posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 11:41 AM
I think the key to the argument of Peak Oil, is that it not only ignores the huge amounts of oil yet to be found, but other hydrocarbon fuels as well.
Even if the “theory” holds water, which I argue on its face (or in your face, as some so delightedly pointed out), we will not be out of
hydrocarbons and our cars stranded on the side of the road during this century. This is the perceived “crisis” of Peak Oil that tells us that
declining production and increasing demand will cause a disruption in supply.
But if we are to be limited in our driving, because of gasoline shortages, we can simply switch over to other alternatives and install a methane
tank to convert over to natural gas, right now, today. Or switch to electric. How about fuel cells? Carry a kite or put up a sail. Limited driving due
to shortages is the same as higher prices, and are not a crisis, unless the majority can no longer afford it.
There will never be "no oil" in your lifetime, so relax, and discern the truth for yourself when you get the facts. If you are old enough to read
this, your shiny car will have plenty of gasoline for your lifetime. You may not be able to afford it, but the world cannot possibly run out.