posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 03:59 PM
Hello, fellow ATS/BTS members... I, prophetmike have (sort of) my own IRC channel. The only limitation is that I do not yet have my own server... I
have my own bot (his name is Xing) and he does all sorts of things to keep order in the channel. Once I get a server, Xing can run (and even hold) the
channel for my own use 24/7. But until that time, Xing can hold it for as long as my computer is running (which is from the moment I wake up till the
moment I go to sleep).
ANYWAY... this channel has been started by me. ALL ATS/BTS users are welcome. There is almost never a set topic, unless discussion gets out of
hand and random.
If you want to join, post a reply to this thread and let me know u're coming!
Server Network: Undernet ( OR
Channel Name: #openwindows
You can join anytime... my username is dj_SiN and my bot's name is Xing. There is no one else (as of now) and I hope I can get a whole bunch of you
to come.
It's open right now... LET THE JOINING BEGIN!