posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 02:29 PM
Dots in the optical field can be caused by pressure on the optic nerve, or in the optical regions of the brain. They manifest in bright points of
light that appear and dissappear. Other phenomenon is when you raise your blood pressure suddenly, the blood vessels in the eye expand, and the tiny
blood cells bend the light that is striking the retina slightly, causing a small lens effect. I assume you are experiencing the "bright points."
This pressure can be caused by the subtle psychic pressure emmanated by the minds of those nearby. This is called telekenisis. It is quite
frightening to do this to people when they are not aware of what it is. You probably live near women. Women do this to young people that are getting
too old to receive psychic protection from other women. You are probably a youth still. Welcome to the real world! Women have quite a annoying
ability to perceive what your mind is experiencing, even to read your thoughts, and the input of your senses. Separating yourself from them is
usually enough to make these things stop, once you become away of how they are being generated.
This is how they can cause your mind to see false visions, like playing connect the dots with the spots you see. It's just an annoying psychic game
women and sometimes men play. Most men use a different form of psychic abilities, they are more animal in their natures when they do this. Women are
just annoying and bothersome.
There are also physiological causes for this - so be sure you don't have an anurysm or stroke in your brain. Nerve pressure can be caused by
physical and non physical means.
Demons are quite another matter, but some people will work with demons, or be combined with them in some nasy fashion, and then the power of evil can
be rather troublesome.
In my personal experience, demons are quite real, but more common is the effects of other living people who are near you. If they can get a hold of
your mind with their own, they can manupulate how your brain forms mental images from visual cues. This is the same process by which these psychic
eavesdroppers cause you to dream.
What, you didn't know all people were psychic? hee hee. It's not taught to you, but you are forced to endure it. I guess it's some kind of
really big secret, huh! Not really, but In America it's so evil that the people decided to cover it up and use this secret against anyone they can.
In India, it's known and talked about and taught openly.
Don't worry though - We all endure it. It catches us by surprise most of the time, because we are taught lies about how our minds work. We are
taught that our minds our limited in ways that make you vulnerable to those who are older and more knowledgeable in the use of the human body than
Lemme guess, it's right as you are trying to close your eyes and get to sleep, right? You probably start seeing random images flashing in your
mind's eye when before you did not. Annoying isn't it! It's very annoying especially when you used to never have such things bothering you.
But it's something that happens when the powers of light and spirit that protect those regions of the brain are upset or displaced or removed. it's
nothing to be afraid of. It's actually part of the whole challenge of overcoming the powers that Jesus taught about. So take heart in that!
That's the real story of what it is.
Most folks won't tell you the truth about this. That's because THEY are where these things are coming from. When you learn more about this you
will start to understand where these emmanations are coming from. It will reveal the scary truth about the business of this world, and the different
forces that occupy it. Those are the TRUE lessons of Jesus. It's important not to ever be afraid of these things. They are all very possible to
overcome and beat.
As our minds mature and develop we become more psychic-sensitive. The demons and the people who house them in their bodies are constantly looking for
people to do this to. That is called the "torment of the saints". These emmanations are coming from the particular demons or group of demons that
have singled YOU out. It's quite a normal process of our faith. The hard part is learning how to overpower them! It takes time, and a dedication
to purity, and you have to learn about the light, and how it comes from the head, and how to protect the way your mind thinks, and how you channel
your body's energy.
It's scary at first because we aren't taught about these things. We have to learn them for ourselves. I hope you learn why this is for yourself,
because you won't beleive me right away if I told you. But the truth is, these thigns come from other human beings who have fallen and their minds
are turned into "demon-hives." Other people who are in this condition are psychic with one another, think with a one mind. That's what the book
of revelations describes. That's because we are in the times that book is describing, and the human race is suffering an HUGE invasion of demonic
power. It's coming out from America, because that's where it pushed through into our world. Our entire country and culture is now based upon a
lie, and the demons are basically ruling everything and turning us into their slaves. Wake up, little one, you gotta fight to survive this time. You
do have brothers, but we are all scattered right now.
Fear is generated by the amigdalas, which are little regions of your brain by your temples. That is where you will sense many of these things coming
from in your head. The bible teaches us about the "Sealing of the forehead." That's what you should be seeking right now. The sealing of the
forehead is just how they described the power of the light of God's Spirit that covers and shields the thinking portions of your brain from these
emmanations of the demons.
This is how the demons work: Some of them exist outside of bodies, and try to physically get into yours. If they are able to get in deep enough,
they can overtake your brain, nerves, electrival systems of the body. Some people get totally overtaken, and then become the "army of satan".
These kind of folks start fighting against anyone who isn't infected like them, and they use a kind of psychic power against us. Their brains and
bodies can emmanate a very subtle kind of force that can get into our bodies. It can be washed off with water. That is what baptism really is. Wash
yourself when you feel these forces on you. If they get deeper into you, then it is very difficult to get rid of them and you must strive greatly.
Another one of their signs is when you start to feel really tired suddenly. That is one of their effects. Voices, images, and emotions can all be
sent into you remotely. Again, the key is not to fear. Our brains can generate their own protection. the power of the spirit can attach to you too,
and when your "house is prepared." meaning, when your body is clean enough of the forces of darkness, the holy power of the light can abide in you
and keep the forces of darkness out.
It's easier to understand the stories of bible when you understand the reality. It's actually a kind of material, it's just not understood by
science, and its properties are very tenuous and fine. I don't yet understand the physics of it, but it seems to operate in a fashion similar to
normal matter, which means it can be manipulated and moved around.
This is probably all news to you, huh! In reality, other people know about this stuff, but they want to keep it secret for some really bad reasons.
It's actually because 90% of the people living around you are possessed with evil. Keeping these thigns secret is REALLY important to them, just
because that's the whole foundation of their power.
Any questions? I will answer anything you ask me 100% truthfully. I have gone through these things successfully, and I will help anyone who is just
starting to face these challenges.
You must have some kind of protection from God, or you are very young still, because most people don't get to question it before the power siezes
them and their minds stop resisting.
[Edited on 18-9-2004 by Arkaleus]