posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:26 AM
Hi everyone,
First of all I would like to say that this did not happen to me but to a friend who I believe 100% and I would like to get an opinion on this. I know
my own thoughts but anyway...
There is a medium who does house readings for groups of up to 10 people (he travels around the country but was in the local area at that time). My
friend, her 2 sisters and brother made up 4 of one group last year. About 3 years ago, my friend lost her father to lung cancer but the medium was not
made aware of this until my friend went in for a (one on one) reading.
The medium made contact with her father and during the reading he told my friend to look at the window behind her. She did and saw a large moth
fluttering against the glass. The medium said "it's your dad here to say hello."
My friend was spooked by this (she also says, much of his reading was accurate).
Anyway to cut a long story short, when each sibling entered for a personal reading - they were told to look at the window during the reading and there
was a moth (which the medium again said was "daddy saying hello").
This was until my friend's youngest sister went into the room (last sibling to enter) and when told to look at the window - there was a dragonfly
instead. She expressed surprise that it was not a moth like her brother and 2 sisters had saw earlier but the reply she got was, "I think your dad
has been very busy tonight and now he's a bit tired so that's why he came as a dragonfly this time" or words to that affect.
I'd really appreciate your opinion on this