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Who was the one person....

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posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 06:36 PM
That has influenced western civilisation this centuary? I think I know who it is but I will reserve my judgement until I see yours

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by michael1983l

I think Jesus has that covered... Not to mention the past 1900 years of course...

Its unfortunate that many who believe in him don't understand exactly what that means...

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by michael1983l

Steve Jobs.....

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 06:42 PM
This century? The 21st century? I don't know if you intended the last 11.25 years, but hey, I'll bit. I'll also give the last few centuries.

21st century: Osama Bin Laden. 11 years after he bombed the WTC, we're still talking about him.
20 th century: Sir Winston Churchill or Secretary of State George Marshall--Without him, no Marshall Plan. Without that, no modern Europe.
19th century: Abraham Lincoln--Kept the union together
18th century: George Washington and George III--One led the colonies to victory and didn't want to be a king. The other signed the Treaty of Paris and allowed the colonies to have their independence without further war.

How's that?

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 06:56 PM
tesla hands down !

Ha! jesus , nobody even knows this character jesus , because bible has so many problems iwth it lol
edit on 20-2-2012 by seedofchucky because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:10 PM
I actually think it is Winston Churchill. Not because I thought he was the difference between a loss or a win for the allies but because he stood up to the Nazi's 2 years earlier than any other ally and had he not then the Germans may well have been too strong even for the mighty america. In winstons words. "Never have so many, owed so much to so few". I wish I could have been there to see you off, truely a magnificent person

Thank you Winston.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 08:04 PM
Vladimir Putin. Though I don't really don't feel like it I'll comply with the "no one liners".

Putin has almost single-handedly stood off the collapsing empire as it thrashes madly across the globe. He has also, thus far, been able to forestall WWIII. The man is absolutely amazing. In the past eleven years he has anticipated every move made by the US and NATO and kept them in check.

He and Russia's fledgling democracy have offered the only, and I do mean only, resistance to Zionism and Israel's infiltration and subversion of western civilization (though many will argue I consider Russia a westernized democracy). While we jaw jack about reigning in corrupt bankers (more of the Z's handiwork) Putin has either run them out of Russia, imprisoned the ones who thought they were untouchable and in one case assassinated one who thought he'd bought his way to safety in England. Putin did, as a courtesy to England, seek extradition but when it was refused Putin wasn't hesitant to dole out justice the old fashioned way.

He was lied to about NATO's intentions in Libya or Gaddafi would still be the leader there, the gold Dinar would still be on the drawing board and the Libyan central bank would still be an IMF wet dream. He doesn't intend to make the same mistake twice referring to US efforts on Israel's behalf to topple Assad in Syria.

He intends to defend Iran and Soviet interests in the middle east and the US would do well to take him at his word. Israel is setting the US up for an ass stomping the likes of which we can't even imagine and if the Zionists who control the US government (and by proxy our nuclear arsenal) decide to go atomic Russia will flatten half the US and if we persist they'll flatten the rest.

Unlike us Russia is prepared for nuclear war. We've spent billions on bunkers for the rich and famous while Russia built fallout shelters for her people. Russia can go toe to toe, missile to missile and considering the recent dismal failure of Israel's Iron Dome missile defense shield, the heart of which is our Patriot missile system, survive. The US, for its efforts, will no longer have an unemployment problem. Though a little off subject, it would be my hope that with nothing left to steal and our military no longer able to do it's bidding the Sayanim will pack their bags and go home. If there's anything left of him they'd be welcome to Pollard when they leave.

To summarize- Putin gets my vote hands down.

OK trolls- pounce.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by seedofchucky
tesla hands down !

Ha! jesus , nobody even knows this character jesus , because bible has so many problems iwth it lol
edit on 20-2-2012 by seedofchucky because: (no reason given)

The question was who had the greatest influence...

I believe Jesus had and still has more influence over western civilization then anyone in history...

I said nothing about knowing him... IF you look at the state of Christianity anyone can clearly see very few KNOW him...

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 08:25 PM


reply to post by Akragon

The question was who had the greatest influence...

oh ?

That has influenced western civilisation this centuary?

IF you look at the state of Christianity anyone can clearly see very few KNOW him...

without the bible , you wouldn't know jesus from santa claus. The bible is a broken record , full of contradictions , evil , blasphamy , and fairy tales.
The state of christianity today and all its sects are direct evidence of how corrupt the bible is , and how people interpert what the bible is saying.
Jesus made some promises that don't work , Move a mountain , drink poison etc...

everything you know about this jesus character is from a tainted book. I'm sorry , but that doesn't fly with everyone. You might be cool with it , but it doesn't hold water for me.

i look at state of christianity today and i can clearly see , none of you know him . Because he doesn't exisit in the form you have brain washed your self into believing.

I know truth hurts , but it will set you free

I believe Jesus had and still has more influence over western civilization then anyone in history...

you mean the indoctrination of jesus. you don't know what jesus did , was , or what he said. The bible is broken . You only have a interpertation of who jesus was. Nothing tangable to accredit to jesus , besides of course your subjective feelings of how he tickles you at night when you pray.

edit on 20-2-2012 by seedofchucky because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by seedofchucky

without the bible , you wouldn't know jesus from santa claus.

True, but the question was what person... not what book. That would be far to obvious.

The bible is a broken record , full of contradictions , evil , blasphamy , and fairy tales.

Also true...

The state of christianity today and all its sects are direct evidence of how corrupt the bible is , and how people interpert what the bible is saying.

I believe i said that in not so many words...

Jesus made some promises that don't work , Move a mountain , drink poison etc...

Those statements are alligorical... though i admit i've moved many mountians in the past few years...

everything you know about this jesus character is from a tainted book. I'm sorry , but that doesn't fly with everyone. You might be cool with it , but it doesn't hold water for me.

A "tainted" book?

Only christians believe the bible is perfect my friend... His lessons are flawless, but the bible is FAR from flawless...

i look at state of christianity today and i can clearly see , none of you know him . Because he doesn't exisit in the form you have brain washed your self into believing.

Again, i believe i said that already... and by the way, im not christian.

I know truth hurts , but it will set you free

The truth does not hurt... though it will set you free...

Do you believe you're telling me something i didn't previously know before this thread was created? Clearly you haven't read anything i've posted on these forums.

you mean the indoctrination of jesus. you don't know what jesus did , was , or what he said. The bible is broken . You only have a interpertation of who jesus was. Nothing tangable to accredit to jesus , besides of course your subjective feelings of how he tickles you at night when you pray

Actually i meant what is written about this particular person...

And no one said you have to believe or understand or even listen to what i have to say... believe whatever you like... i'll stand on my convictions...

Your hatred of religon is quite evident, i don't blame you honestly... Though i would check who your speaking to before you assume im just some christian trying to preach.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Akragon

Your hatred of religon is quite evident, i don't blame you honestly...

criticism of scripture , is not always hatred. But taken that way , by a few. criticism of israel , also some are quick to label anti-semetic . No need to use such harsh words , to describe some obvious problems with jesus the bible , and giving him label of

what the op has asked. Now what is obvious here ? yoru devotion to whatever religion you are attracted too. What also shows , is how quick your ready to label.

If your not christian i apologize , i get lost with all the different sects.

Though i would check who your speaking to before you assume im just some christian trying to preach

I am sorry what was i thinking. your highness .

His lessons are flawless, but the bible is FAR from flawless...

This is where we lose reason and logic. and dive into the relm of , subjective reasoning.
you preception of jesus all came from the bible , his stories , lessons etc. Regardless if you don't believe the bible. You still read it . You took in information , you stored in the information in your mind. Why don't we take a vote and just get rid of the bible all together and dismiss it as a book of Blasphemy? Would you sign up ?

That way we can teach the future kids about jesus , based on what we "feel" instead of the flawed bible . Unless you encourage giving kids books that has many flaws and contradictions in it ? then letting them figure it out?

Those statements are alligorical... though i admit i've moved many mountians in the past few years...

Did you ? could you tell me more about your metaphor of moving the mountains? take that literal ?

edit on 20-2-2012 by seedofchucky because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by seedofchucky

criticism of scripture , is not always hatred. But taken that way , by a few. criticism of israel , also some are quick to label anti-semetic . No need to use such harsh words , to describe some obvious problems with jesus the bible , and giving him label of

I have no problem with criticism of scripture... IF you take a look through my threads you might find that i am one of the biggest Critics of scripture on these forums... but i do it tactfully, and logically...

Now what i do take issue with are those that hate on Jesus without actually reading what he said... IF you read what he said you will not be able to deny his truth... This is how i know you haven't actually read his words...

what the op has asked. Now what is obvious here ? yoru devotion to whatever religion you are attracted too. What also shows , is how quick your ready to label.

The only thing i've found thats obvious in our little discussion is that you do not know me... I have no religion, nor do i label myself in any way... I just happen to have a favorite hobby, that is studying ancient scripture from various religions... i subscribe to none of them.

If your not christian i apologize , i get lost with all the different sects.

No need... you are always forgiven... but thank you none the less...

My apologies your highness .

All are equal my friend...

This is where we lose reason and logic. and dive into the relm of , subjective reasoning.
you preception of jesus all came from the bible , his stories , lessons etc. Regardless if you don't believe the bible. You still read it . You took in information , you stored in the information in your mind. Why don't we take a vote and just get rid of the bible all together and dismiss it as a book of Blasphemy? Would you sign up ?

Actually its very logical... according to what we have about Jesus his lessons were flawless...

I have my own issues with the bible, but i do not dismiss the book as completely irrelivant as you seem to...

That way we can teach the future kids about jesus , based on what we "feel" instead of the flawed bible . Unless you encourage giving kids books that has many flaws and contradictions in it ? then letting them figure it out?

How would you teach your kids about Jesus without the bible?

Perhaps we might lose the teaching of Santa Clause and the tooth fairy instead of Jesus... At least he has practical value...

Did you ? could you tell me more about your metaphor of moving the mountains? take that literal ?

My pleasure...

I've talked to many people about their beliefs... and many times after the conversation is over they are left questioning what they once thought was Rock solid.

Change the heart of a man and you've moved that mountain.... change the beliefs of one that thinks his beliefs are solid and you've moved that mountian...

Its not just about religion either...

edit on 20-2-2012 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by Akragon

I have no religion, nor do i label myself in any way...

Thats good , but how would you label this ?

"The Only True Religion is having a relationship with GOD. Any information, belief, action or non-action that improves one's relationship with God is part of the True Religion."

What can we call that ? "Only True Religion"? default ? connection ? no religion religion ?

Change the heart of a man and you've moved that mountain.... change the beliefs of one that thinks his beliefs are solid and you've moved that mountian...

Now many religious and non religious think this same way . So many voices pulling towards different paths. Sure you can argue they lead to the same place , but one path is shorter then others , among less thorns on the way! Now who has got the shortest path ?

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by michael1983l

Its all repeated and its still repeating
there are few cycles above the few cycles below and condacted by the few winin stonners from below to the above one - so as the hakers did and do as it was the way tru and trough and to so thay name the one again the moon god ?

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by seedofchucky

Thats good , but how would you label this ?

"The Only True Religion is having a relationship with GOD. Any information, belief, action or non-action that improves one's relationship with God is part of the True Religion."

What can we call that ? "Only True Religion"? default ? connection ? no religion religion ?

I would say that is correct...

Though since "religion" consists of a group of people adhearing to a certian set of beliefs... And very few people understand that concept because of the dogma of various religious institutions. I would not say that there is a "one true religion"... Though i believe that is my quote from an older thread

Now many religious and non religious think this same way . So many voices pulling towards different paths. Sure you can argue they lead to the same place , but one path is shorter then others , among less thorns on the way! Now who has got the shortest path ?

there is no shorter path... but some are less painful... but all lead to the same place...

Its like climbing a mountian... some take the path and some stumble on that path... some chose to climb on the rocks... some cut through the bushes and carve their own path.... but we all make it to the top eventually... unfortunatly some get booted back to the bottom to start over

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Akragon

"The Only True Religion is having a relationship with GOD"

So then who is the god you have a realtionship with ? How to distinguish between a realtionshihp , and a false positive?

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by seedofchucky
reply to post by Akragon

"The Only True Religion is having a relationship with GOD"

So then who is the god you have a realtionship with ? How to distinguish between a realtionshihp , and a false positive?

IF you seek to know God...

Learn to know his son... and you will also learn know him...

There is only ONE true God... And hes not Christian/jewish/muslim or any other religion...

God is within all life...

edit on 20-2-2012 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:54 PM

edit on 21-2-2012 by nii900 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Akragon

I feel sorry for you dude, in a way its kind of funny, because I've been in your position. Clearly this guy can't interpret what your trying to say, but I get it. Yea my vote would be jesus too, he's definitely had tons of influence.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by Akragon

IF you seek to know God...

Learn to know his son... and you will also learn know him...

Thats all i needed to know ty for your time

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