posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:51 PM
Are we seeing Russia winning the The Fundental First Battle? The Information War between East and West is growing in real intensity. People are
actually seeking alternative news because of the mainstream media lies they are learning about.
Its too late for mainstream media to win this battle now, The cat is out of the bag, the NWO has indeed lost the first battle. The Information War and
the winning of minds has been won IMO.
The information war is about winning the hearts and minds of the public and alternative media is making strides. If the US backed Syrian Rebels lose
the battle for government in Syria then the NWO will be on the back foot. Any invasion or bombing of Syria will be the last straw for many and people
will once again take to the streets in the US and UK. Take heart, there can be no NWO without the backing of Russia and China.
Russia and China have done enough through the vetos at the UN to illustrate to me thier reluctance to go ahead with the west and the NWO. The middle
east is a powder keg waiting to go off, enough people in the west know now that the US is being run by sociopaths/psychopaths. Anyone who seeks to
invade other countries to further thier agenda is indeed.......... a nutcase.
The number of half decent Journos on the inside of media operations "slipping" real news to the east under the counter has increased I believe. Many
of our journalists in the west are half decent people, as they learn real news is not being delivered they are also looking at thier responsibility to
tell the truth.
The truth is out there.