posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 09:02 AM
This post is to make light of what it is like to get older. It is not meant to rile up those with real problems but to teach those that have kept
most of their marbles.
When you get older you will make a fool of yourself if you try to act young. The young expect you to act old, the midle aged people need you to bail
them out once they have erred. If you have no money they need you're wisdom and compassion.
This one starts with an example. My daughter visited her friend living at home and her mother asked her how her trip to India was where she studied
yoga. She told her it was good and explained what she did. When my daughter came home she told us that her friends mother was having problems with
remembering because she asked her again what she had asked her six months ago. I explained to my daughter that she wasn't understanding the
situation right, which she finally started to understand after an hour conversation. Her friends mother was just trying to make conversation on
something my daughter had interest in. She didn't remember what my daughter had said to her before because she REALLY WAS NOT INTERESTED in it. She
will probably ask the same question of her next time she sees her. My daughter could not percieve that others were not interested in what she thought
was great knowledge so found flaws in that person. This happens all the time in society here in the USA. Sooner or later you will start to believe
you are loosing it if people start treating you as if you can't remember things. Don't fret, just tell the young you chased you're dreams years
ago and they are allowed to chase theirs as you did.
When you get older don't keep talking about the past to the young. I know you wish to tell them how it was simpler and less stressful but they
can't comprehend this kind of world easily. They will start to think that you are getting Alzheimers and will stick you on pills. You will start to
wish that life was so simpler again and forget what is necessary to live in this changed world. This leads to you deleting the memories that were
created recently and makes you try to recreate what you percieve as the best part of you're life. If you have Alzheimers than you go down hill
faster and the recreated memories may have flaws to them because some of their content was initially ignored and replaced with things you have read or
heard. It's not bad to forget things. The memories of our youth are stored in older more protected parts of our brains. That's why we regress to
these memories when things go wrong. Some of the chemistry in the foods inadvertantly causes the alzheimers to become more active by causing the body
to create proteins that break down the neurons. Trying to find this chemistry is part of my research but the articles are extremely complicated and
there is some evidence of what's causing it but I don't think anyone really knows for sure. There has been much jumping at straws done in the past
and researchers don't want to make mistakes that cause other problems.
We don't have to be sexually active when we get old if we don't want to. Don't let them convince you that life will be better if you take a pill.
Rekindle the relationship with you're spouse naturally by going out and doing things together. That doesn't necessarily mean you should be buying
two "Kindle Fires" either. The internet can sometimes help older people be happier though by social interactions with others of similar interests
and can help stimulate you're relationship with you're spouse. Once older people find a renewed purpose in life it raises the energy of the spirit
which in turn helps keep microbial overload at bay. Most bacteria don't eat food with life in it, cells with lots of energy can't be eaten. There
are some that can eat life but these can still be treated by some antibiotics. Depression causes energy loss and lowers resistance to disease.
Don't worry about keeping up with the jones's, you are not sick just because you're hormone levels are low. Our male bodies use estrogens for
repairing our bodies and when repaired our bodies produce testosterone again. Studying plant extrogens and hormones is complex and genetic specific.
I'm hoping others will have experiences or knowledge to help others that are getting older. If you have enough Sisu you will live forever.