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Grant Quits Ghosthunters.

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:19 AM
Ghost Hunters. Wednesday Nights. SciFi. It is now minus Grant.
I am looking at the chat forums and twitter.
I can't find why he quit. Only that he did.

Wonder what that'll do to their partnership - Jason and Grant.
They own a hotel together.
The SPalding Inn ... In New Hampshire.
We went there. It's BEAUTIFUL old New England.

Anyways ... it's an interesting development
edit on 2/16/2012 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:32 AM
Yes, I saw that, its too bad, because, he was very good, and skeptical at the same time, not rushing his judgement on anything. Great guy. Everyone has reached a point in there life, where they must choose move forward, or stay the same, I guess he has some things he needs to work out, Not passing any bad judgement on the guy at all. Good work Grant, and keep up the ghost hunts Taps

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:36 AM
Yeah I read that same thing. It's a shame! I've been watching Ghost Hunters for years now! It's actually one of my favorite shows. New episodes every wednesday...couldn't wait! I think I stopped watching it less and less after Ghost Hunters International started to come on..

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:36 AM
I found this ..

edit on 2/16/2012 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:00 AM
I really dont get how you people like this show, even though it has been proven again and again that it is nothing but a hoax which btw is the case with most reality shows.

The so called haunting incidents that happens every time they do a investigation is even scripted as well.

Why exactly watch this show??

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:06 AM
That's to bad i can't imagine Jason without his sidekick. Atfer every case they do a fist bumb and say "on to the next". It's going to take alot of getting used to on my part.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:09 AM
Sounds to me like he made enough $$ or was sick of hoaxing some of the evidence that they "find"

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by juleol
I really dont get how you people like this show, even though it has been proven again and again that it is nothing but a hoax which btw is the case with most reality shows.

The so called haunting incidents that happens every time they do a investigation is even scripted as well.

Why exactly watch this show??

because for me they are fun to watch, ghost hunters, ghost adventures, ghost cooking shows, wait that last one doesn't exist, anyway I love shows like this.

quick little story about Grant

I was a huge fan when that show came out and in 2005 when myspace was all the rage I had a page and I friended Jason and Grant, they at this point already had 1000's of friends and well I liked to make little blogs and one day I seen a comment on my blog that said, "great story, keep up the good work" and some other opinions I forgot bits of it, and well it was Grant, he actually read what I put down and left a really kind comment, the blog had nothing to do with ghosts it was just a story I put out there. He took the time to leave such a nice comment that it always stuck with me, he didn't have to do that. I'm gonna miss him, I always had a crush on that ghost hunter lol.
edit on 16-2-2012 by hapablab because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:40 AM
Upon further reading the speculation is that he was/is having troubles at home, someone mentioned in the more recent episodes he is without a wedding ring. I could only imagine the stress of being on the road so often. He is a classy guy. "What the frig"

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:52 AM
Jason Hawes has posted a Q & A about it on his website.

and here is a "press release" about it from earlier:
From the press release link it sounds like they will be continuing their business together, he Grant is just leaving the show.


posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:38 AM
Glad to hear they will continue the business together. I anticipate seeing him on 'guest shots' every so often. (I hope). I can imagine that all the running around the country leaves little time for family.

Side note - Grant and Jason if you ever read this - I've been to your Spalding Inn. I loved it. Rustic Old New England with a great view of the Presidential mountain range. It was so quiet there! Didnt' see bears or moose but we know they were around. I'd love to go back. Very relaxing ...

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Glad to hear they will continue the business together. I anticipate seeing him on 'guest shots' every so often. (I hope). I can imagine that all the running around the country leaves little time for family.

Side note - Grant and Jason if you ever read this - I've been to your Spalding Inn. I loved it. Rustic Old New England with a great view of the Presidential mountain range. It was so quiet there! Didnt' see bears or moose but we know they were around. I'd love to go back. Very relaxing ...

I would like to know how much money is SYFY paying these guys that they were able to buy that amazing place, I know roter rooter doesn't pay THAT good, or do they..think I will apply for a job

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:49 AM
I wonder if they've known for awhile and that's the reason they've had Britt along lately as the odd 7th investigator. Just trying to make it an easier transition for the fans. Maybe now they can reinvent the show, get rid of the cameramen and add personal (like ghost adventures) or mounted camera rigs (like destination truth), and put more science into the show. I'd love to see them work with the Fact or Faked team. One thing I don't see them doing is investigating for possible hoaxes, like the one they discovered in their early seasons. These hotels and museums and other places they visit are making a fortune by charging high prices for tours and ghost hunts after TAPS have been there, so there would be a lot of incentive to make sure TAPS finds something. I think that TAPS owes it to their fans and other ghost hunters to ensure that these places are genuine.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by MrAndy
I wonder if they've known for awhile and that's the reason they've had Britt along lately as the odd 7th investigator. Just trying to make it an easier transition for the fans.

If I'm remembering my GH history & gossip correctly, Britt was moved (along with Kris Williams) to GHI. Then during a radio show he used an f-word (think derogatory word for gay) and said some other stuff people found offensive and he was fired. Then after a short time was re-hired back to GH. Not sure the story there. All that played out late about Oct 2010 thru March 2011.

Originally posted by MrAndy
Maybe now they can reinvent the show, get rid of the cameramen and add personal (like ghost adventures) or mounted camera rigs (like destination truth), and put more science into the show. I'd love to see them work with the Fact or Faked team. One thing I don't see them doing is investigating for possible hoaxes, like the one they discovered in their early seasons. These hotels and museums and other places they visit are making a fortune by charging high prices for tours and ghost hunts after TAPS have been there, so there would be a lot of incentive to make sure TAPS finds something. I think that TAPS owes it to their fans and other ghost hunters to ensure that these places are genuine.

I have friends that have met Jason & Grant and from what I understand there is much more filmed than what you see on TV. From actual full investigations, to the debunking of activity that does make it on air. It all comes down to what makes it out of the edit bay and they have no control over that, stars of any show rarely do.

Not to go too far off topic but I would just like to point something out about reality shows. When someone signs up for a reality show what they are told when they are being "sold on" participating in the show and what actually airs does not have to match up. That is pretty much said in the release form signed before any filming begins. They can use (or not use) what they film any way they see fit for the program they are making. Once that form is signed and the person steps infront of the camera, all bets are off. (just look to Doomsday Preppers, I'm pretty sure those people thought the program would be more educational when they signed on)

I was once asked to participate in a reality TV show for a major network and trust me, the wording is a little scary. Part of that pariculair agreement was the right for them to use my actual or simulated likeness.
So if they wanted me to say something really stupid, they could have just had a voice actress cut the line, then insert it for broadcast. (not that I need any help being an idiot, I do just fine on my own!)

Hope that gives you a better understanding of how it all works. Some people don't know those things, so I try and share when ever possible.


posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by OneisOne

I get all that, but there are a lot of visible signs that they do not eliminate sources of possible evidence contamination, which really frustrates other ghost hunters and results in even more criticism from the scientific community.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 03:47 PM
I am a big fan of Ghost Hunters and Grant. I'm sad to see him leave. It was nice to see how emotional not only Grant was but the rest of the team as well. It shows, IMO, that this show has not completely been taken over by Hollywood. The team genuinely cares about each other. Also, people hate on Ghost Hunters "bad acting"' and "faked evidence". Bad acting shows that they aren't actors. They are paranormal investigators that actually care about the truth. I'm sure they don't mind their paychecks, but that is not their sole motivation for the shows. As for faked evidence, I believe it is the producers. Ghost Hunters is one of the only shows to air episodes without any evidence. The shows with the faked evidence are mostly live, when Jason and Grant have to chance to refute. In an early episode the team even captures a fake bed sheet pull and gets extremely upset that they wasted their time investigating the establishment because all the evidence was tainted form there on out. Anyways, I wish the well for Grant and his personal life, and I very much hope he appears as a guest from time to time.

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