IRIS indicates 9 quakes in the past 24 hours (hmmm... wasnt Gakona reading totally flat line 3 days ago and Resolute Bay was freaking out? Maybe we
are looking at the wrong magnetometer?)
D a t e Time (UTC) Location Dep Magni. T AGY R e g i o n HHMM
25Jul2003 17:36:48.7 15.1S 177.5E 33 No Mag A*EMS FIJI ISLANDS 2049
25Jul2003 17:36:48.0 15.6S 171.4E 0 ms=4.9 A*SED VANUATU ISLANDS REGION 2039
25Jul2003 17:36:41.0 16.8S 177.2E 33 M =5.1 M*NEI FIJI ISLANDS 1946
25Jul2003 15:37:49.0 5.7S 153.6E 33 M =5.1 M*NEI NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G.2111
25Jul2003 15:37:48.2 6.1S 153.9E 33 MS=4.4 M*GSR NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G.1705
25Jul2003 15:13:11.0 38.5N 141.0E 33 M =5.3 M*NEI EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN 1916
25Jul2003 15:13:10.1 38.5N 141.0E 33 MS=5.1 M*GSR NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU,1632
25Jul2003 15:13:11.0 38.4N 140.9E 33 M =5.5 M*NEI EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN 1616
25Jul2003 15:13:11.2 38.4N 140.9E 33 M =5.5 M*NEI EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN 1609
25Jul2003 14:40:38.7 48.9N 152.4E 33 mb=5.2 A*EMS KURIL ISLANDS 1749
25Jul2003 14:40:48.9 47.9N 152.4E180 mb=4.8 M*GSR KURIL ISLANDS 1541
25Jul2003 11:53:11.0 31.3N 138.3E373 M =4.9 M*NEI SOUTH OF HONSHU, JAPAN 2141
25Jul2003 11:53:16.3 31.6N 138.2E400 mb=5.5 M*GSR SOUTH OF HONSHU, JAPAN 1309
25Jul2003 09:37:48.0 1.5S 149.7E 43 M =6.3 M*NEI NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G.1916
25Jul2003 09:37:48.4 1.2S 149.7E 33 MS=6.1 M*GSR NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G.1054
25Jul2003 09:37:49.0 1.5S 149.6E 51 M =6.4 M*NEI NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G.1046
25Jul2003 09:37:49.3 1.5S 149.6E 50 M =6.4 M*NEI NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G.1039
25Jul2003 08:29:46.0 63.5N 148.2W 1 M =4.2 M NEI CENTRAL ALASKA 1416
25Jul2003 08:06:53.0 13.2N 91.6W 33 M =4.1 M NEI NEAR COAST OF GUATEMALA 1431
25Jul2003 05:48:51.0 6.0S 113.1E569 M =4.3 M NEI JAVA SEA 1906
25Jul2003 04:28:42.0 10.7S 165.0E 69 M =5.4 M*NEI SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION 1911
25Jul2003 04:28:42.0 10.7S 165.0E 69 M =5.5 M*NEI SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION 1601
25Jul2003 04:28:42.1 10.7S 165.0E 68 M =5.5 M*NEI SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION 1552
25Jul2003 04:28:38.7 10.5S 165.1E 33 MS=4.7 M*GSR SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS 0546
25Jul2003 03:28:48.0 38.2N 22.6E 33 M =4.2 M NEI GREECE 1751
25Jul2003 03:10:28.0 24.7N 122.4E116 M =4.7 M NEI TAIWAN REGION 1726
USGS got a hell of a workout today...
Check out the electron flux... does that mimic that little belch we saw from the magnetometer???
AURORA SURPRISE: Carol Lakomiak of Tomahawk, Wisconsin, was outdoors with her telescope on July 25th when she saw something she didn't expect:
colorful shimmering auroras (pictured right). There was no widespread geomagnetic storm in progress, yet the Northern Lights were active anyway.
Sometimes the sky is impossible to predict, which is the best reason of all to keep looking up.
Hmmmmm... wonder if this was an artificially induced aurora, caused by HAARP?