posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3
The straw poll and the delegate process are separate for a reason. If you were to vote for Santorum after expressing that you were a Paul delegate
you would be acting dishonestly.
You were voted in as a delegate as a Paul supporter, you should take that seriously. I would be pretty mad if I voted for you as a delegate and then
read this.
This isn't winner take all, you are talking about two separate and distinct votes. One vote is a straw poll, the other vote is the delegates. They
are separate yet for some reason your are trying to combine them. The only dishonest thing you could do is not vote according to your beliefs.
As a delegate you should understand this. If you don't perhaps you should reconsider being a delegate in the first place, you really ought to
understand and abide by the process if you are going to participate in it.
You should respect the rules of the process. The rules are very clear, the straw poll is non-binding and the delegates are not to be representative
of the straw poll.
If the straw poll was supposed to decide who the delegates vote for than the rules would reflect that.
Why are you thinking about trying to unofficially change the rules of your states convention with your vote?
That is the moral problem I see here.
If you don't like the way your state does it then petition them to change the rules so that the straw poll is binding, until then you should respect
the rules and vote accordingly.
edit on 16-2-2012 by sageofmonticello because: (no reason given)