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Parenting 101: how to instill respect for others.

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posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by Annee

Why would you want your kid to be afraid of you?

Fear isn't respect
Fear isn't love

Why be a Joe Stalin like parent?

Because some times they need a wake up call.

Do you have kids?

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Annee


We've got to quit agreeing like this.

We'll put some ATSers into catatonic shock! LOL.

I hope it scared her into some maturity, too. I wouldn't bet on it but it had to at least communicate that she'd REALLLLLLLLY crossed a line with Daddy.

And given that Daddy is the handy wallet . . . that she may just have stepped in it big time. My guess is that she's living with Daddy partly because Daddy has a bigger income and tends to cater to her more than other options.

That may be one of Daddy's flaws. Buying relationship or respect JUST DOES NOT WORK.

IT's either heart to heart understanding, dialogue; emotional connectedness and truly listening to and hearing one another--or it's not.

There is no substitute, imho.

Folks who have a hair dialing finger for Child Protective Services can readily leave me feeling ill. Some of them need to get a life and grow up themselves.

I'm all for calling CPS in when it's TRULY WARRANTED.

Busybodies and hyper sensibilities does NOT = TRULY WARRANTED.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

You're talking a load of bull if you don't mind my saying so.

My Son in law is a Doctor and my daughter is a Nurse - they take into account every consideration and modern thought on raising their children well - they give them the most uppermost respect in every manner and love them to pieces and you know what! -----

Their son is exactly like this child in the video and needs the exact same treatment.

I have 9 Grandchildren and have watched them being raised in different ways and believe me your modern # DOES NOT WORK!

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke

Fear isn't respect
Fear isn't love

Why be a Joe Stalin like parent?

Because I'm now on my 3rd generation - - and I learned a lot along the way.

edit on 11-2-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Annee
I love this video.

I think every generation has its issues. My husband says the biggest problem today is elimination of the Front Porch.

I don't know about the biggest problem but it sure is a huge factor, imho. CONGRATS ON HUBBY.

I say it is the isolationism of the single family unit. It used to be generations of families lived together - - not only could you not get away with anything 'cuz someone was always in your business - - but you had to learn to share - - to accept/learn everyone's individual quirks - - and really work at making a cohesive family unit.

Absolutely another huge factor. AT its healthiest--hard to beat for a list of needs and reasons. At its worst, really stinks and is super dysfunctional.

However, the globalists have been methodically shredding the family for more than 100 years. Next, they want to detach childrearing from parents and tell which parents can be parents according to their 'race improving' DNA formulas.

God have mercy on us all. What hideousness. What idiocies from hell.

Parenting today really does require a 24 hands on approach - - because of access to everything.

I think it is likely more so nowadays. However, 50 years ago . . . parents knew where their kids were and what they were doing or things got fixed to where they did. Nowadays, parents may know technically where a kid's body is . . . but they seem to know nothing about what's going on in the kid's head and heart. Horrific. And too many parents don't even know where the kid's body is located too many hours of the day.

The pre-teen in our family does have a laptop. But it sits on a table in the living room facing out. If she even dared to do a parental block - - it would be gone for anything other then school work. And she knows her mom can monitor it from her phone. We don't play games.

CONGRATS. Sounds like wisdom, to me.

You may need to reform. I'm agreeing with far too many of your posts, toots. LOL.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by quedup

Well put.

There were some serious reasons that

REBELLIOUS CHILDREN were to be stoned to death in the Old Testament.

Rebellion is deadly. and the long it's allowed to flower, the more deadly it gets.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Annee

A child being upset with how the parent is treating them (which is what the video was shot over) is in no need of a wake up call. The child is upset with the dad for a reason, if he cannot face that fact then he shouldn't have became a parent. You can't force your kids to never talk or think bad about you. In fact if you were a good parent who they respected, they would have no reason to bad mouth you. Unless you had a extreme rebel in your hands. But even then you can't force a 15 year old what to think or say.

Again, respect is earned. You can't force a child to respect you.

Unless your kid is exhibiting extremely high risk behavior then there is no reason to want you kid to fear you. That is just you having a power trip. Like some #ty dog owners who enjoy seeing their dog flinch if they raise their hand at them.
edit on 11-2-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
Folks who have a hair dialing finger for Child Protective Services can readily leave me feeling ill. Some of them need to get a life and grow up themselves.

Ugh! We just went through a CPS experience because of an inexperienced counselor.

There was physical contact (not sexual) by the father - - with no intent to cause harm.

The child is a "drama queen". We don't know for sure if the father (who does love his daughter) was physically too aggressive - - - or the child was dramatizing the experience.

Instead of pursuing it further - - the counselor immediately reported the dad as an abuser - - because of physical contact.

We went through weeks of interviews by case workers and police. Really upset the child and could have caused more harm.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by BO XIAN
Folks who have a hair dialing finger for Child Protective Services can readily leave me feeling ill. Some of them need to get a life and grow up themselves.

Ugh! We just went through a CPS experience because of an inexperienced counselor.

There was physical contact (not sexual) by the father - - with no intent to cause harm.

The child is a "drama queen". We don't know for sure if the father (who does love his daughter) was physically too aggressive - - - or the child was dramatizing the experience.

Instead of pursuing it further - - the counselor immediately reported the dad as an abuser - - because of physical contact.

We went through weeks of interviews by case workers and police. Really upset the child and could have caused more harm.

Sounds to me CPS,running amok......

Same problem I had when I was going through the custody battle with my children.

I kid says something,that perks a social workers interest,and your life turned upside down,till proven not guilty.

Children know they can place a call to CPS,or the Police. What they don't understand,is if its false,or just anger at getting back at a parent,the damage done could be intense.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:40 PM
These modern methods of raising kids are no different to the modern methods of how to handle criminals - the criminals are getting more resources and consideration spent on them than the victims and this is where it all goes wrong.

All about Consequences - you don't learn that - you don't learn anything - good actions create good consequences and bad ones create bad.

All what used to be common sense until the so called experts jumped in on the act and thought they knew better.

It's like saying qualifications are better than experience - not hard to work out really.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
However, the globalists have been methodically shredding the family for more than 100 years. Next, they want to detach childrearing from parents and tell which parents can be parents according to their 'race improving' DNA formulas.

OK - - we part ways here. I am a globalist - - not the conspiracy kind - - but a realistic natural progression kind.

No one is forcing anyone into single family units - - excluding other family members. That is by choice.

I do not support parents who hold on to severe ideologies that restrict their child from being a part of the generation that child will be a part of.
edit on 11-2-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by Annee


A majority of CPS workers and busybodies championing their work beyond reason . . .

seem to have NO CLUE that even in dreadful sexual abuse cases, if it's not tooo far over the line--the people dealing with it can end up causing more damage to the child than the original abuse did.

And I'm 100% for slapping down all manner of true child abuse fairly hard.

But people need some horse sense. Traumatizing a child to the nth degree for a truly minor thing is irrational and hurts the child more than achieves any good.

I realize some situations are complicated. But goodness. why do so many people need to leave their brains behind when dealing with such issues. The only thing I can figure is they have a TON of unworked through abuse issues themselves . . . at least imagined abuse . . . maybe more strong willed conflicts with parents vs actual abuse . . . so they forever are itching for chances to take vengeance on parent figures.


Grow up rolks. Work it through. Let it go. Get a life. LOL.

Enjoy the dialogues Dear Heart but please keep it Top Secret. We have our ATS reputations to protect, after all.


posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1
Sounds to me CPS,running amok......

Same problem I had when I was going through the custody battle with my children.

Actually CPS was great.

It just shouldn't have been reported with so little information.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Annee

The oligarchy has deliberately undermined the nuclear and extended family every way they can for at least 100 years and increasingly.

Their goal truly is to remove the children from parents and raise the children in groups in institutions modling the children to be the fitting robotic serfs and slaves of the oligarchy according to their DNA, skills, attributes etc. . . . gears and cogs created to be gears and cogs and nothing more--certainly no aspirations etc. as that would be messy and challenge the oligarchy's authority.

THX 1138 here we come.

I'm not kidding. This is in their own words in their own documents.

Check out, for example,

Charlotte Iserbyt on Youtube.

Here's a list of her stuff: 9l3-2l2l0

and her stuff on Education here: 9l3-2l2l0

If you think that the satanic globalist oligarchy that truly will end up REQUIRING everyone to literally worship satan as God

is NOT on it's way at an increasing pace . . . then you are not well informed on the topic.

Charlotte is correct. Their plan is to create compliant cogs in their grand machine and remove individualism from society.

That is NOT progress.

And, in terms of this thread, it is


It is teaching fear of tyrannical gestapo authority--literally.

It is not teaching respect of self.
It is not teaching proper and fitting respect of proper authority.
It is not teaching proper respect of eternal priority values.
It is not teaching proper respect of family or tribe--they want to do away with individualism; the family; the tribe and even the nation.

It is hideous start to finish, ground up.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
The oligarchy has deliberately undermined the nuclear and extended family every way they can for at least 100 years and increasingly.

Oh - gonna have to ask you to stay on topic.
edit on 11-2-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by sonnny1
Sounds to me CPS,running amok......

Same problem I had when I was going through the custody battle with my children.

Actually CPS was great.

It just shouldn't have been reported with so little information.

I hear you. Mine was an ex instilling things into the children's heads.

Needless to say,after a lengthy process,I was cleared of all wrongdoing.

My children learned a lesson also. Never lie,or you may not see your dad for a while.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Annee

Welllllll, the end of that post related it all to the topic.

I'm saying that the OP about teaching kids respect is moot under the NWO.

There is no parental teaching the kids respect or anything else.

And, it seems to me that part of a parent's task in teaching kids respect at this point in our declining history is to teach them respect for REALITY.

Otherwise, reality is going to hit them hard with bigger than a 4 X 4 timber.

Gals like this father's daughter will be shredded in a flash by the oligarchy's machine because she can only see her self-centered selfishnes and not much further--and not even that in a self-preservation way.

If she continues to act out as demonstrated in the OP, the oligarchy will label her a rebellious useless eater and exterminate her in a flash when things get up and running good.

I take this issue of teaching respect for PROPER AND FITTING AUTHORITY seriously--as well as respect for


She has little clue how to survive--even how to pay good attention. She's begging to be exterminated early.

On those scores, it doesn't seem like Daddy's done a great job.

Or, she may jump ship--think she can get more goodies from the NWO new kids on the block--the new authorities and turn on her parents. Bad move. She would not realize it until she was so far down the rabbit hole there was no retrieving her. Sad potential.

This is a massive problem fixing to get much worse in millions of homes.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
Welllllll, the end of that post related it all to the topic.

I'm saying that the OP about teaching kids respect is moot under the NWO

I am not going to go there.

Kids are real. Parenting is real.

You wanna talk parenting? Fine.

Mixing it with Illuminating paranoia - - - - not for me in this thread. Perhaps you should start another thread about parenting in the shadow of the Illuminati.
edit on 11-2-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Annee


Will stick to your parameters and definitions there of . . . hopefully . . . maybe . . . LOL.

How would you have suggested the Dad handle the situation?

Vs shooting the computer.

Interesting that Mom was gung ho for it.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 11:28 PM
A private family matter should NEVER be taken outside the family. My duty as a parent, as far as I am concerned, is to guide and correct my children; not to humiliate them in public with an issue that is nobody's business but the family. He has risked creating a huge wall of resentment between him and his daughter. He destroyed his own property just to get back at his daughter, not to mention the huge hypocrisy on his part; he could have put the laptop up for sale.

I'm all for parents correcting their children, but not this way.
edit on 11-2-2012 by Saytan75 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-2-2012 by Saytan75 because: (no reason given)

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