ‘little pain‘ at birth rendering them zombified? Or let them live out their life crammed into growing sheds never to breath a fresh breath of air or feel the sunlight on their feathers?

Footless Chicken Zombies coming to your grocer soon. Gawd, just when I though mankind couldn’t think up anything more vile and they go and do it.

Oh! And I almost forgot. These meat products will be cheaper (no pun intended). So, will you, the consumer pay the price or not? Will you pay MORE for shed raised meat - or - LESS for the ‘Headless Chicken’ solution? Or neither and like me think of going vegetarian?


edit on 21-2-2012 by silo13 because: bbc

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by silo13

can't we just have a free range chicken reserve, and if we want to eat a chicken for dinner tonight, we can go and hunt one down and do the dirty work ourselves?? I think I'd feel less guilty about eating the poor thing that way...

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:16 AM
For now, this is just a concept. As far as maximizing space and minimizing waste/contamination, this is a brilliant design. At first glance, those who oppose slaughterhouses and the like will be horrified, but I personally find this concept to be a logical step in mass production.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by silo13

Can some people insult the food chain any more than this. Thats it! I want to see my chicken running now and then to say whilst pointing to that one please!!!! Pre Packaged meat even from reliable shops are based on trust. We don't really know what is under the plastic wrap! I have heard so many rumours where the fast foods chain aquire their chicken. I have swore years ago not to darken those doorways, I cannot think the last time I or my family has had a fast food chicken anything. I miss a certain Col lol! In our house hold we love to cook and taught our kids that cooking is fun but picking food is important to do wisely. I am still amazed seeing some of these fast food outlets packed with families in my travels all over USA in business and visiting family and of course the UK where I live now. I can say that living in a small village where the closest fast food is 20 mins away and must use a country road to get there and back made it easy not to have my family be tempted by fast foods! My point is I have known many parents who use these fast food outlets as a convenience especially the birthday party special where chicken nuggets are served with pride! I am a believer that the chicken nugget never had a heart beat!. When party is over leave mess take kids.... But what are we stuffing in our children growing system.... As I see it at first these "FrankenMeat" will find the first market in fast foods.

Thanks Silo for the information S's n F. I can only hope somehow we can get back to the organic way of growing food and respecting the food chain.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:40 AM
I agree with this, the removal of cortex. We need food, but we should not be causing pain and suffering to animals. The Science we have is currently often used for harm ie, GMO, ie HAARP and nuclear. Ie. our cloning experiments.

BUT our sciences are such that we could propel to a level one civlization and advance with everyone equal.

We can grow fruit on vines, in greenhouses, we can neutralize, cancel with sine waves radiation and shield, we can grow Muscle groups without killing animals, basically grow meat.

We can have homes for everyone, eco farms, beauty, education, free energy, advanced healing and prevention medicine, very fast or instant tranpsportations.

We can already replace fossil fuels, and plastics.

You could even grow quartz or crystal and download virtualized systems, computers, not just use the crystal for harddrive and run a whole computer from a pretty crystal in a stand hooked to a screen.

We could have no money and no scarsity no hidden wealthy control core, but true councils of citizens. We could all be developing our psi.

What is wrong with the animal industry is the concept of harming the animal. Growing food, without the consciousness, IS GOOD.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

can't we just have a free range chicken reserve, and if we want to eat a chicken for dinner tonight, we can go and hunt one down and do the dirty work ourselves??

That's what I started doing years ago. If I don't raise it and butcher it myself? I don't eat it. On the other hand I know not everyone is able to do it. And no, it doesn't make me a hero at all - it just makes me want to try to give the chicks a better life and - to feel a little less guilt over my chicken soup.


posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by Unity_99 and DaTroof

That's what I was in hopes to hear - people who would chime in or the 'good' this project might do.

But I still have to ask. How can we, as moral beings even begin to entertain the idea of chopping off the legs of newborn chicks only to lobotomize them to raise like zombies while administering electroshock daily and all so we can enjoy a chicken dinner for less $$$???

That's just so wrong on so many levels in my opinion...


edit on 21-2-2012 by silo13 because: reword

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by IceHappy

While I agree with organic food, and Non GMO food, I really wonder why you wish to see an animal running around happy and alive, and then experience killing to eat.

We need protein and not just plant protein to be healthy, and for brain. We need liver and the soluable fat vitamins for bones and teeth.

All my life I've been waiting for them to grow meat without the brain. I've known this was possible since reading the omni magazines since childhood, and science digest my father subscribed to. That is how advanced races do things, they eat without killing consciousness. The ets that don't seem to eat are bots.

Being able to do so is progression.

And this is the right use of science, as compared to combining human dna in animals and upping their intelligence and then harming them which they've been doing and is evil.
edit on 21-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by silo13

I happen to care about animals, and our health, and they have the technology to grow meat and not soul/consciousness, not have any pain for some time.

And you have a problem with this, and think its humane to disagree with humane solutions. Very very odd.

I can hardly wait until nothing is harmed, body suits are nothing, its consciousness that is something.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:56 AM
Not withstanding that neo cortex alone is not everything and that even people born blind have gained site through other systems in their bodies, so the body sometimes adapts or compensates. I would like to know why they're not just growing the muscles in labs/factories, without a brain at all. And would have to have proof and continual updates of proof (not just from their bought off technicians but by community councils and our science technicians) as to whether or not via brain monitoring there is any regions associated with pain being picked up.

Because I don't trust them.

But the idea of producing the meat without consciousness/soul, and with the absence of pain IS the right thing to do with science.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:03 AM
The animals not grown for meat, ie. for eggs, and milk products should have happier lives than they're having now, they're packed into tiny spaces and that bothers me enormously. We should all have access to affordable, well it should be the only thing there is really, certified and inspected, raw milk and wholesome foods withe vitamins we really need and farmer markets all over the place, and free range chicken eggs, without doubling the cost, and no other types.

These kind of animals should be respected and treated more like family pets that produce food.

But we've had the technology for some time now to eat meat that is alive, ie body suit or muscle alive, nutritious and yet, not killing consciousness, and I've been waiting along time for humanity to upgrade this way. They've been instead enhancing the pain factor by even putting human brain dna in lab mice. That is why I don't trust them.
edit on 21-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by Unity_99 and DaTroof

That's what I was in hopes to hear - people who would chime in or the 'good' this project might do.

But I still have to ask. How can we, as moral beings even begin to entertain the idea of chopping off the legs of newborn chicks only to lobotomize them to raise like zombies while administering electroshock daily and all so we can enjoy a chicken dinner for less $$$???

That's just so wrong on so many levels in my opinion...


edit on 21-2-2012 by silo13 because: reword

make more money selling the legs as food i think.. should be a huge demand.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Because after I joined the service in 1970 my mother and her life partner moved to Washington State and ran up to my mothers death last year (partner is carrying on with islander help) an organic veg, fruit farm along with live stock the following through the years Bunnies, famous cows, goats, sheep, chickens, Turkeys, ducks and geese. I am sure I am missing at least two animals..... lol not cheap meat but all the islanders buy them out each year for over 40 years. They have a local butcher that comes to the farm and dispatches the purchase in front of or not the client and never in front of other animals. In visiting my mothers ranch I never saw an unhappy animal and their end was fast and as humane as possible. This can be done its not cheap but very respectful. How can one eat any less. I understand your ideas and in my thinking over the years I call it the "Star Trek Dream" I would love to own a Star Trek Replicator machine. Though the years watching Star Trek many times I witness that replicator working and never once saw a cow on the Enterprise but everything from Bourbon to a fine rare steak was served from that machine and usually in seconds.

My thoughts about meat is simple if an animal has to live to feed me then it should have a happy life.... Running freely to develop healthy.

LOL the first time my girls, now adults, visited their grandma! Everything was going well on the first visit until dinner time... That was when Farmer Grandma Jeanne said Fuzzy was a good cow!

Gemma my youngest asked Grandma, "Who was Fuzzy? The reply came back from a farmer of many years rather than a Grandma!

Jeanne/Grandma said "Fuzzy is on your plate"! My youngest daughter is still a veggie after after all of these years.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by silo13
Food Project Proposes Matrix-Style Vertical Chicken Farms

André Ford has proposed a new system for the mass production of chickens that removes the birds’ cerebral cortex so that they don’t experience the horrors of being packed together tightly in vertical farms.

If that's not enough to put you right off your drumsticks read on.

Philosopher Paul Thompson from Purdue University has suggested “The Blind Chicken Solution.”

In a nut shell? Blind the chickens at birth so the don’t suffer from overcrowding and lack of sunlight when being raised in sheds where they can barely move.

Still feeling sick? (I am!) Maybe you shouldn’t read on. Believe it or not it gets worse.

But Ford goes a step further and proposes a “Headless Chicken Solution.” This would involve removing the cerebral cortex of the chicken to inhibit its sensory perceptions so that it could be produced in more densely packed conditions without the associated distress. The brain stem for the chicken would be kept intact so that the homeostatic functions continue to operate, allowing it to grow.

Yeah, keep reading...

After this “desensitization,” the chickens could then be stacked into huge urban farms with around 1,000 chickens hooked up to large vertical frames — (like the network of human pods in The Matrix). The feet of the chickens would also be removed in order to pack more in.

There ya go. Unconscious Farming. Who’d a thought. Just a little pain at birth then it’s all the food, water and air you can have pumped into you and the poo you can have pumped out of you for seven weeks - then you’re dead.

A challenge for Ford’s system would be the lack of muscular stimulation. However, Ford proposes using electric shocks similar to that used in other lab meat experiments.

So let's get this straight. These chicks will be either blinded or lobotomized at birth, have their feet chopped off - errr, I mean removed - then it’s on their way to being confined in a sling where they'll be force-fed watered and de-pooped daily. And if that‘s not enough - THEN - because they can‘t move they'll receive electric shock treatment to stimulate muscle growth.

I would be terrified to be left alone in a room with the guy (Ford) who came up with this revolutionary solution. Though I have to agree (in part) with his opinion on this next point.

Ford argues that his solution is no more shocking than existing food-production techniques. “The realities of the existing systems of production are just as shocking,” he told, “but they are hidden behind the sentimental guise of traditional farming scenes that we as consumers hold in our minds and see on our food packaging.”

Ok, so, we know the reality of a ‘broiler’s life’ just isn’t pretty - no fluffy little chicks scratching around the farm yard pecking at worms while mommy hen watches over lovingly. But shed raised chicks is a FAR CRY from lobotomizing them, cutting off their feet, confined them in a sling where they receive a daily dose of current to get those muscles growing!

On the other hand?

Ford believes that the Headless Chicken Solution has the same intentions as the lab-grown meats we have seen developed recently. “The intentions are the same — the synthesis of animal protein without the suffering,”

After the initial trauma - the rest of their life would be sans suffering.

What’s your reaction to that ATS‘ers? Better these chicks suffer a ‘little pain‘ at birth rendering them zombified? Or let them live out their life crammed into growing sheds never to breath a fresh breath of air or feel the sunlight on their feathers?

Footless Chicken Zombies coming to your grocer soon. Gawd, just when I though mankind couldn’t think up anything more vile and they go and do it.

Oh! And I almost forgot. These meat products will be cheaper (no pun intended). So, will you, the consumer pay the price or not? Will you pay MORE for shed raised meat - or - LESS for the ‘Headless Chicken’ solution? Or neither and like me think of going vegetarian?


edit on 21-2-2012 by silo13 because: bbc


posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by IceHappy

Having a family farm, with egg and milk producers treated like pets and loved, is a good thing. Really recommended thing. I grew up on a farm too, an orchard and we had fresh cows milk, even goats milk at one point.

If I wanted livestock I've always dreamed of alpaca and sheep for spinning and weaving. Plus some plants for dye material and spinning too.

But we don't have to kill a living conscious being to procure meat, nor do advanced civilizations.

That is also a good thing.
edit on 21-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

I can hardly wait until nothing is harmed, body suits are nothing, its consciousness that is something.

Agreed. I just don't believe chopping off a baby chicks legs at birth then lobotomizing it is a step in the right direction. Think about it. It's not like those little newborns are going to get anesthesia.

Also? IMO - you can remove it's legs and head, but you can't remove it's soul and there is NO way of knowing what that animal will go through headless, legless and confined for it's life. That's beyond barbaric IMO.

When we can find a happy medium I'll invite you to KFC.


posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by IceHappy

But we don't have to kill a living conscious being to procure meat, nor do advanced civilizations.

That is also a good thing.
edit on 21-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

I never grew up on a farm. Jeanne created her farm having moved from California to Washington but many visits and a few articles were written about Jeanne and her farm....

But what I want to say about advanced civilization comment you made is what I call and heard others speak of "The Star Trek Ideals"

I share your dream but looking at the path to that end is what worries me.

I love for the "Star Trek" world to be real. Unfortunately, as I see it, many animals will have to suffer before a meat without soul and feelings etc become a reality if at all... The problem of meat growing up to become healthy food is the meat needs its own proper food source for nourishment along with sunshine and exercise (hence the preferred free range eggs and chickens method of raising) and cannot imagine how this could be done without any animal suffering etc . I can see many mistakes with animal suffering before this ideal becomes so called humane in practice!

I guess in my mind the only alternative would be done in bio research in a meat substitute. I did do one year as a veggie myself and can tell you after that year was up I had a wonderful steak at Alfred's in San Francisco and on the way back to Marin County I stopped off at Jack in the Box on Lombard Street for a wonderful top up of meat LOL....

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:04 AM
Absolutely horrifying. My God we are a stupid species.

Does anyone really believe those headless birds will be fed anything nutritious during their "life"? Of course not. They will be fed a slurry of something cheap with chemicals and synthetic vitamins. And all that junk will go into us when we eat the franken-birds.

Can you imagine the diseases which will run rife in these places? No matter how clean they will try to keep it, the bacteria will always win.

Naturally raised birds choose their meals from the bugs, dirt and greens, and build up a healthy body. Their immunities keep the people who eat them safe.

I raise chickens, I eat chickens. My birds have a lovely life and are happy.

The real solution: eat less meat and when you do, eat local meat.
The corollary, raise your own food.

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