Change comes with us. Its us as in we who can make change happen. This isnt about divisions and can be easily solved by unity. There has been
divisions and boundaries in place for years that have only ever benefited those who were and are set to profit.
Think of who really benefits here in regard to these:-
Divisions in Religions?
Divisions due to colour?
Divisions caused by language? Are we lost in translation?
Divisions in Class/social status?
Divisions through power? By power i am not solely talking who has the best weapons or more devastating weapons here. I am talking money and this is
where dots are connected,....Its what the wars are about. Money. You see money in some peoples eyes really does make the world go around. Because we
allow it, and we are addicted to it. I say addicted because what other word would sum up whats happening here.
Money is our addiction I will prove it.
I say that money is our addiction and i have proof. I use the word addiction because we have allowed ourselves to put money up there and we worship
We put a price on Aid. Yes, a price on aid, a cost. The gift of Aid to ensure the safety of, the preservation of a fellow man, woman, child or animal.
verb (used with object) 1. to provide support for or relief to; help: to aid the homeless victims of the fire.
2. to promote the progress or accomplishment of; facilitate. verb (used without object)
3. to give help or assistance.
I have to ask:-
Why is Aid determined in size using monetary values rather than weight?
You dont ask for £2 of cheese, you'd ask for 2lb of cheese?
You hear on the tv about the donations all determined by monetary value and never weight, or mass.
Why are Haitians still living in tents to this day following the earthquake? Because there are some individuals who put profit before welfare. In this
day and age they put a pricetag before everything.
Aid shouldnt be about only donating aid because by doing so you profit in any way shape or form. FFS we are currently in a time where there are people
dying unnecessarily on the same planet.
Dying because of famine, which could be ended if price-tags were removed.
Poverty, because some have everything and others have nothing. How can one nation struggle with an obesity problem yet another cant feed themselves
and are dying because of starvation? Yet the solution would be for me to organize a relief effort and i swear would work. Cutting out the middleman.
Organize a relief effort to support them for a short period of time, In the meantime give them the tools that they need to support themselves. Give
them the means, and the tools, give them the knowledge. Share the knowledge that is causing division. Its our duty to each other. Then by doing this
which can indeed be achieved with technology we have today instantly, we effectively save lives.
The only thing stopping us is greed. Remember
The Golden Rule
There is your proof that we are addicted. Because we put cost before each other.