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Anonymous attack (CSI) teargas / weapons makers in America - D0x and leaks of customers details.

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posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Speaking of nice jobs, nice way to ignore my post!

Of course, it may have been "too much" to read...

Just an fyi, if you had read the post you would have known that I understood what you said. Of course, we know you did that. Your lack of substance to your reply tells me that. Well the lack of substance, and shallow attempt at goading me into an emotional reaction.

Anyway, let me pull out my questions again since you avoided them:

Right so the children and wives/husbands of employees should be subjected to possible violent outcome...

"Why not? They know what they are doing, if they did not want to get "in trouble" they should not have been providing weapons for a war on the public."

I think you guys should have people sitting outside your house at any moment ready to pounce on you and your kids.........

Why? I don't even do anything to hurt others! You seem to think it is okay for me and mine to be injured, and all I do is disagree with you. I would think you would feel the same about the cops, unless you agree with the way that they are treating us Americans?

There ya go, could use a response to the content of my post. Not a veiled insult, thanks!

PS: So this "wife" would be nothing more than a trophy, in your senario.
See, told ya I understood. But you knew that didn't you?

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 01:42 PM
Anon talks about protecting us from bullies
when it seems they are the ones who
are the bully.

So these occu pie jobbers got a little
tear gas in there eyes, and pepper spray.

I tell them to move to Damascus (SYRIA)
OR Libya (formerly) and dodge bullets
while watching their friends and families
get double clipped in the head for protesting..

Bunch of wussies, that is what anon and the occu piers

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

But you see sir. I don't advocate the attack or harm of any innocent person.

I simply applaud anonymous for attacking weapons manufacturers and highlighting a deep rooted issue of supporting profit making of companies which use weapons against civilians and innocents.

but they didnt attack weapons manufacturers, they released personal information of those that worked there, potentially putting their familes at risk......

You want to mob the manufacturing place fine, you want to picket, fine, but leave the personal info out of it, their families dont deserve to suffer , anymore than the innocent people that their munitions have hit.......
edit on 14-2-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem
Anon talks about protecting us from bullies
when it seems they are the ones who
are the bully.

So these occu pie jobbers got a little
tear gas in there eyes, and pepper spray.

I tell them to move to Damascus (SYRIA)
OR Libya (formerly) and dodge bullets
while watching their friends and families
get double clipped in the head for protesting..

Bunch of wussies, that is what anon and the occu piers

Thanks for your informative and wholly digestible contribution.

So using your 'logic' because these people who are fighting for our rights don't happen to live in Libya, they are therefore not allowed to complain because the police are using weapons (that are banned from war-zones) on them?

That is what you just said wasn't it?

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by adigregorio

no ive read all of your posts, the reason ive ignored it is because you proved my point..........

Just like this statement....

Why not? They know what they are doing, if they did not want to get "in trouble" they should not have been providing weapons for a war on the public. The cops would not shoot the gas, if the gas did not exist. And the gas would not exist if these "innocent" people were not making it.

Proof positive that you advocate the exact same thing you claim anonymous is supposedly fighting against!

in one word............hypocrisy......the failure to realize this in your own statements is clearly not a deficiency on my part.....

There really is no reason to address any of the other dribble in the posts...........
edit on 14-2-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Fair enough, at least I know now that to you:

"I was just following orders"

Is an acceptable excuse, since these workers are "Just following orders", and "Just filling orders" and "Just shipping orders".

They should not be held responsible for making these weapons available to be used against innocent people.

(Thank you for your clarification!)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by adigregorio
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Fair enough, at least I know now that to you:

"I was just following orders"

Is an acceptable excuse, since these workers are "Just following orders", and "Just filling orders" and "Just shipping orders".

They should not be held responsible for making these weapons available to be used against innocent people.

(Thank you for your clarification!)

actually , i recall saying this............

You want to mob the manufacturing place fine, you want to picket, fine, but leave the personal info out of it, their families dont deserve to suffer , anymore than the innocent people that their munitions have hit.......

and its not "orders" they are people working trying ot make a living feeding their families.....

2. Its apparent you dont read my posts all the way through either, because just like my above quote says..

YOu want to deal with those that work their FINE ........but leave their innocent family members out of it...

ANON did no such thing, they posted information that could be of detriment to people who have nothing to do with them other than being bound by blood or marriage!

I guess from now on when someone breaks the law , we should throw their whole families in prison or jail as well.....

This seems to be the idea you are advocating.........and infact stated above.......

edit on 14-2-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
1 You want to mob the manufacturing place fine,2 you want to picket, fine, but 3leave the personal info out of it, their families dont deserve to suffer , anymore than the innocent people that their munitions have hit.......

1. If they mob the place, they will get pepper sprayed by police

2. If they picket (aka protest) they will get pepper sprayed by police

3. All is fair in love, and war. And this be war. If you want to be safe, do not participate in the fighting. Making the weapons for the fight, counts as participation. In a fight, weaknesses are exploited. In this case, personal information is the weakness. Not as easy to provide weapons for an unjust war, when we know you are the one doing it!

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
and its not "orders" they are people working trying ot make a living feeding their families.....

There are other jobs, other jobs with less involvement in an unjust attack on the American people. Okay, so instead of "I was just following orders" it is now "I was just trying to make a living". Semantics, semantics I say!

Get another job if your current job is unsafe. If you make weapons for a war, don't cry foul when you are included in said war.

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
2. Its apparent you dont read my posts all the way through either, because just like my above quote says..

Apparent is it? Considering I tend to quote the entire post, and respond to each point could you show how apparent it is?

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
YOu want to deal with those that work their FINE ........but leave their innocent family members out of it...

Anon released the workers information, not their families information. I can play semantics too! They don't know where little Johnny goes to school; or where Gramma Josie hides her medications.

(Those are fake people I made up for a lousy example.)

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
ANON did no such thing, they posted information that could be of detriment to people who have nothing to do with them other than being bound by blood or marriage!

That COULD be...

So get mad at the peole that MIGHT do something. Not at the information being provided in hopes that folks will quit supporting an unjust attack on my freedoms.

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
I guess from now on when someone breaks the law , we should throw their whole families in prison or jail as well.....

This seems to be the idea you are advocating.........and infact stated above.......

Strawmen burn so well because they are made of straw.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
(I WON'T post any personal information here)

http:///DaauwSzQ [ edit - link not working but type 'pastebin' dot com before the /DaauwSzQ ]

In addition to dumping name, address, phone and password information for dozens
of CSI employees and clients, our tag team of mayhem went the extra mile by
dumping email for some of the pigs ordering anti-protester gear off their s*****
website. We also hit, some #ty CCTV surveillance company owned by
former FBI director Clarence M. Kelley (their password was 'government'). Do you
think they will appreciate the irony of being owned due to buying "security"
products from a compromised website? How long do you think we had your website
backdoored, capturing all incoming customers registrations and orders? 42? If
you ever get your website back up, do you think you will be anything more than a
shadow of your former self? Will your clients ever trust you again?


Seems a hell of a lot of details have been released. These are the same companies which sell tear gas to the police force, which have been used on innocent protesters.

Personal details released of employees and customers, emails hacked and released and website down (possibly by DDos) and fully compromised.

Good work Anonymous.

edit on 14-2-2012 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

So if the police released all the address to the "protesters" they arrested this would be a whole different thread of you guys crying a bitching for justice..... Anon is a joke and Ive said it once and ill say it again, they need to be executed, hung in public or stoned....

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by dayve

I was under the impression these details become public record once someone has been arrested/charged with a crime.

Well minus the phone number and email parts.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by adigregorio

That COULD be... So get mad at the peole that MIGHT do something. Not at the information being provided in hopes that folks will quit supporting an unjust attack on my freedoms.

So get mad at the people that MIGHT use those weapons against innocent people, not the people that manufacture them........

See how that works

The rest of your post is negated by your own comments in previous posts, that you refuse to admit is in direct contradiction to your "supposed" belief of on the subject........

again you are absolutely blind to your own hypocrisy on this subject, deny all you want your posts speak for themselves
edit on 14-2-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 03:52 PM
Now we are going to cherry pick my posts, and fit them to your views? Do you really have no other ammunition for this debate?

What you said happened:

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
reply to post by adigregorio

That COULD be... So get mad at the peole that MIGHT do something. Not at the information being provided in hopes that folks will quit supporting an unjust attack on my freedoms.

So get mad at the people that MIGHT use those weapons against innocent people, not the people that manufacture them........

What really happened:

Originally posted by adigregorio

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
ANON did no such thing, they posted information that could be of detriment to people who have nothing to do with them other than being bound by blood or marriage!

That COULD be...

So get mad at the peole that MIGHT do something. Not at the information being provided in hopes that folks will quit supporting an unjust attack on my freedoms.

Would you look at how my words change when left in the proper context?! Imagine that! (You did, that is why you attempted to change them.)

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
See how that works

Yes, "I saw what you did there" And now that I showed the rest of the readers, perhaps we can go back to the debate, instead of the logical fallacy discussion we have going now.

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
The rest of your post is negated by your own comments in previous posts, that you refuse to admit is in direct contradiction to your "supposed" belief of on the subject........

Heh, when you twist my comments then of course it does! Keep them to the original and something different is written, somthing that you seem to be avoiding. Though I can say I am a little tired of the ad-hominems. Like these:

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
again you are absolutely blind to your own hypocrisy on this subject

Or is there no other way to express this opinion, other than a blatant attack on my thoughts? I notice you have yet to answer any of my points, other than to say you "ignore them". Who is doing the denial dance? Not I, well except for saying "Not I" (heh).

Oh, and care to stay on topic. Last I checked it was not about me
(Also, keeping my posts as they were intended would be fair play...)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by adigregorio


I directly copied and pasted your quotes man.......

Cherry picking, NO............using your OWN words to defeat your argument YES..........

I didnt CHANGE anything , i left out "Could" that does not change the intent of your sentence, and even if left it, reinforces my statement , bravo sir, thank you for making it even more glaringly apparent that you cannot see how your own suggestions , fly directly in the face of what you are claiming to support.....

Ive more than proved my case and exposed the hypocrisy of Anon and its supporters , including yourself........

Theres not much else left to say.........this "do as i say not as i do" mentality is very telling on you sir.......

edit on 14-2-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-2-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 05:09 PM
I will be leaving out portions of a response due to it being off topic.

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask

I directly copied and pasted your quotes man.......

You did not. Let me address this one last time:

You said:

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
ANON did no such thing, they posted information that could be of detriment to people who have nothing to do with them other than being bound by blood or marriage!

I responded to your post with this (And much more, which you admittidly ignored):

Originally posted by adigregorio
Anon released the workers information, not their families information. I can play semantics too! They don't know where little Johnny goes to school; or where Gramma Josie hides her medications.

(Removed duplicate quote, yours from above)

That COULD be...

So get mad at the peole that MIGHT do something. Not at the information being provided in hopes that folks will quit supporting an unjust attack on my freedoms.

As I stated before, this is called cherry picking and is not a proper form of discussion. Unless causing emotional responses is the end result, which of course will not work on me so it is still futile.

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
Ive more than proved my case and exposed the hypocrisy of Anon and its supporters , including yourself........

Again with an ad-hominem. You have "exposed" nothing but your anger and hatred to those who disagree with your opinions.

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
Theres not much else left to say.........this "do as i say not as i do" mentality is very telling on you sir.......

As telling as yours?

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
I think you guys should have people sitting outside your house at any moment ready to pounce on you and your kids.........

Furthermore, you have yet to address ANY of my points. And you claim to have exposed my hypocricy? If you continue to have discourse with me I will repost ALL of my points with more "to the point" questions. Of course, you could just go back and read through my posts and respond to them (like you should have done, instead of "ignoring" them.)

Hey, if you did that I might accept your ad-hominems against me. I know I would if I were just a reader in this thread.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by adigregorio

And AGAIN in this post.............

Instead of addressing the fact that you use these arguments and fail to see the direct hypocrisy in them, you sidestep what ive provided to try and say im cherry picking your post...

You have YET to successfully refute any of my posts, that use YOUR OWN WORDS to prove my point...

Instead you claim I engage in ad-hominem attacks..........

Its fine I have nothing more to say to you, ive proven my point........

Try your circular arguments and sidestepping with someone less experienced

Support Annon all you like.......its to your own detriment, when eventually its YOU they turn on

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by popsmayhem
Anon talks about protecting us from bullies
when it seems they are the ones who
are the bully.

So these occu pie jobbers got a little
tear gas in there eyes, and pepper spray.

I tell them to move to Damascus (SYRIA)
OR Libya (formerly) and dodge bullets
while watching their friends and families
get double clipped in the head for protesting..

Bunch of wussies, that is what anon and the occu piers

So using your 'logic' because these people who are fighting for our rights don't happen to live in Libya, they are therefore not allowed to complain because the police are using weapons (that are banned from war-zones) on them?

That is what you just said wasn't it?

I said anon are a bunch of wussies
and so are the occu piers because
they do not know what TYRANNY is....
If they were dodging bullets, I would have
full respect for them, but there not.
They act like they are being brutalized
when the panzies HAVE NO CLUE
what the hell they are doing, talking about,
or what it feels like seeing your friends throat slashed
for protesting..

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by adigregorio
The familys are not innocent, they work for said company. They know what their product is being used for. And yet they continue to make it (EX: They continue to work for said company.)

You continue to call the families innocent, yet where is your counter proof? I show here that they are anything but, they know full well what they are making "at work". What makes them innocent?

I posted my reasoning, and you are calling it "circular arguing" when I ask you (repeatedly, I admit) to provide the same reasoning. Instead ad-hominems, and other fallacies are presented...

Originally posted by adigregorio

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
Right so the children and wives/husbands of employees should be subjected to possible violent outcome...

Why not? They know what they are doing, if they did not want to get "in trouble" they should not have been providing weapons for a war on the public. The cops would not shoot the gas, if the gas did not exist. And the gas would not exist if these "innocent" people were not making it.

They enable this type of behavior to continue. They are just as guilty as the folks using their weapons. (IMO of course)

Again, here I am asking the same question. Again, no answer! Well, consider this another time of me asking said question. How are these innocent people?

Remember, they are not releasing any information other than workers place of residence phone number and email. When you get arrested/charged for a crime they release the same info (minus phone number, and email). I think making people accountable for their actions is a good thing. And again, this is a war. If you participate, prepare to participate in full.

Originally posted by adigregorio

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
YOu want to deal with those that work their FINE ........but leave their innocent family members out of it...

Anon released the workers information, not their families information. I can play semantics too! They don't know where little Johnny goes to school; or where Gramma Josie hides her medications.

(Those are fake people I made up for a lousy example.)

Here you claim innocence again. I have provided why they are not innocent, yet you just provide the claim they are. Who is being circular? This is from one of your more recent replies...

HOW are they innocent? Do they not know what they do?

--Now, on to another avoided (or ignored) topic:

Originally posted by adigregorio

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
1 You want to mob the manufacturing place fine,2 you want to picket, fine, but 3leave the personal info out of it, their families dont deserve to suffer , anymore than the innocent people that their munitions have hit.......

1. If they mob the place, they will get pepper sprayed by police

2. If they picket (aka protest) they will get pepper sprayed by police

3. All is fair in love, and war. And this be war. If you want to be safe, do not participate in the fighting. Making the weapons for the fight, counts as participation. In a fight, weaknesses are exploited. In this case, personal information is the weakness. Not as easy to provide weapons for an unjust war, when we know you are the one doing it!

Here is a DIRECT response to your position, and it was ignored. Care to point out where I am incorrect here? Or is my hypocricy blinding me from it?

THAT is my stance, has been from the begining. I admit you have muddied the waters with the last few replies, but that is why I made this post. To get me back on track. When you address my points, then you can say I am wrong. Assuming you provide the proper evidence to back your claims.

edit on 2/14/2012 by adigregorio because: BB code

edit on 2/14/2012 by adigregorio because: BB code x2

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