This is my first thread here so please be kind, this post isn't about stars and flags it's about justice and freedom.
Since I see A lot of Yahoo articles on here, and reading some on Yahoo today that left me in utter irritation. On how slanted and corporate backed it
is. Made me hatch an idea, and whom better to present it too than all the lovely informed people at ATS?
Here's the plan: Any time you happen to find yourself on a MSM site like yahoo or CNN etc. reporting false news, no matter what the topic. Write a
post beginning with... What another crap article, these things need a thumbs up and thumbs down button on articles, besides just the comments. Feel
free to cut a paste that line to make it easier to post. Then debunk the whole article with cold hard facts and reveal who would most likely be behind
the slant.
For example:
My reply:
What an uninformed article. The title should be WHEN not IF, lets pad the ground and not freak the hairless monkeys out and let them continue to think
they are going to live forever. The earth is already over due for a pole reversal, by how many years you wonder? Most all reversals have taken place
between 1,000 and 10,000 years and the last one was 780,000 years ago...But I guess being over due for one by 770,000 years is nothing to be concerned
about so lets throw out a large number most of these primates can't understand and feel safe with at the same time...It's laughable.
I also think it's silly, that this article failed to mention that the compass already points South in a lot of areas that are 100's of kilometers in
diameter already, one being off the coast of South Africa. I also think it's interesting how the article besides leaving out important information,
brings up doomsday people too. Why do that? Oh, that's right to paint anyone that says anything different than what's posted; as a kook dooms day
World end world not end, tomorrow or 6.5 more billion years it doesn't matter, much when the life span of all hairless human primates is less than 80
years depending on what country you live in.
My point is wake up to what the media tricks are, this article is not accurate. Informing yes, to those that have never heard of a pole shift,
otherwise it's as sterile as uncle Jerry's balls. Conversation between writer and editor:...Writer: "So how can we inform about pole shifts without
wigging out the monkey's?" Editor: "let's pad the information and use scientists that agree with not scaring the the monkey's. Because
shareholder forbid that we educate and be accurate as we inform them...You want a banana?" Writer: "Hellz yes I do"
Another example:
My reply:
Another crap article, these things need thumbs up and thumbs down buttons, besides the ones for comments. Lets pick this one apart with facts. Hmmm
why buy a house as an investment when home percentages are at an all time low? Why would anyone want to own a 125,00 dollar 3 bedroom 2 bath house at
only 6,000 down on a 30 year fixed rate and pay just 560 a month when average rent is 800? Let's just keep throwing out money in a never ending
toilet called rent. Who benefits by this? Oh, I dunno banks? How are they going to make money at 3.85% oh that's right they won't. How about we
write an article when is 9% like it was 12 years ago, that says now's the time to buy a house!!! Yeah man, good idea more profit for banks that
way....welcome to main stream media and it's controllers.
So that's the gist of my idea and I do hope everyone can get on board with this, if we can't be in the streets at least we can take it to them on
their front doors. Lets stop the slant and corporate agenda in mass media, and let our posts do what the article didn't do TELL THE TRUTH! Please
feel free to spread this far and wide, and remember the thumbs up and thumbs down for articles, if enough people start asking for it they will do it,
and we can start flagging all their crap that's lies lies lies instead of flagging and arguing other posters...instead of creating dis-chord in the
community, lets take it to them and demand we get those buttons for articles.
Take care everyone keep up the good fight.