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Man faces jail for emails sent to Fox

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posted on Apr, 16 2003 @ 11:45 PM
A man, upset at Fox for preempting NASCAR with a baseball game is looking at a year in prison for flooding Fox's website with half a million emails.


posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 01:56 AM
When I saw the topic of this post I thought it was an anti-war protester who just didn't like Fox News.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 02:00 AM
lol, i smell redneck. i thought he'd be pissed at that cavuto guy, but that's the news netowrk, not the sports one.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 02:03 AM
Call me what you want, P-C, but if I had the E-knowledge, I'd have done the same thing!

Baseball over NASCAR? What the heck is the world coming to?!?

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 02:08 AM
in that they celebrate our great tradition of going around in circles? nascar is too boring, i like the crashes though
and baseball is just plain boring. maybe sometimes you'll see someone get hit with a ball, but other than that it's not violent! lol jk. i like playing things more than i do watching them

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 02:16 AM
Holy COW!! You really don't wish ill fate on people like that, do you?

For the outsider flipping past the race on the tube I suppose its about as fun as watching some odd combination of tennis and a CCTV of I-285 around Atlanta. There is strategery involved in it, though, and the pit stops are always great entertainment as far as competion is concerned. Plus, you can always hope for Jeff Gordon to get wrecked! (There I go sending out bad vibes!)

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 02:18 AM
what happened to dale earnhardt was sad. i remember we were watchin that at my dads. he was swearin like a teamster with terrets. thought it should've been gordon. crazy.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by AF1
When I saw the topic of this post I thought it was an anti-war protester who just didn't like Fox News.

HA HA HA...Me also...

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

Call me what you want, P-C, but if I had the E-knowledge, I'd have done the same thing!

Very easy. Go to google and type " email bomber ". You'll find many softwares to bomb an email adress. But take one who's using a proxy, otherwise....

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 07:12 AM
You have to watch both sports with a wad of chaw in your cheeks, so why should it matter which one is on?

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