posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Puddles
I believe you experienced sleep paralysis. I unfortunately have experienced first hand how scary it is and helpless you feel. My only question is
if it was sleep paralysis how you got up so fast to see it go from one side of the room to the other, usually sleep paralysis is so taxing it would be
hard to just 'snap' out of it, when I came out of mine I felt like a full football team had dogpiled me and knocked the air out of me, to say the
least the whole next day was exhausting. But everyone's experience is different, I just wanted to tell you that I believe you and everything you say.
Because in my experience I was also pinned down by a big black energy , of some sort, little form, it covered my whole back wall behind where I slept.
I felt its presence and feared for my life (in my head of course because I couldn't move a muscle to speak) I literally felt its presence around my
left ear, as if whatever was holding me down by my shoulders was whispering in my ear, I later woke with blood in that ear...
My question for you puddles or anyone else who has ginuienly had an experience like this one, is can you help me figure out what these things are that
are doing this during these sleep paralysis episodes? Or do you believe it could be our own hallucinations because we are still stuck between dream
mode and awake mode REM & NREM. I do believe that I could have hallucinated or dreamed mine sometimes but with how real it was I know in my head to me
it was more real and scary than almost anything I've experienced..& when you say yours moved around the room and left it makes me feel it is an
actual entity or thing causing this, with freedom and will to move, perhaps trying to scyphen your energy? It baffles me. I'd love to hear more if
anyone has a further option ...have been searching through threads for such..lots of great info..
I am sorry puddles for your experience but hope I can help you to find out what it is exactly that happened.
Oh & Tip, since it happened, I have slept on my side to avoid it , old superstition, sleep on your side so the old hag or succubus can't pin you down
and ride you, and it hasn't happened since. So I presume it works, or whatever it was just hasn't decided to check up on me in a while..Well it
works for me & there's no harm in you not trying it if you want! I hope the best for you and am here to listen and share any experiences with you to
help further our knowledge! Wish you well! 8)