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Area 51 Footage

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posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 10:16 PM
This is video we shot of a test flight at Area 51 in 1992. It is a small clip of our original footage. It aired on two different episodes of Unsolved Mysteries.

We had heard that they were testing something every Wednesday at dusk like clockwork. Of course we had to see it for ourselves. Local news in California was reporting "phantom earthquakes" every Thursday morning for about 7 weeks in a row at exactly 7:00am. The news was reporting that this was due to the craft taking off from Area 51, heading out over the Pacific Ocean, going out of the atmosphere then returning back to the atmosphere over Los Angeles on it's way back to Area 51 creating a "sonic boom".

An interesting side note, after we returned home the next morning we were paid a little visit by the Men in Black.

Remember, this is a very short clip, edited for bandwith. There is about 1 hour of video in the original.

Area 51 Footage

Download the DivX codec to view this clip if you don't already have it

Photo stills from above video.

p.s. Special Thanks to lacan for hosting the video!

[edit on 17-9-2004 by Jarhead]

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 10:42 PM
is it just me or is nothing playing? (ive dled the divx codec)


posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 10:45 PM
Played fine for me, pretty good quality but nothing conclusive.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 10:46 PM
yeah.. i got it working.. doesnt look like much...

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 01:04 AM
Please let me know if you are having trouble viewing the video due to the DivX.


posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 01:35 AM
Where can we get the full 1 hour video. Please don't tell me we have to buy it.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 01:36 AM
There is also a XviD codec that works with DivX here.

My question is how long was this motionless for? Did the light move up, down, side to side? It looks like it could be landing lights, but the prismatic effect makes me think it could be something else. Kind of hard to tell, it looks like it was recorded on a high8 camcorder.

We need to get johnlear over here to see his opinion.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 01:46 AM
Hello d1k,

Nooo... you don't have to buy it.

This was my first attempt at posting video. lcan was very kind in hosting this small clip and mentioned that I could make the video longer if people wanted to see more of it.

The longer version actually shows it moving across the ridgeline. So that ruled out stars and planets.

We'll work on putting up more video for everyone to see.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 02:11 AM
Hello Seth 76,

It was filmed with High-8 with a 64 Digital zoom. And back in 1992, that was state-of the-art in consumer electronics. The craft appeared above Area 51 over the mountain range and hovered for approximately 1 minute. It then began to move from left to right as you face the mountains. It did this pattern twice. Once on Wednesday at dusk and again at dawn on Thursday. The footage that you see is the Thursday dawn clip. I do not think it is a landing light as it brightly moves from left to right across the horizon. I will have to post more footage for you to see the actual movement.

I mentioned the footage to John Lear and he said he would take a look at it. Like what he saw in 1989, this object was pulsating with light as well.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 02:49 AM

An interesting side note, after we returned home the next morning we were paid a little visit by the Men in Black.

Hi Jarhead....can you give some more detail about your visitors please. Freakazoid MIBs or Airforce fellas?

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 11:54 AM
yeah, I would like to hear more about your MIB visit. What did they do?

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 12:10 PM
has the vid been taken down? I cant download it

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by enrage
has the vid been taken down? I cant download it

AVI was not designed to be a streaming container, so if you attempt to open the footage directly from the link, you'll be waiting for it to download into your cache before you can view it. This could be your problem.

Try saving the clip to your harddisk and then opening.

Jarhead, tell us more about your MIB visit

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 07:41 PM
My Wife and I had just arrived home from Area 51. We went in the house to call a friend who wanted to go with us but couldn't. We were in our bedroom during the phone call. Suddenly we heard a "whomp, whomp, whomp" sound and the house started to shake and the windows were rattling. We thought we were having an earthquake. We opened up our mini-blinds to look out our window. We saw a black, unmarked Huey helicopter hovering right above the trees facing our house. My friend on the phone said "What the hell is that?" because he could hear the sound. I told him "I have to go!" and quickly hung up the phone. My wife and I ran out of the house towards the trees but it was gone. No sights, no sounds of it.

In my opinion, these are MIB but I can't prove it. I would love to hear everyone's insights on these black helicopters. From my military experience, it is not possible for a Huey to sneak up on you. You can hear one approaching for miles away as well as leaving. Does anyone know about any advanced technology they may have on these heli's?

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 08:13 PM
Jarhead, from what I see, it looks like they were testing some sort of avdanced new craft made from technology from the alien saucer that crashed at Roswell. Thats what they do out there: study the saucer, and garner whatever tech they can from it, and use it on thier little tech toys. Thats what it looks like in my opinion.

As for the MIB......I was also in the military. Our site was right next to the Cav airfield. I have never seen "stealth" helicopters, Those Hueys are friggin LOUD. Could hear em before you even see them.

However, that doesnt mean the military does not posses secretly silet stealth hueys that are unknown to the public. They probably came near you to check you out, see where you live, so they can make sure you didnt get anything damning or telling. Maybe they didnt look good enough?

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Jarhead
Does anyone know about any advanced technology they may have on these heli's?

Active Noise Control

Some of our notable work in this area includes:

* Development of MR_NMAP model for predicting noise levels on military training routes (MTRs), in military operating areas (MOAs) and bombing ranges.
* Development of the Rotorcraft Noise Model (RNM) for NASA and for use by all three DoD services.
* Development, update, and refinement of DoD's NOISEMAP program.
* Development of numerous sonic boom models that have become DoD standards for predicting noise level for sonic booms of various forms.

Installed soon in a black ops helicopter and a Lexus near you!

[edit on 17-9-2004 by Seth76]


posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:38 PM
Jarhead, how big is the complete video? I might be able to host it for you.

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by d1k
Jarhead, how big is the complete video? I might be able to host it for you.

I think everyone probably wants to get the best video possible. If this video is an hour long it�s probably going to be close to 400 MB depending on how you compress it. You could re-size and compress it with window media or something, but the quality is going to suffer severely. I�m sorry to say d1k that your �unlimited� server space might not be as unlimited as you're thinking. I�ve seen someone say this 1000 times before and watch there space either get put on a back server with 5kbps upload limmit or shut down entirely, just my two cents. You�re talking about hosting at the least several TB of bandwidth with the people interested.

Jarhead, If you own the video this shouldn�t be a problem, although you might want to re-read any copy write agreement that you had with the studio that made Unsolved Mysteries just to make sure it�s ok for you to dispense it publicly. An idea for hosting this video might be to setup a bit torrent? I don�t know how well this would go over with the moderators, I�m pretty sure that they would want the tracker to be �clean.� That is the tracker would have to have only content that is legal under copy write law. Personally I think it�s a good idea to distribute some of the larger files as long as the copy write rules are upheld, otherwise ATS could get into really big trouble. Everyone would have to contribute to even get the files.

BTW, there already is a website dedicated to legal bit torrents, so we might not have to go through the mess of setting up a tracker.

[edit on 18-9-2004 by Seth76]

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 04:46 PM
The video clip is very interesting to me, if indeed it was taken of an airborne object within the Area 51 perimeter. The length of time it was active and the reported behavior would automatically rule out the possibility of a flare. Indeed it is an Unidentified Flying Object based on the evidence that we have been unable to identify it. However, this does not mean that the object is extraterrestrial in origin. Yet, we still can't rule out that possibility.

I would love to hear everyone's insights on these black helicopters. From my military experience, it is not possible for a Huey to sneak up on you. You can hear one approaching for miles away as well as leaving. Does anyone know about any advanced technology they may have on these heli's?

Are you aware of the "Nevada Test Site" sign along the highway out there? Directly behind the fence is a silver trailer (I believe this long road is called 'Mercury Rd'). If the security procedures are still the same as they were back in 1996, turn around in that area (behind the fenceline) and you'll quickly find 3 black Apache choppers surrounding your car as you move down the highway. They come out of nowhere, and make no sound until they are right on top of you. I know this to be true because I experienced it myself. It was terrifying, and taught us a valuable lesson.


[edit on 18-9-2004 by MKULTRA]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 12:02 AM
Thanks for the interest in seeing more of the video. I'm going to review the original footage and see how long the best sequence is. At the very least I'd like to show the craft moving along the ridgeline.

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