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ATS Chat dosn't work for me, Why?

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posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 08:48 PM
Okay I click on it and a very small window opens and I see an icon of a coffe cup (Java?) and then after that it makes that clicking noise and then I see a RED X, How do I solve this problem? Please help, Thanks.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 08:54 PM
You're the Science Officer. Run a diagnostic or something. Pffft.

No, I don't know. That window you got is part of it. The emoticons, but you should also get a "connect" button in a new window (or I did). Maybe you haven't downloaded JAVA lately? The latest? That may be it.

Check the "New Chat Introduced" thread from Skeptic. He may list necessary programs. Let us know if you can't resolve it.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 09:02 PM
Skeptic's annoucement and lots of discussion on the Java Applet here:

Let us know if you still have problemos.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 09:17 PM
I updated my java, But the chat still dosn't work and i still get the little X

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 09:38 PM
I've done everything thats been asked in the other thread from skeptic, But I still get the little annoying x in the small window. Is it because of Internet Explorer? Do I have to do some thing in order to run it ?

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by SpockO_o
I've done everything thats been asked in the other thread from skeptic, But I still get the little annoying x in the small window. Is it because of Internet Explorer? Do I have to do some thing in order to run it ?

I'm IE too, so let me see if I can get in and what I get. BRB.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 09:47 PM
Okay SpockO_o took me a while with dial up and all, but I got the little window you're talking about and it seemed to take forever...but I left it alone and eventually the Chat applet opened in a new window on it's own.

And I'm IE too and all that. Any chance your request is timing out via slow connection or something? I'm really just guessing as I'm obviously a huge computer feeb myself here, but I can eventually get in.

Just one other person in there now BTW.

[edit on 16-9-2004 by RANT]

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 10:29 PM
So the little x is normal?

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by SpockO_o
So the little x is normal?

Well it doesn't sound like it, but then my little temp window is just blank. If I hover the mouse over it a timer rotates, so it's thinking.

Then the Applet opens eventually.

I don't think you're getting to the part where the window with the X in it finds/loads the applet.

So the window sounds right, but it sounds like the X means something's missing. It's got to be in something on your end though I think. But I know you did everything, so I don't understand the compatibility problemo?

Sorry, I'm stumped. Other mods and computer people read these questions though, so maybe we'll still get you some insight.


posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 11:10 PM
I don't think this is going to work at all for me, Its been 15 minutes and the little x still hasn't dissappered

Thanks for the help though Rant

[edit on 07/13/2004 by SpockO_o]

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by SpockO_o
I don't think this is going to work at all for me, Its been 15 minutes and the little x still hasn't dissappered

Yeah, it's not loading for you. We still need advice ova here. Sorry, I couldn't help.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 11:13 PM
U2u dreamlandmafia, he's a freaking wizard where comp. are concerned. I'm sure he'll help. Actually, will move this to Comp. Help.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 01:54 PM
I had this problem on my laptop when I had XP Pro installed. I think you may have said already that you have the new Java installed.

Did you install THIS...?

Java 1.4.2_05 Online Installation for Windows (356kb) To install this, you must stay online during entire installation. (The offline installation is a hefty 50MB)

If you have Linux, and use RPMs, use THIS FILE.... If you dont like RPMs, follow THIS LINK.

That's the only problem I can see. Unless you are using Windows' JVM (Java Virtual Machine)... I'd prefer the Sun one...

If you continue to have problems... I'll keep trying to help.


posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 06:21 PM
I downloaded and fully installed that link you gave me but its still not working, I keep getting that damn little x in the damn little window.

I have a HP a465c Computer With Windows XP Home Edition.

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 01:29 AM
You may not have Java enabled, go to Tools>Options>Advanced, and scroll down to look for Java stuff, enable the 'Use Java 2 vx.x.x_x' bit.

Otherwise it could be your firewall or something blocking java apps.

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 03:03 AM
I will try that right away Kano *its me spock*


posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 11:38 AM
At least it works in Opera with JRE 1.4.
After window opens you have to just wait little. (15-20 seconds when first starting JRE)

And you need to download just Java Runtime Environment installation pack, not full Software Development Kit.
Off-line installation packet is under 15 MBs.

posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Kano
You may not have Java enabled, go to Tools>Options>Advanced, and scroll down to look for Java stuff, enable the 'Use Java 2 vx.x.x_x' bit.

Otherwise it could be your firewall or something blocking java apps.

It was already enabled and I don't have a firewall anymore.

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