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ABC7 news reporters on 9/11, real reporting and not regurgitating.

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posted on May, 25 2012 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by skunkmunky
reply to post by samkent

Your signature kinda says your convinced that the official story is true, so by your own admission, your very bias and pretty far from impartial, however I don't deny your right to an opinion.

To me his sig is bragging that they pulled off the biggest terroist act in US history, and he thinks no one will catch him out!

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 06:52 PM
I'm curious to know who gave the news helicopter permission to film from the air?

I would have thought that seeing as NY was under a 'terrorist' attack being in the airspace would not be safe?

Maybe they knew they would be safe because they knew there was no real Al Qaeda terrorists?

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by 4hero

Ever heard of 1st admendment...?

Prior to impact of second aircraft (United 175) into South Tower everyone assumed was some type of

News stations (CBS-2, NBC-4, Fox- 5, ABC-7) in New York had sent their news gathering helicopters to film
the WTC

At 9:08 am, 5 minutes after United 175, FAA closed off the airspace over New York, only police and military
flights were authorized

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by 4hero

Ever heard of 1st admendment...?

Prior to impact of second aircraft (United 175) into South Tower everyone assumed was some type of

News stations (CBS-2, NBC-4, Fox- 5, ABC-7) in New York had sent their news gathering helicopters to film
the WTC

At 9:08 am, 5 minutes after United 175, FAA closed off the airspace over New York, only police and military
flights were authorized

Have you ever listened to Air Traffic control data? The 1st plane was reported as 'hijacked' before it went into the tower, so how could they have thought it was an accident?

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 08:52 AM
I dont see any Broadcaster logos on the videos. Was that footage ever aired?

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